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  1. The Ultimate Zig Ziglar Library

    The Ultimate Zig Ziglar Library

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    1 Regular Price: $359.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    Special introduction by Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar Corp.
    The only real limits on what you can do or be are the limits you accept in your own mind. Henry Ford said, "If you believe you can do a thing or you believe you cannot, in either case, you are probably right." You have within you, right now, all the talents and abilities you could ever want or need to achieve any goal you can set for yourself. Why not master them so you can experience all the abundance you deserve? Learn More
  2. Lead the Field

    Lead the Field

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Earl Nightingale

    If the grass is greener on the other side...’s probably getting better care. Success as a human being is not a matter of luck or circumstance. It’s not a matter of fate or the breaks you get or who you know. Success is a matter of sticking to a set of common sense principles anyone can master. Lead the Field has created more millionaires and launched more careers than any other audio program. Learn More
  3. The Psychology of Selling

    The Psychology of Selling

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    The Art of Closing Sales
    For salespeople on commission, the financial sky’s the limit! All it takes to reach the stratosphere of sales success is desire, commitment, and specialized knowledge. You provide the first two — let Brian Tracy supply the rest. The “graduate level” sales training program, The Psychology of Selling reveals closing techniques that could triple your commission. Learn More
  4. The Ultimate Brian Tracy Library

    The Ultimate Brian Tracy Library

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Personal Development for This Generation
    Get ready for one of the most exciting audio learning journeys of your life. In this all-encompassing audio library, hear Brian’s thoughts on nearly every important personal development topic imaginable—from setting goals, to creative thinking, to succeeding in your career, to developing highly satisfying personal and professional relationships. Here, in this one program, you have all you need to make that same decision Brian did when he was a young man, and become successful in any area of your life. Understand the "first principle of success" and realize your enormous human potential to how to how to inspire and lead others to unlock that incredible potential inside themselves. Leadership is one of the most important factors in the success of a family, a team, a company, a church, or indeed…..a nation. Learn Brian’s unique philosophy of time mastery, and many of the ideas he uses to achieve such incredible productivity. Brian not only reads voraciously and deeply on a variety of topics, and has traveled widely to many different cultures to gain a unique life perspective; he truly thinks through the key issues of life—and provides a unique perspective on each.

    CD Version Coming Soon  

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  5. The Silva Method Mastery Course

    The Silva Method Mastery Course

    1 Regular Price: $399.95

    Special Price $49.95

    by Robert B. Stone, Laura Silva and Kain Samiya

    The Silva Method teaches you the lifelong mind tools to easily solve business and relationship problems, increase your productivity, reach new goals, improve your health, and lead a happier, more fulfilling life! The Silva Method Mastery Course teaches you to tune into a brain-wave frequency that helps keep the immune system strong and that encourages creativity, relieves stress and measurably improves human performance in most situations. Learn More
  6. Accelerated Learning Techniques

    Accelerated Learning Techniques

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy and Colin Rose

    The Express Track to Super Intelligence
    Science has suggested that the human mind has an almost infinite potential for learning and processing information. The problem has always been how to access this incredible power. By harnessing the amazing mental powers within you, now you can accomplish any goal, overcome any obstacles and solve any problem. Learn More
  7. The Power of Ambition

    The Power of Ambition

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Jim Rohn

    Unleash the Conquering Drive within You!
    Ambition can be a powerful force for good in our lives. But only if it is legitimate. Sometimes misinterpreted and often misunderstood, ambition — true ambition — is not a selfish quality. It is not another word for ruthless; it is not something to be shunned or subdued. Legitimate ambition is an honorable trait. At its very best, our ambition serves us and other people. In fact, pursuing your ambition is one of the most selfless things you can do. Enjoy the pursuit of your dreams! Learn More
  8. The Ultimate Goals Program

    The Ultimate Goals Program

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    How to Get Everything You Want- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
    You can’t hit a target that you can’t see. The starting point of great success is when you sit down and decide exactly what you really want, in every area of your life. This program will show you how to do this, better and faster than you ever dreamed possible. Learn how to step on the accelerator of your own life. In this fast-moving, practical, and informative program, success guru Brian Tracy shares with you the results of 30 years of research and experience in setting and achieving goals. Learn More
  9. The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library

    The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library

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    1 Regular Price: $369.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Jim Rohn

    Get Ready to Listen to An Unforgettable Collection of Audio Wisdom!
    A collection of priceless wisdom preserved in sound by one of the greatest personal development speakers and philosophers in history. In this unforgettable collection of audio wisdom, you’ll hear selections from some of his bestselling audio programs, the most dynamic live seminars and some of the most compelling and even most reflective studio recordings. Whether the messages are live or in studio, quiet and reflective, or passionate and compelling, when you are through listening to this classic collection, you’ll understand why legendary speaker and co-founder of Nightingale-Conant, Earl Nightingale, called Jim Rohn, “the most powerful, results-oriented leader and speaker of our time.” Learn More
  10. How to Master Your Time

    How to Master Your Time

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    The more time you make for yourself, the more free time you’ll have. Unlike many programs on time management, this program has no charts, no forms, no daily schedules. Brian Tracy's His purpose in this program is to teach you the philosophy of time management, to help you internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make your every moment more efficient. Learn More
  11. Wordmaster


    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Denis Waitley

    Wordmaster uses the science of word order, suggestopedic music, and male/female voices to insure YOU get the most in vocabulary building in the least time with minimum effort. Each session is introduced by Denis Waitley – giving you his unique perspective, making your learning process enjoyable. Every time you express yourself more clearly, more concisely, more forcefully, more convincingly, more powerfully – you rise above your competition. Learn More
  12. Transformation MP3 Version

    Transformation MP3 Version

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    You'll See It When YOU BELIEVE IT!
    Wayne Dyer lives the philosophy he espouses in this audio program. It is an approach to life advocated by many others, including the late Albert Einstein. Let Dr. Wayne Dyer help free you from this self-imposed prison, as he has helped thousands of other people over the years.

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  13. The Ultimate David Hawkins Library

    The Ultimate David Hawkins Library

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    1 Regular Price: $359.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Dr. David Hawkins

    A collection of profound ideas from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our generation
    Praised by Mother Teresa and Dr. Wayne Dyer for his breakthrough research and innovative teachings on the human mind, Dr. David Hawkins takes spiritual practice to an entirely new level. Nothing like this has ever been offered before. Learn More
  14. The Luck Factor

    The Luck Factor

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    How to Take the Chance Out of Becoming a Success
    To some people, success is based on luck, a random whim of fate, a chance roll of the dice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Success, to a great extent, can be influenced by luck, but this is not to say that luck is an accident. Success and happiness are not accidents. By mastering the factors that influence luck, you can increase the probability that you will be in the right place at the right time to accomplish the things that are most important to you. You’ll be more successful than ever before — and people will call you lucky. Learn More
  15. The Day That Turns Your Life Around

    The Day That Turns Your Life Around

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Jim Rohn

    Remarkable Success Ideas That Can Change Your Life in an Instant
    Some people waste years, decades, even their entire lives waiting for that extraordinary lightning bolt that will change everything for them. But those whose lives really do change in dramatic ways can almost always trace the change back to something much simpler. One subtle, unsuspecting moment. One episode, one realization, one action. One seemingly insignificant step that put them on a completely different path... and ultimately led them to their dreams. There's no reason for you to live with lack, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction - no matter how great or small. With the tools and information to achieve any change you want to, you'll be astonished by how quickly and easily it happens. At any moment, you can choose to transform any circumstance in your life and discover the incredible difference one day can make! Learn More
  16. Action Strategies for Personal Achievement

    Action Strategies for Personal Achievement

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    1 Regular Price: $459.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of!
    Want to create a wealthy, financially free life for yourself and your family? Attain a fulfilling personal life and high career goals? If you answered yes, then this course is what you have waited for! Filled with actionable techniques you can implement immediately, this monumental work will show you how to be twice as successful as before, faster than you ever imagined. Learn More
  17. See You at the Top 25th Anniversary Edition

    See You at the Top 25th Anniversary Edition

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    Become a Winner Among Winners
    Recorded at one of Zig’s popular seminars, this outstanding audio program amuses, informs, inspires, delights, and motivates as only Zig Ziglar can. He speaks to you as if you were a guest in his living room. His philosophy is based on self-confidence, traditional values, and uplifting thinking. The homespun stories that are his trademark only add to your enrichment. Learn More
  18. Sell Your Way to the Top

    Sell Your Way to the Top

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    The Pied Piper of Selling
    The mere mention of his name opens doors— and hearts— in sales organizations throughout the world. He’s Zig Ziglar, and when it comes to selling, he’s done it all. And as a motivational speaker, he has sold salespeople on the importance of their careers and their contribution to society. Learn More
  19. The Discovery

    The Discovery

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Dr. David Hawkins

    Revealing the Presence of God in Your Life
    Stop pursuing enlightenment and discover the direct path to God today! Critical “insider” information that provides a simple clarity for “being” and “living” the reality of the mystic in your daily life. This program lifts a veil in your consciousness to reveal a world of magical divine realities that are happening to you every day of your life. By practicing Dr. Hawkins’ ideas, you won’t merely “know about” spiritual realities by reading the works of great spiritual mystics, you will “know” that such spiritual realities exist. Learn More
  20. The Born to Win Seminar

    The Born to Win Seminar

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    1 Regular Price: $369.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    You Were Absolutely Born to Win! Zig Ziglar Proves It!
    Does there exist a set of instructions to live the perfect life? To maintain an overwhelming feeling of happiness, grow your career success, and enjoy an abundance of health and prosperity? To benefit from a sound marriage and raise responsible children… all while maintaining a healthy self-image? This compelling program virtually put you front-row center at one of Zig’s sold-out seminars. It’s going to be the most fun and exciting trip you’ll ever take. It’s filled with more promise of reward than King Solomon’s mines. This journey to the top, which you are going to be taking, is a tremendously exciting trip. Learn More
  21. The NEW Psychology of Achievement

    The NEW Psychology of Achievement

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Breakthrough Strategies for Success and Happiness in the 21st Century
    The Psychology of Achievement Classic became one of the most popular programs on personal success and achievement in the history of the world. However times have changed dramatically. Now for the 21st century, a whole new series of powerful ideas for thought and action that you can use to accomplish more in the weeks and months and years ahead than you might have ever dreamt of in your whole life. Today, the critical thing is competition. You must develop the skills to outthink and outsmart your competition. You must possess all the skills to compete effectively and become one among the people who are really determined to enjoy all the good things in life and desire to grow and be the best there is. Learn More
  22. The Direct Line

    The Direct Line

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Earl Nightingale

    Timeless Life Changing Ideas and Insights
    Known as the "Dean of Personal Development", Earl Nightingale broadcast his radio programs for more than three decades on over 1,000 radio stations in 12 countries around the world, making him one of the most listened-to broadcasters in history. An inductee into both the Radio Hall of Fame and the International Speakers Hall of Fame and a winner of the prestigious Golden Gavel Award, he dedicated his life to helping others achieve personal success, co-founding Nightingale-Conant, a world leader in personal development. Now, for the first time ever, Nightingale's audio program The Direct Line is being offered. This audiobook offers a practical guide designed to help you find real and lasting success in your career, relationships, and finances. The messages shared in it will help you begin the most exciting and rewarding journey on earth - your journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment. Combining his personal insight with wisdom from the greatest minds in history - from the ancient Greek philosophers to contemporary thought leaders - he provides original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living. Just as the success or failure of any business depends on its management, so the success or failure of a person depends on the way he or she manages himself or herself. The Direct Line will teach you how to take control of your life and find happiness and contentment from the journey of striving toward your goals and cultivating a meaningful existence.

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  23. The Ultimate Denis Waitley Library

    The Ultimate Denis Waitley Library

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Denis Waitley

    You Are A Winner
    How many times have you heard someone say: “That person is a winner” - when describing a colleague, co-worker, friend, family member, or a public personality - such as a businessperson, celebrity, or athlete? What do they mean by such a designation? And how can you acquire the qualities of a winner yourself? Learn about best ideas on self-esteem, learn how to develop this winning character trait in yourself and in the lives of your children. Listen and learn from classic audio segments on not just “how to be successful” but “how to be wise”. Hear some of the best ideas on becoming a goal-oriented individual, learn the keys on how to be the best communicator and have an impact on those who you want to communicate with, like your spouse, employees, and children. Figure out how to turn a crisis into an opportunity for growth, how a "Win has Perspective" and that winners never have the need for someone else to “light a fire” under them. Winners come from all different backgrounds, races, genders and creeds. A winner lives by the motto: “I’m going to do what I have to do as quick and as well as I can, so I can do what I want to do as long as I can”

    CD Version Coming Soon  

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  24. The Ultimate Wayne Dyer Library

    The Ultimate Wayne Dyer Library

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Dr. Wayne Dyer

    Ideas For You And Those You Love
    Nightingale-Conant proudly presents to you an incredible collection of Wayne Dyer's extraordinary work in one library. This program is composed of classic audio segments from more than 12 of Wayne's best-selling programs and consists of the many key and very best ideas that can take you to new personal and spiritual heights in your life. Learn the idea that you are in control of your thoughts; How to forgive; The way of peace, love and the present moment; How to stop worrying about what others think about you; How to take full responsibility for every aspect of your life; How to choose to grow from any mistake; The practice of meditation and silence...and so much more!!! Enjoy listening to his powerful message in this library and get ready to start your journey to a better emotional and spiritual life. Learn More
  25. Getting Rich in America

    Getting Rich in America

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Learn the strategies of America's wealthiest people! Brian Tracy has the ideas, methods and techniques that have brought success to thousands of achievers and money-rich people. And those same success systems will work for you! The only difference between them and the average wage earner is that they've been implementing the strategies that Brian discusses in Getting Rich In America. Each year 100,000 people become millionaires. Why not you? Learn More
  26. How to Build Your Child's Self-Esteem

    How to Build Your Child's Self-Esteem

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

    Special Price $29.95

    In How to Build Your Child's Self-Esteem, Denis Waitley clearly describes the many telltale signs of low self-esteem so you'll more quickly know when children are depressed or overly critical of themselves. You'll not only recognize the warning signs, but also know exactly how to counteract the situation. Learn More
  27. In The World, But Not Of It

    In The World, But Not Of It

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Dr. David Hawkins

    Living Spiritually in the Modern World
    In In The World, But Not Of It, spiritual trailblazer Dr. David Hawkins provides example after example of practical things you can do in a variety of everyday situations to reach advanced states of consciousness. You’ll experience great joy as you practice being in the world, but not of it. Learn More
  28. Million Dollar Habits

    Million Dollar Habits

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Learn the habits of multimillionaires! Learn how to double and triple your income with the 12 Power Strategies contained in Brian Tracy’s Million Dollar Habits. This program is a new and powerful system that will reveal the secrets and techniques to double and triple your income and live the life you deserve. Learn More
  29. The New Courtship After Marriage

    The New Courtship After Marriage

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    Romance Can Last a Lifetime
    Zig Ziglar recognizes the importance of building a relationship that can stand the test of time and the pressures from society to become a strong, firm foundation for the entire family. In The New Courtship After Marriage, Zig teaches couples how a warm, loving, respectful commitment can stay and even grow stronger throughout the years. The New Courtship After Marriage will show you that you can have it all. With a little work and a lot of love, you will discover or rediscover your best friend - your spouse. You'll find that you can have love that will last a lifetime. Learn More
  30. The New Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World

    The New Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    Learn to Face All of Today's Parental Challenges
    Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World, Zig shows you that today's parenting challenges really aren't so different from the challenges of the past. Zig will give you tips on how to establish good communication with your children. Raising positive children in our sometimes overwhelmingly negative world can be done - but it's not always easy. Let Zig show you that if you're committed to your children for the long haul, the results will be the most loving relationships you will ever be blessed with. Learn More
  31. Secrets of the Universe

    Secrets of the Universe

    1 Regular Price: $169.95

    Special Price $29.95

    Dr. Wayne Dyer maintains that thought is the highest form of energy in the universe, and in Secrets of the Universe he shows you how to use that energy to bring about a life that is truly magnificent. In his humorous, warm, and enlightening way, Dr. Dyer teaches you that you begin by accepting responsibility for who you are and what you are today. With this powerful realization as the foundation, you then begin to focus on getting into and maintaining harmony with the universe. Learn More
  32. Seeds of Greatness:

    Seeds of Greatness:

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    In Seeds of Greatness, Denis Waitley shows you how to nurture the greatness within you and gives you a system that allows you to do in months what many psychologists take years to accomplish. Denis outlines what he believes to be 10 attributes, or seeds, that can lead to a fulfilling life. Learn More
  33. The Seven Sacred Truths

    The Seven Sacred Truths

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    To gain wisdom, we must gain an understanding of our own minds and hearts.This program will help you do exactly that. The Seven Sacred Truths will help give you a set of priorities that you can live by. You'll learn what is truly important in life. Learn More
  34. Truth vs. Falsehood

    Truth vs. Falsehood

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Dr. David Hawkins

    The Art of Spiritual Discernment
    In Truth vs. Falsehood, Dr. Hawkins shares the simple, instantaneous technique that differentiates truth from falsehood in a matter of seconds. You'll discover that Truth and Reality have no secrets, and everything that exists now or in the past, even a thought, is identifiable and calibratable forever from the omnipresent field of Consciousness itself. Learn More
  35. Succeeding Through Inner Strength MP3 Version

    Succeeding Through Inner Strength MP3 Version

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.

    Discovering the Power of Self-Esteem
    Self-esteem is the reputation you get with yourself. You develop this reputation through your actions. Competent, confident and courageous actions enhance self-esteem and build inner strength. Such experience leads to the conviction that you are competent to cope with the challenges of life - and the belief that you deserve happiness and success to be yours. The opposite is also true.

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  36. The Inner Winner MP3 Version

    The Inner Winner MP3 Version

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Denis Waitley

    Practice Powerful Self-Affirmation with Special Music. It Works!
    Now, with his groundbreaking program The Inner Winner, Denis uses an amazing technology that combines music with the spoken word to bring you powerful self-talk affirmations that are scientifically proven to be life-changing. You can now apply these affirmations to any area of your life. Start listening to The Inner Winner, and make real, lasting changes in your life.

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  37. Control from Within Digital Download

    Control from Within Digital Download

    1 Regular Price: $139.95

    Special Price $33.95

    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    A Nine-Step Program to Stop Smoking
    Wayne Dyer knows how to make the magic in life work for him, and you can make it work for you, too, if you follow the techniques he talks about in this program. Dr. Dyer shows you how to take advantage of the whole range of human experience. He says, "Anything that any human being can do, has ever done, or ever will be able to do, you're capable of doing." Here, he shows you how to tap in to your own personal power for inner achievement and contentment. You'll learn to see and do things you never thought possible.

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  38. Flow Digital Download

    Flow Digital Download

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi

    Living at the Peak of Your Abilities
    Flow— a state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation. It is a state in which people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life that nothing else seems to matter. This positive state can be controlled, not just left to chance by ordering the information that enters our consciousness, we can discover true happiness and greatly improve the quality of our lives.

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  39. Goals


    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    How to Set Them, How to Reach Them
    Without clearly defined goals, you simply can’t achieve the success you want! In Goals, world-renowned motivator Zig Ziglar guides you through a clear, beautifully organized 'success trip.' Along the way, you’ll learn how to recognize and set your goals. Learn More
  40. Secret Advantage

    Secret Advantage

    Price From:

    1 Regular Price: $999.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Earl Nightingale

    C.O.R.E. Fundamentals for Success in the 21st Century
    Rare collector edition of Earl Nightingale’s most relevant messages to compete and win today. 64 topic driven twenty minute episodes plus video documentary about Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant. Core Fundamentals To Get Anything You Want.
    Get it all faster. Listen. Learn. Live. Learn More
  41. Applying the Wisdom of the Ages

    Applying the Wisdom of the Ages

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Eternal Truths to Transform Your Life
    All great artists transcend eras and generations, classes and attitudes, mores and social restrictions. And in their master-works lie universal, eternal human truths that resonate through days, over decades and across centuries — striking powerful, emotional chords in our hearts, souls and lives. When you connect your life to the profound writings of eras past, you’ll receive an endless stream on insight,information and wisdom. In these timeless words,you’ll recognize your own hardships, triumphs, joys and sorrows. Learn More
  42. Breaking the Success Barrier

    Breaking the Success Barrier

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Using the Strategic Thinking Skills to Accelerate Your Goals
    The world is changing faster than ever before. And with change comes great opportunities for financial and personal advancement. Unfortunately, many people fear new ideas and trends, believing they will have to work harder and learn more to keep up with the times. This program teaches you how to identify your own special abilities, tap your invaluable mental resources, and free yourself from the imaginary chains of fear, doubt, and negativity. Once you break through the success barrier once and for all, you’ll wonder what was stopping you. Learn More
  43. Cultivating an Unshakable Character

    Cultivating an Unshakable Character

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Jim Rohn

    How to Walk Your Talk All the Way to the Top
    Name the one quality that can take you to the top and keep you there! The answer is character — the collection of qualities synonymous with greatness. Character is a quality that embodies many important traits, such as integrity, courage, perseverance, confidence, and wisdom. The amazing thing about character is that, if you’re sincerely committed to making yourself into the person you want to be, you’ll not only create those qualities, you’ll strengthen them and recreate them in abundance, even as you’re drawing on them every day of your life. When you have character, you’re a person of substance... and you truly deserve the personal and professional success you’ll attain. Learn More
  44. Empires Of The Mind

    Empires Of The Mind

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Denis Waitley

    How to Lead and Succeed in a Knowledge-Based World
    Opportunities for a self-managing, self-starter have never been better. Your most valuable assets today are your abilities to use your mind to access, communicate, and creatively evaluate information. In a society in which the main commodity is becoming information, it’s not your status that matters, but what you know and how quickly you can learn. This blueprint for the new millennium and action plan for inventiveness and integrity on the new, more level playing fields of the modern workplace. Learn More
  45. Master Strategies for Higher Achievement

    Master Strategies for Higher Achievement

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Practical and Proven Tactics for Achieving Your Goals Faster Than Ever Before
    We are entering the golden age of mankind. The evidence for his conclusions are all around us and are very exciting to the independent thinker. For example, there are more inventors, creative geniuses, engineers,entrepreneurs and companies producing more and different goods and services today than ever before existed. To prepare yourself you need to make the switch from corporate strategic planning to personal strategic planning. Learn More
  46. The Power of Resilience

    The Power of Resilience

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Denis Waitley

    Turning Today's Challenges into Tomorrow's Triumphs
    When times are tough and you feel as if you’ve hit a wall financially, or in your career, maybe with a new business, or in a relationship, do you bounce right back, get up off the mat? Or do you take a nose dive? By implementing the principles of resiliency that you’ll learn in this program, you’ll gain more confidence and feel virtually invincible! Learn More
  47. The Psychology of Success

    The Psychology of Success

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Brian Tracy

    Ten Universal Principles for Personal Empowerment
    True success requires an earnest commitment to becoming excellent at everything you do. Take a hard look at your work habits and change them for the better. Step by step, on how to climb to the top. How to realize your full potential and plot your course of high achievement. Boost your success ratio with the on-target idea put forth in this informative program. Learn More
  48. Universal Mind Power

    Universal Mind Power

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Laura Silva, Gerald Seavey and Marilou Seavey

    New Silva Method Techniques for Developing Your Ideal Self
    Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so much more, to become so much more, while others remain creatures of habit, blown aimlessly by the winds of fate? Develop your psychological, emotional, and spiritual qualities for the purpose of living your ideal life. These are not just surface or material modifications, but a deep transformation at the core of your being, where deep and lasting change takes place. Begin developing your mind power today with the Silva Method, and soon you will be living your life to the fullest, discovering all you can become—and more! Learn More
  49. Start Here

    Start Here

    Price From:

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

    Special Price $29.95

    by Earl Nightingale

    Secrets to Jump from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
    No motivational speaker delivers the goods like Earl Nightingale. His work shows his incredible research abilities, drawing ideas from some of the greatest minds in history. From the ancient Greek philosophers to present day commentators, he has read and digested the great works. And he has added to the library of human knowledge with his own original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living. He is everyone’s mentor and his words can be your inspiration for achieving success. Learn More
  50. The Psychology of High Self-Esteem

    The Psychology of High Self-Esteem

    1 Regular Price: $279.95

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    by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.

    A Life-Changing Program for Personal Growth
    How you feel about yourself crucially affects virtually every aspect of your life, especially how high in life you are likely to rise. Who and what you think you are shape all your responses. Self-esteem, therefore, becomes the key to success or failure. It is also the key to understanding yourself and others. Guiding you to the power that lies within you to the life of your dreams! Learn More
  51. Thinking Big

    Thinking Big

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Brian Tracy

    The Keys to Personal Power and Maximum Performance
    Every successful person knows that the keys to achievement are conscious effort, careful planning, and good, old-fashioned hard work. But on the road of success, there is one habit that will accelerate you beyond all others. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, you’ve got to start thinking big.Practicing the ideas taught in program, you can and will become unstoppable. Learn More
  52. The Art of Exceptional Living

    The Art of Exceptional Living

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Jim Rohn

    There is an Art to Success
    You don’t have to be a super-achiever or unusually creative. You don’t have to endure great obstacles. You don’t even have to do exceptional things. You just have to do ordinary things exceptionally well. Learn the importance of self-education, developing new skills, and how to start your own personal success library filled with information that will make you more knowledgeable as well as more employable. You'll siscover how to turn every day into a treasured experience through exceptional living. You’re the artist who brings experience and style to the blank canvas. But your future is still a work of art that can be started at any moment. Learn More
  53. I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It?

    I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It?

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Nick Hall, Ph.D.

    The New Science of Self-Discipline
    You might think laziness, lack of willpower, and/or low motivation are to blame for the fact that you aren’t achieving your goals. But fascinating research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed another, far more likely possibility. One with the potential to transform your life in a dramatic way. Learn More
  54. The Zero Point

    The Zero Point

    1 Regular Price: $269.95

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    by Joe Vitale

    How to Enter the Realm of Limitless Possibilities
    Imagine that in any moment — every moment — you could receive pure, direct, unfiltered information from God/Source/the Divine on the best action to take, the absolute right thing to do, the most beneficial choice to make. What is “The Zero Point”? It’s a place where you are free of all limitations, all programming, all expectations — even those that have been serving you in a positive way up until now. Once there, you’ll be able to tap into the ultimate source of all wisdom and knowledge, and be guided to a life of fulfillment and joy beyond all imagining. This groundbreaking system of master-level advanced clearing techniques that will empower you to shed all limitations and guide you into the realm of limitless possibilities that begins at...The Zero Point! Learn More
  55. The Power of Body Language

    The Power of Body Language

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

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    by Joe Navarro

    An Ex-FBI Agent's System for Speed-Reading People
    Discover What People Are Really Saying to You. Approximately 80% of our communication is expressed non-verbally — 80%! Wouldn’t you like to know what people are really saying to you?You should. Then, you’ll always have the upper hand in any situation. Change your world and open you up to the exciting, often misunderstood, and mysterious world of nonverbal communication.And you are going to learn from the best. Learn More
  56. The Psychology of Achievement Classic

    The Psychology of Achievement Classic

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Brian Tracy

    Develop the Top Achiever’s Mindset
    What goes on inside the minds of the people you admire most—those who have reached breathtaking levels of achievement? Do they have special mental talents that average people could never hope to emulate? To be sure some do. Most, however, get by with ordinary talents. Most overachievers simply have a persistent ability to come out on top. You can start over and reach any goal you set for yourself. You can take control of your life. You can make things happen and reach the great aspirations you know you deserve. Learn More
  57. Think and Grow Rich

    Think and Grow Rich

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

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    by Napoleon Hill

    Enriching advice for your prosperous future
    Learn the importance of self-direction and organized planning. Discover the secret of auto-suggestion and master-mind association, an amazingly revealing system of self-analysis. Overcome fear, lack of self-confidence and money worries. Learn More
  58. The Science of Personal Achievement

    The Science of Personal Achievement

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Napoleon Hill

    The 17 Universal Principles of Success
    Follow in the footsteps of the giants of success! Napoleon Hill devoted his life to studying this question, analyzing the success of more than 500 of the 20th Century’s greatest achievers. His exhaustive research proved that the essence of success lies within 17 simple principles that, when used together, serve as an infallible formula for achievement. Learn More
  59. The Psychology of Winning

    The Psychology of Winning

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Denis Waitley

    The Ten Qualities of a Total Winner
    Imagine there are five seconds left to play, your team is down by one point and the ball is in your hands. Thousands of people are cheering. It’s your chance to win. It’s a moment you’ve worked for all your life. Imagine the feeling. Is it too much pressure? Or is it tremendous excitement? Learn More
  60. How to Be a No-Limit Person

    How to Be a No-Limit Person

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Live Life At Full Throttle
    Experience a different side of Dr. Wayne Dyer — and discover one of the best-loved, bestselling programs of all time – How to Be a No-Limit Person! Before Dr. Wayne Dyer shifted the focus of his work to spiritual matters, he’d already won worldwide acclaim as a brilliant speaker and gifted motivator. His early books and audio programs were renowned for their refreshing, accessible style and vitally important messages. One of the greatest… Learn More
  61. The Miracle of Self-Discipline

    The Miracle of Self-Discipline

    1 Regular Price: $269.95

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    by Brian Tracy

    The “No-Excuses” Way to Getting Things Done
    To be successful today, you don’t need to have been born under a lucky star, with incredible wealth, with terrific con-tacts and connections, or even with special skills. But what you do need to succeed in any of your life goals is self-discipline. Unfortunately, many people give in to the two worst enemies of success: They take the path of least resistance, or they sim-ply want immediate gratification. Neither approach will work. They don’t consider the long-term consequences of the actions they take today. Learn More
  62. The Science of Self-Confidence

    The Science of Self-Confidence

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Brian Tracy

    Never Stall Out Again...Have the Confidence You Need When You Need It Most!
    All the people you know personally have some self-confidence. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t know them. They wouldn’t be braving the daily world. They’d be hermits,or shut-ins, afraid to do anything. Control your confidence level by controlling your thoughts ... stop self-defeating behaviors and begin self-confident ones ... see yourself as others see you and easily change their perceptions. Learn More
  63. The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny

    The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Within you is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire
    Can you imagine being able to manifest anything you want in life? You can make problems go away by themselves and bring every joy and reward your heart truly desires into your life. What most of us are taught to believe about reality conflicts with this idea. And yet everyone has this ability within themselves. You have already seen the results in your own life. Learn More
  64. Ultimate Law of Attraction Library

    Ultimate Law of Attraction Library

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    by Joe Vitale

    Live a Life of Peace and Abundance
    World-renowned teacher and bestselling Nightingale-Conant author Joe Vitale opens his complete “attraction arsenal” to YOU. Every secret, strategy, system, and step you need to unleash the most powerful force in the universe in EVERY SINGLE AREA of your life! Learn More
  65. SynchroDestiny


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    by Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Discover the Power of Meaningful Coincidence to Manifest Abundance in Your Life
    From time to time, we’ve all experienced coincidences that seem to be endowed with a special meaning or significance, and that appear to defy the laws of probability. For the most part, these coincidences seem amusing or insignificant. These moments of meaningful coincidence are defined as “Synchronicity.” A Synchronicity is a coming together of seemingly unrelated events. Once you master the principles of SynchroDestiny, you’ll be able to use your new found power to manifest abundance in every area of your life. Much like a powerful magnet, you will begin to attract material wealth, emotional well-being, spiritual fulfillment, and a deep awareness of your life’s true meaning and purpose. This mind-opening program will change the way you perceive the world forever and show you how to harness this cosmic power. Use the Power of the Universe to guide Your destiny and change your destiny! Learn More
  66. Inner Wisdom

    Inner Wisdom

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    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    The Best of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
    The acclaimed author, psychologist, philosopher, and living legend. We invite you to experience an unprecedented 20-CD anthology. Vast in its scope, this complete library brings you the very best of Wayne Dyer ... offering a comprehensive cross section of his incredible 25-year career. Through live and studio recordings, Dr. Dyer will guide you to a higher level of consciousness and self-awareness as he offers illuminating insights on such topics as self-actualization... knowing... purpose... love... and change. Learn More
  67. The Strangest Secret for Succeeding in the World Today

    The Strangest Secret for Succeeding in the World Today

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Earl Nightingale

    Harness the Power of The Strangest Secret
    Discover the single most powerful and life-changing success message you will ever hear. Earl Nightingale expands the themes of that remarkable original message into a comprehensive program that explores the critical question, What does it take to prosper in an ever-changing world? Learn More
  68. Magical Mind, Magical Body

    Magical Mind, Magical Body

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    by Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Mastering the Mind/Body Connection for Perfect Health and Total Well-Being
    Ayurveda, the 6,000-year-old system of healing from the East, was a system of health care that actually treated the whole person — a system whose guiding principle is that the mind exerts the deepest influence on the body. It has an interestingly simple approach. Ayurveda teaches that the only thing you need in order to enjoy good health and boundless bliss is balance in your life. That’s the key. Balance is the one thing that makes perfect health and total well-being possible. Here’s how it works... Illness comes from being out of balance, and wellness returns when you get back in balance. Stay balanced and you’ll experience ecstasy, joy, and connectedness. And your mind will acquire an awesome power. Discover the Life-Giving Powers You Now Possess! A Perfect Balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit Is Your Birthright. The key lies in your mind — which has much more power than you ever realized possible. Learn More
  69. The Highest Level of Enlightenment

    The Highest Level of Enlightenment

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    by Dr. David Hawkins

    Tap the Database of Consciousness for Total Self-Realization
    Acclaimed by Nobel Prize winners and world leaders, it is described by experts as "breathtaking!" Dr. Hawkins' research is based on a well-established science called kinesiology, which has to do with the testing of an all-or-none muscle response stimulus. A positive stimulus generates a strong muscle response and a negative stimulus results in a demonstrable weakening of the test muscle. Clinical kinesiological muscle testing as a diagnostic technique has been verified widely over the past 25 years Learn More
  70. Training the Mind, Healing the Body

    Training the Mind, Healing the Body

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    by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Simon

    A Complete Course for Holistic Health and Well Being
    Mind body medicine has been revolutionizing the way we think about our health. Millions of people are discovering that their thoughts, their feelings, and their physical well being are intimately connected - and this is transforming the way we eat, exercise, work, and even relate to one another. Since the time of the ancient Greeks, Western medicine has looked at the body from a materialistic perspective, and approached every problem with a material-based solution such as drugs and surgery. It's become evident that if we want to change who we are, we need to simply move in new directions, open our experiences to new interpretations, and awaken our senses to the new perceptions that await us. Offering a uniquely comprehensive approach to all aspects of the mind body connection and a vision of what good health means and how to place it within the reach of every human being, this program is the full realization of that vision. Learn More
  71. The Abundance Paradigm

    The Abundance Paradigm

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Joe Vitale

    Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation
    A paradigm is more than a feeling or a belief. It is an entire way of being— a fundamental universal conviction that reverberates out into the universe. Quickly make the profound shift from a paradigm of scarcity — in which you have “not enough” of the things you want and need — to a paradigm abundance — in which you have more than enough of everything, at all times that you can access it immediately. When you make this shift, you move beyond the Law of Attraction to the little-known Law of Creation... and step into a world where you stop waiting for the things you want to come to you, and start SEEING and RECEIVING them instead. Get Ready to Ignite the Most Potent Force of All! Learn More
  72. The Secret to Attracting Money

    The Secret to Attracting Money

    1 Regular Price: $269.95

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    by Joe Vitale

    A Practical Spiritual System for Abundance and Prosperity
    In this life-changing “abundance” program, discover how to attract money easily and effortlessly by harnessing the astounding power of the Law of Attraction! The potential to attract money and create abundant wealth doesn’t reside in your job, your circumstances, or even the economy. It resides within YOU. Your mind is equipped with the natural ability to attract as much money as you want and need — at anytime, anyplace, in any financial climate, without struggle. You just have to know how to trigger it. Learn how to tap into this awesome force and focus it like a laser for one purpose — attracting more money into your life. Learn More
  73. Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

    Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

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    by Nick Hall, Ph.D.

    How to Take Control, Break Old Habits, and Live the Live you Deserve
    Recent scientific research has proven that your physical health and emotional wellbeing are inextricably linked to your beliefs. Your beliefs not only shape your perception of the truth, they also have an impact on every aspect of your life— from how your cells function, to how you function in relationships. The surest way to transform your body, your mind, and your life is by identifying and changing the beliefs that aren’t helping you live the healthy, happy, enriched life you want to live. Learn More
  74. The Missing Secret

    The Missing Secret

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    by Joe Vitale

    How to Use The Law of Attraction to Easily Attract What You Want... Every Time
    Now, discover the “missing piece” that will make the mysterious Law of Attraction work for you automatically and consistently so you can easily get EVERYTHING you want! The phenomenal popularity of The Secret film and book has put widespread attention on the age-old universal force known as the Law of Attraction. Millions of people around the world have been ignited by the possibility that they hold the power to create the life they want. Learn ctivate the full power of the Law of Attraction using the critical “missing secret” that empowers you to automatically and consistently get what you want. Learn to activate the full power of the Law of Attraction using the critical “missing secret” that empowers you to automatically and consistently get what you want! Learn More
  75. How to Have Your Best Year Ever

    How to Have Your Best Year Ever

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    by Jim Rohn

    Get Ready to Have Your Best Year Ever
    Imagine yourself as the person you’ve always wanted to be. How far are you from that vision? Regardless of whether you’re a short step or a long journey away from achieving that goal, this energizing and highly motivating seminar delivers dozens of proven ways to transform your life fast, giving you the tools and confidence you need to get to the level of your vision and then go miles beyond it! Experience a year unlike any you’ve known before! Learn More
  76. The Power of Outrageous Marketing

    The Power of Outrageous Marketing

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    by Joe Vitale

    Using the 10 Time-Tested Secrets of the Titans, Tycoons, Billionaire to Get Rich in Your Own Business
    Whether your business is large or small, here are the ideas you need to hit the big time. Revealing the extraordinary, unusual methods of people who attracted the most money and attention to themselves and their businesses with the least amount of effort and time. 10 secrets used by such outrageous marketers such as P.T. Barnum, Richard Branson, Madonna, Donald Trump, Houdini, J. Paul Getty, Mark Twain, and Martha Stewart, among others. Use the time-tested secrets these tycoons, titans, and billionaires, to explode your business in 90 days! You cannot fail — 100% guaranteed! Learn More
  77. How to Handle Conflict and Manage Anger

    How to Handle Conflict and Manage Anger

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    by Denis Waitley

    Based Upon A Program Developed By National Seminars
    Life is too complex for anyone to expect to exist in a perennial state of harmony and bliss. The reality is that in the daily push and pull of our lives, there are many sources of conflict and anger. Despite the negative image, however, conflict and anger need not erupt in disaster. They can often be opportunities for developing new skills, furthering personal improvement, and growing toward full potential. But you must take advantage of them. Learn More
  78. Healing


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    by Dr. David Hawkins

    Achieving Total Wellness Through Higher Level of Consciousness
    The latest enlightening program that synthesizes the latest revelations in consciousness research as to how your physical body is affected as you address life’s challenges, as well as how you are affected emotionally and spiritually. Specific instructions and guidelines are provided as to how to recover from disease, illness, and addiction. The importance of including a spiritual practice in one’s healing program is explained, along with how simple it is to incorporate it in the process. Clinically proven self-healing methods that will enable you to take charge of your health and live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life. Learn More
  79. Awaken the Healer Within

    Awaken the Healer Within

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    by Mark Earlix

    An Apprentice Program for Total Mind-Body Healing
    Everyone has the ability to heal and be healed. This inherent power is not an ability that is buried deep inside, requiring years of meditation and exploration to tap. The ability to heal is a simple “recognition” away. Emerging author, healer, and spiritual leader Mark Earlix walks you through a step-by-step process that helps you put all distractions aside so you can recognize your inherent healing abilities. You will learn to recognize what needs to be healed within a body and then use your natural abilities to manipulate energy, with healing as a result. Learn More
  80. A View from the TOP

    A View from the TOP

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    by Zig Ziglar

    Moving From Success to Significance
    The next chapter in Zig Ziglar’s ongoing personal journey of self-discovery, in this exciting mix of studio and live recordings, Zig will share with you his most intimate discoveries about what he personally has discovered to be the most important elements of a truly significant life. Learn More
  81. The Ultimate Deepak Chopra Collection

    The Ultimate Deepak Chopra Collection

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    by Dr. Deepak Chopra

    The Healing Power of ONE
    Each Session of this comprehensive library offers you the best of what Dr. Chopra has to offer on topics such as the five sensory healing techniques; the three body types and how each can gain greater health and vitality; the transforming power of following your spiritual purpose; the role of karma in healing; Ayurveda techniques on how to cure life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease; uncovering your soul’s true nature; and awakening your body’s own personal pharmacy through powerful meditations and practical exercises. Learn More
  82. The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement

    The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement

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    by Brian Tracy

    Brian Tracy Brings You a Lifetime of Learning
    If you release a rock from your hand it will fall, if water gets cold enough it will freeze, or if paper gets hot enough it will burn. These are laws of nature. Knowing them you can explain and predict the workings of the physical world. And the better you understand these laws, the less mysterious the natural world becomes. If you learn to live in harmony with these laws, they will work in your favor. In fact, it is the winner’s guide for playing the game of life. Learn More
  83. What Do You Really Want for Your Children

    What Do You Really Want for Your Children

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    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Get “the Best” For Your Kids
    Raise Great Children! Youngsters can be brought up to have high rather than low self-esteem. Help them celebrate their own potential greatness and not fear failure. Spot creativity in your offspring, and nurture it. Children can have peace and love in their hearts, instead of anger and hate. Parenting Can Be Fun! Learn More
  84. Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

    Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

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    by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone

    Two Legends Teach You the Way to Success!
    You will understand and believe in, as never before, the extraordinary power of your own mind to shape, determine and change the outer circumstances of your life. What’s more, you will discover easy, extremely effective ways to control and maximize this power — and create exactly the life you wish to live. A life of success, wealth, prosperity, and true abundance in every area. Learn More
  85. The Silva Method

    The Silva Method

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    by Robert B. Stone

    Tapping the Secrets of the Mind for Total Self-Mastery
    Take a quantum leap toward leading a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life. The Silva Method equips you with the tools you need to evaluate your productivity, increase your creativity, supercharge your problem-solving capability and greatly exceed your goals. Award-winning Silva trainer Robert B. Stone teaches you how to enter the Alpha State - an inner conscious level of brain wave frequency. At the Alpha state, you'll activate deep states of accelerated mental activity, intuition, learning, memory, ESP, tranquility, rest, and relaxation. Learn More
  86. The New Psycho-Cybernetics

    The New Psycho-Cybernetics

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    by Dr. Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy

    A Mind Technology for Living Your Life Without Limits
    Much of what we learn about success is based on the pain/gain idea — in essence, work harder, be more persistent, and develop greater will-power. Achieve all your goals, faster, easier, and with less strain than you ever thought possible. Discover dozens of valuable self-evaluation tools that will help you achieve such goals as finding an ideal job, eliminate addictions, overcome feelings of pessimism, incompetence, shyness, and achieve happier, healthier relationships with those around you. Learn More
  87. The Power of Clarity

    The Power of Clarity

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    by Brian Tracy

    Find Your Focal Point, Maximize Your Income, and Minimize Your Effort
    Discover the keys to doubling your income and doubling your time off. If you'd like more money and more time to enjoy it, this course will show you how to have both! It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that matters is where you’re going. Never allow yourself to be slowed down or held back by events that have occurred in your past. Learn from them and let them go. Resolve to keep yourself focused on the future and where you are going. With this course there are no limits to what you can achieve in the months and years ahead. Get the Power of Focal Point In Your Life Today! Learn More
  88. Your Hidden Power

    Your Hidden Power

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    by Joe Navarro

    Using Nonverbal Intelligence to Propel Your Business or Career to Excellence
    It is not about words. Instead, gestures, expressions, and what most of us consider to be insignificant behaviors reveal the true intentions that your boss, co-workers, and “friends” may be hiding from you. This FBI insider will Help you successfully navigate the business world by teaching you how to understand what everyone around you is really saying and thinking by master nonverbal intelligence, the ability to interpret and use nonverbal signals—in poker terms, “tells”—in business to assess and then influence others. You already have this power within you —you simply needto learn how to activate it. You are now given the best of the best when it comes to learning everything you’ll need to know to decode the truth in every situation you encounter. Learn More
  89. The Essence of Success

    The Essence of Success

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    by Earl Nightingale

    Discover the most powerful collection of success secrets ever published!
    A master at using words, expressed in simple, easy-to-understand terms that have allowed tens of thousands of people to exceed even their most ambitions goals. This program is filled with powerful insights and life-changing instructions that are distilled into a body of work you can use in just 30 days… and immediately begin seeing progressive results. Simply by listening to it and applying its easy-to-follow ideas, you'll arm yourself with the necessary tools you need to live the life you desire. Following this message, become the reason that grows your company's business by 20% each year... or become one of the most highly respected leaders in your community. This is a message that can put you on the path to becoming a Fortune 500 CEO listed in the Who's Who of Entrepreneurs. Or make you wealthy enough to donate thousands of dollars to your favorite charities. Learn More
  90. The Subliminal Winner

    The Subliminal Winner

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    by Denis Waitley and Thomas Budzynski

    Enter the world of subliminal audio knowing you’re in the best hands!
    Effortlessly program your mind for automatic success. Using state-of-the-art sound technology that incorporates empowering subliminal messages into harmonious music or relaxing ocean sounds, this highly-effective audio program, The Subliminal Winner, will automatically train your mind toward more positive, productive patterns of thought and behavior. — Become the subliminal winner you've always wanted to be and achieve a more positive productive life! Learn More
  91. The Higher Self

    The Higher Self

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    by Dr. Deepak Chopra

    The Magic of Inner and Outer Fulfillment
    On this amazing adventure through the realm of your own spirituality and the science of the 21st Century, you'll learn how modern science has rejected the notion of a reality we can see, hear, taste and physical matter isn’t really solid at all...that reality changes with the viewpoint of the observer...that, in fact, reality is more like a viewpoint than a thing. Most of us tend to assume that body and spirit are at opposite ends of the spectrum. But according to the discoveries of quantum physics, the body is actually a swirling mass of constantly changing energy. It has more in common with what we think of as “spirit” than what we think of as matter. It is the “you” behind all of the defenses and images you have created for yourself...the you that really knows why you are here, what it is you need, and how you can get it. Learn More
  92. Journey to the Boundless

    Journey to the Boundless

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    by Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Exploring the Intimate Connection Between Your Mind, Body and Spirit
    Modern science tells us that we live in a universe with no edges in space, with no beginning or ending in time. Eastern wisdom says we have a universe within ourselves as profound, as infinite, as timeless as the world outside. Unbounded freedom permeates everything and yet we continue to live our lives as prisoners of fragmented values—prey to disease, unhappiness, and caught in the web of time. With this live seminar, break free of these conceptual boundaries and step into the boundless, which is pure potentiality, pure creativity, pure freedom, and pure joy. Using a unique style of spirituality, practicality, and humor, learn to understand that the connection between ourselves and our environment, we must first understand the intimate connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Learn More
  93. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind Digital Download

    Ageless Body, Timeless Mind Digital Download

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    by Dr. Deepak Chopra

    "You are only as old as you think you are."
    You are about to discover how to escape the trap of time, tap into the source of endless well-being and rejuvenation, and defy the aging process all by using the power of your mind! The expression “You’re only as old as you think” is now truer than you ever imagined. Learn that simply by changing your perception of age, you can defeat the aging process, short-circuit the diseases that result from distressed mental states, and improve with each passing year. Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and understand its signals of comfort and discomfort. And, Learn how to focus your awareness on the factors in your life that make you young. The choices you make right now will affect the course of the next 30 or 40 years. Why not choose to have as long and healthy a life as you possibly can?

    Digital Download Exclusive  

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  94. Take Charge of Your Life

    Take Charge of Your Life

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

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    by Jim Rohn

    The Winner's Seminar
    There’s Nothing Like a View from the Top! “When talking about personal success, there are four questions. Why? Why not? Why not you? Why not now?” Why not acquire the means to travel first class through life, to see the Mona Lisa first hand, to swim the crystal waters of the Bahamas, to sample the food in Paris or Africa? Why not do it all? This very illustrative program, recorded before a live audience, will teach you how to make your life better, become more influential, choose your attitudes, affect people with word, and control your emotions. Learn More
  95. Freedom Through Higher Awareness

    Freedom Through Higher Awareness

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

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    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Realize a limitless vision and create the life you've always wanted!
    Freedom is the ability to exit the single room of awareness you were born into and enter the limitless space of heightened awareness. Developing this awareness is the only way to awaken the dormant spirit - the higher self - and experience true bliss and abundant happiness. Learn More
  96. What the Declaration of Independence Really Means

    What the Declaration of Independence Really Means

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    by Earl Nightingale

    Years ago, Earl Nightingale presented this re-inactment of what The Declaration of Independence really means and the price men were willing to pay to establish freedom for us all. Informative, inspirational, and something everyone should hear - especially on the 4th of July!

    Digital Download Exclusive

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  97. Great Ideas

    Great Ideas

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    by Earl Nightingale

    The Golden Age of Ideas
    The excitingly phenomenal era in which we live has been called The Golden Age. It’s an apt description. During our lives more changes have occurred, more progress has been made than during any previous millennium in the development of man. It would be almost impossible to select the most important discovery in recent years, what would you choose? The jet engine, atomic energy, the new metal, synthetic fibers, rocket, satellites, transistors, the laser, television, plastics, antibiotics, computers, men on the moon, self-image psychology, mass communications, well the list goes on and on endlessly. And if reflection on the recent past is amazing, what about the near future? No one can say for sure what changes will come during the next 5 or 10 years. But they will come, and they’ll be amazing, even fantastic. The head of one of the largest corporations serving a term as professor at Columbia University recently said that the two most important areas of development in the future will be the collection of data for business and marketing, and the study of the motivation of people. Learn More
  98. Creative Thinking

    Creative Thinking

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    by Earl Nightingale

    1950 Personal Development Message
    Have you ever given much thought to the value of ideas? From less than worthless, they run the gamut all the way into the hundreds of billions of dollars. From the wheel to the zipper, fire to the home permanent, the bow and arrow to the H-bomb, electricity to the ion engine- each has been drawn from that bottomless riches of all minds, the brain of man. Everything you an I will ever had will come to us as the result of the way we use our minds. The one thing we possess that makes us different from all other creatures, and the highest function of which our minds are capable is to to Think Creatively. This is the kind of thinking that puts a fresh new face on the world, and all of our progress has come, nows comes and will come, as a result of creative thinking... Learn More
  99. The Boss

    The Boss

    1 Regular Price: $9.95

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    by Earl Nightingale

    Why Your Customer is In Charge
    This program could make a wonderful difference in your life. If you may already know about everything about it, you're a remarkable person, and you belong to the top 5% of all the working people in the world. Congratulations! If you don't know about this program, you may have been holding yourself back, not only on the job but you're also missing a big percentage of the greatest joy in life. This is about your boss and your relationship with them. How you handle this relationship will determine your success or failure. It will determine how much money you make or do not make, and it will determine whether you're a happy person or an unhappy person. Who is your boss? You have only one and every working person, from the president of the largest corporation to the shoeshine boy, has the same boss — they are simply the customer. Learn More
  100. Rich Dad Secrets

    Rich Dad Secrets


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    The rich follow a different set of rules for making and keeping money. In fact, the rich live in a world most of us know nothing about. Rich Dad Secrets offers the sessions about money that Robert Kiyosaki, a self-made millionaire, learned from his rich dad … a dad that gave him not money, but only his secrets to acquiring great wealth. Instead of working for money, you’ll learn how to make money work hard for you. You’ll discover why you don’t need a high income to become rich—and that all you do need is the type of financial education this program offers. Learn More

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