Secrets of Successful Self-Employment CD Version

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Secrets of Successful Self-Employment CD Version

Author: Paul and Sarah Edwards


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6 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD

Moving from Paycheck Thinking to Profit Thinking!
If you’re ready for a change, this program will challenge you to make powerful mental shifts that will change your thinking from someone who depends on a regular paycheck to someone who lives and thrives off profits. You’ll be prepared for the success of entrepreneurship as you learn concrete tips, practical examples, and sound advice for making it alone.

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Moving from Paycheck Thinking to Profit Thinking!

Learn the Secret of Profit Thinking!

If you’re self-employed — or want to be — who’ll keep you motivated? Who helps you stay focused? Who gives you the boost you need?

Chances are — it’s you!

Everyone who sets out on his or her own feels the isolation of taking the “road less traveled.” Even though that road is taking you toward your dreams, it can feel long and bumpy en route, as many of those who have succeeded will tell you. That’s why Secrets of Successful Self-Employment was created. Consider it the collective voice of thousands of people just like you who have left the safe, salaried job to venture into the unfamiliar but exhilarating world of being their own boss.

Clearly capital and experience are not the only necessities for running your own business. In this insightful program, Paul and Sarah Edwards will challenge you to change the way you view yourself, your business, and your life — to make powerful mental shifts that will change your thinking from someone who depends on a regular paycheck to someone who lives and thrives off profits. They’ll prepare you for the success and the inevitable setbacks of entrepreneurship, while giving you concrete tips, practical examples, and sound advice for making it alone.

You’ll also learn how to:
  • Run your business based on what type of entrepreneur you are
  • Overcome financial difficulties and other obstacles
  • Mentally prepare yourself for success
  • Keep your energy up and perform in the midst of crisis
  • Position yourself to recognize and seize opportunities
  • Use modern technology to complete many jobs more efficiently
  • Master your emotions, making them productive instead of having them working against you
  • Enhance your problem-solving and creative-thinking skills
  • Be a good boss to yourself

To succeed on your own, it is essential that you adopt a self-reliant mindset and take charge of your time and life. This program can show you, step by step, how to achieve these advantages and many others. Success in your own business is easier than ever before, especially when you know the Secrets of Successful Self-Employment.

Additional Information

NC Product ID 13380CD
UPC 081754133800
Contents 6 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD
Format CDs
