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The Strangest Secret
The Strangest Secret is a powerful message from the "Dean of Personal Development" Earl Nightingale. Produced in 1956, this LP record sold over a million copies, making it the first spoken-word recording to achieve Gold Record status.
Today, its remains one of the most powerful and influential messages ever recorded. It continues to transform the lives of everyone who hears and heeds its advice.
"For all of us, there are turning points in our lives. One of mine was the first time I heard The Strangest Secret in 1964. It was then, and still is, the most powerful and thought provoking message I've ever heard." - Mac Anderson, Founder Simple Truths and Successories
Who are the people that achieve real success in life?
What are the six simple words that changed countless lives?
Where does success really come from?
When does transformational change really happen?
Why has The Strangest Secret changed millions of people?
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