10 Steps to Extreme Self-Esteem "Produce Miracles" with these life-changing ideas, that is because when you feel good about yourself, you attract the people and events that empower you for more success than you’ve ever dreamed possible. Learn to develop winning habits that will pay off for you everyday. You’ll discover how to celebrate and capitalize on your strengths and how to accept your weaknesses without guilt or remorse with practical techniques that can bring about both immediate changes and long-term growth in your life. Prepare for your life to be changed as you proceed through a process that has changed the lives of thousands of people. This is your ticket to a life of continuous personal growth and fulfillment. Learn More
Just say yes and begin your 30-day journey with action today Practiced by thousands of successful people through the centuries, the Law of Attraction is easy to learn and takes the possibility of achievement - no matter what you want in life - beyond your wildest dreams. It's been proven that it cakes only three to four weeks to create a habit. And here's your chance to make living the Law of Attraction an intuitive part of you. After all, the Law starts and ends with action. This audio journey includes 30 Daily Lessons: Key techniques broken down into bite-sized pieces so you can take one easy, practical step at a time.
Four Questions That Will Transform Your Life No matter how much money, status, professional success, or other types of external security one may have, very few people experience true joy and personal freedom. Discover that, contrary to popular belief, trying to let go of a painful thought never works; instead, once you have investigated it, the thought lets go of you. 'The Work' is a simple yet powerful method of inquiry, a profound insight into how the mind works, that helps make this transformation practical. The Work’s four powerful questions and turnaround (which is a way of experiencing the opposite of what you believe) have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. Learn this revolutionary process so that you can use it to question and undo any stressful thought that keeps you from experiencing mental clarity. Eventually you may find, as so many others have, that peace and joy flow into every area of your life. Learn how to use 'The Work' for yourself and be filled with love for everything life brings. Learn More
Create the Life You Desire A Harvard graduate, an award-winning speaker, an internationally recognized leader in personal development and peak performance strategies, and one of the most well-published personal development authors ever. As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, he’s taught millions of individuals his modernized formulas for success. In this priceless audio collection, you’ll hear some of the very best segments from several of Jack’s best audio products over these many years. Those include the aforementioned How to Build High Self-Esteem (later retitled Maximum Confidence in the early 2000s), The Aladdin Factor (who he co-authored with Mark Victor Hansen), The Success Principles, Living the Law of Attraction, and The 30-Day Guide to Living the Law of Attraction. While you’ll be getting a great sampling of all of these great audio product - with all of the segments organized around some of the most popular topics that Jack taught over his career - if you are inspired by what you hear, we encourage you to order the full versions of each of these products for yourself.
In this life-altering program, Gregg Braden shares the 15 keys of conscious creation you can use to transform the miracles of your imagination into what is real in your life. With easy-to-understand science and real-life stories, Gregg shows us that we are limited only by our beliefs. What we once believed is about to change! Learn More
Special introduction by Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar Corp. The only real limits on what you can do or be are the limits you accept in your own mind. Henry Ford said, "If you believe you can do a thing or you believe you cannot, in either case, you are probably right." You have within you, right now, all the talents and abilities you could ever want or need to achieve any goal you can set for yourself. Why not master them so you can experience all the abundance you deserve? Learn More
If the grass is greener on the other side... ...it’s probably getting better care. Success as a human being is not a matter of luck or circumstance. It’s not a matter of fate or the breaks you get or who you know. Success is a matter of sticking to a set of common sense principles anyone can master. Lead the Field has created more millionaires and launched more careers than any other audio program. Learn More
You CAN get anything you want Negotiation is a skill that can bring you vast success in all aspects of your life, getting you the best price on everything you purchase or sell, and helping you with salespeople, clients, associates, your employer, even your family. Learn More
The Art of Closing Sales For salespeople on commission, the financial sky’s the limit! All it takes to reach the stratosphere of sales success is desire, commitment, and specialized knowledge. You provide the first two — let Brian Tracy supply the rest. The “graduate level” sales training program, The Psychology of Selling reveals closing techniques that could triple your commission. Learn More
Personal Development for This Generation Get ready for one of the most exciting audio learning journeys of your life. In this all-encompassing audio library, hear Brian’s thoughts on nearly every important personal development topic imaginable—from setting goals, to creative thinking, to succeeding in your career, to developing highly satisfying personal and professional relationships. Here, in this one program, you have all you need to make that same decision Brian did when he was a young man, and become successful in any area of your life. Understand the "first principle of success" and realize your enormous human potential to how to how to inspire and lead others to unlock that incredible potential inside themselves. Leadership is one of the most important factors in the success of a family, a team, a company, a church, or indeed…..a nation. Learn Brian’s unique philosophy of time mastery, and many of the ideas he uses to achieve such incredible productivity. Brian not only reads voraciously and deeply on a variety of topics, and has traveled widely to many different cultures to gain a unique life perspective; he truly thinks through the key issues of life—and provides a unique perspective on each.
Speak Spanish in just 30 days — guaranteed! Become a fluent Spanish speaker in weeks, not years, with a revolutionary learning system that activates your innate language-learning ability and makes the process fun, fast, and virtually automatic! Learn More
Acclaimed author and master hypnotist Dick Sutphen, will show you how to control the deepest levels of your mind to guide you instinctively to where you want to go. Hypnology is the most practical, powerful, and effective life-transformation system you'll ever experience. And it literally applies to every activity you do, every activity you want to do, every activity you want to stop, and every skill, ability or potential you want to develop in any area of your life. Learn More
The Express Track to Super Intelligence Science has suggested that the human mind has an almost infinite potential for learning and processing information. The problem has always been how to access this incredible power. By harnessing the amazing mental powers within you, now you can accomplish any goal, overcome any obstacles and solve any problem. Learn More
How to Use the Primal Power of Your Dreams for Creativity, Wisdom, and Achievement Imagine having a profoundly wise mentor, someone who answers your most important questions and finds answers to your most difficult problems and who leaves the solutions for you at your bedside each morning. Your dreaming brain is busy at work every night, bringing you practical solutions to your current problems and challenges. Learn More
Remarkable Perspectives designed to Make Your Life Extraordinary Over the course of twelve unique sessions, you’ll be joined by the most influential team of personal and professional development experts anywhere in the world. Featuring authors like Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Anthony Robbins, Ken Blanchard, Brian Tracy, Robert Allen, Joe Vitale, and more. Experience the invaluable wisdom and knowledge of the masters. You will be glad you did! Learn More
Unleash the Conquering Drive within You! Ambition can be a powerful force for good in our lives. But only if it is legitimate. Sometimes misinterpreted and often misunderstood, ambition — true ambition — is not a selfish quality. It is not another word for ruthless; it is not something to be shunned or subdued. Legitimate ambition is an honorable trait. At its very best, our ambition serves us and other people. In fact, pursuing your ambition is one of the most selfless things you can do. Enjoy the pursuit of your dreams! Learn More
How to use hypnosis to get what you really want From the way you handle money to what you eat to the people you choose as your friends and companions…there is a specific reason for every single thing you do in life. And those reasons are part of the programming found in your subconscious mind. If you want to create real, permanent changes, you need to com-municate with your subconscious by speaking the “language” it understands. When you do, you will have the power to rewrite the script that directs your thoughts and behaviors, and begin effortlessly creating exactly the life you desire — a life based on good health, self-fulfillment, self-empowerment, and happiness. Learn More
How to Get Everything You Want- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible You can’t hit a target that you can’t see. The starting point of great success is when you sit down and decide exactly what you really want, in every area of your life. This program will show you how to do this, better and faster than you ever dreamed possible. Learn how to step on the accelerator of your own life. In this fast-moving, practical, and informative program, success guru Brian Tracy shares with you the results of 30 years of research and experience in setting and achieving goals. Learn More
Get Ready to Listen to An Unforgettable Collection of Audio Wisdom! A collection of priceless wisdom preserved in sound by one of the greatest personal development speakers and philosophers in history. In this unforgettable collection of audio wisdom, you’ll hear selections from some of his bestselling audio programs, the most dynamic live seminars and some of the most compelling and even most reflective studio recordings. Whether the messages are live or in studio, quiet and reflective, or passionate and compelling, when you are through listening to this classic collection, you’ll understand why legendary speaker and co-founder of Nightingale-Conant, Earl Nightingale, called Jim Rohn, “the most powerful, results-oriented leader and speaker of our time.”Learn More
by Charles Faulkner; Gerry Schmidt, Ph.D.; Dr. Robert McDonald; Tim Hallbom, M.S.W.; Suzi Smith, M.D.; Kelly Gerling, Ph.D.
A Powerful Technology for Producing Change Developed in the early 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, in association with Gregory Bateson, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a personal development system. NLP Comprehensive is one of the earliest and most successful Neuro-Linguistic programming training organizations in the world. Demonstrating the deep personal transformation that happens with NLP. In this learning experience, some of the nation's outstanding NLP trainers will share the same strategies they have taught thousands of NLP Comprehensive seminar participants. Using a toolbox of strategies, axioms and beliefs about human perception and subjective experience, you are invited to explore the NLP aspects you judge to be the most beneficial to you. Learn More
Meetings can be the most productive or destructive use of you and your companies time. Managing meetings can effectively improve effectiveness by more than 50%. Brian Tracy will teach you all of the various components of an effective business strategy. Learn the same strategies that all successful business are built on. Learn More
Turn your sales department into a money-making machine set on auto-pilot! Brian Tracy has handled myriad successful sales forces throughout his career. Inspire and lead your sales force to be the best they can with the help of Brian Tracy's vast sales management experience. Learn More
Never before has all of this "insider" information been organized in one place, in one incredible product, presented an organized with one central purpose in mind: increasing your personal wealth and happiness. Listen and learn as Paul uncovers the immense opportunities that exist for everyone in our capitalistic economy and teaches you how to create wealth with those opportunities through a process he calls "economic alchemy." Learn More
The more time you make for yourself, the more free time you’ll have. Unlike many programs on time management, this program has no charts, no forms, no daily schedules. Brian Tracy's His purpose in this program is to teach you the philosophy of time management, to help you internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make your every moment more efficient. Learn More
Earl Nightingale Video Classics is like a “greatest hits” DVD of some of Earl’s most inspirational messages. No inspirational speaker delivers the goods like Earl Nightingale. His work shows his incredible research abilities, drawing ideas from some of the greatest minds in history. He is everyone’s mentor and his words will be your inspiration for achieving success. Learn More
The Silva Method teaches you the lifelong mind tools to easily solve business and relationship problems, increase your productivity, reach new goals, improve your health, and lead a happier, more fulfilling life! The Silva Method Mastery Course teaches you to tune into a brain-wave frequency that helps keep the immune system strong and that encourages creativity, relieves stress and measurably improves human performance in most situations. Learn More
Wordmaster uses the science of word order, suggestopedic music, and male/female voices to insure YOU get the most in vocabulary building in the least time with minimum effort. Each session is introduced by Denis Waitley – giving you his unique perspective, making your learning process enjoyable. Every time you express yourself more clearly, more concisely, more forcefully, more convincingly, more powerfully – you rise above your competition. Learn More
A collection of profound ideas from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our generation Praised by Mother Teresa and Dr. Wayne Dyer for his breakthrough research and innovative teachings on the human mind, Dr. David Hawkins takes spiritual practice to an entirely new level. Nothing like this has ever been offered before. Learn More
C.O.R.E. Fundamentals for Success in the 21st Century Rare collector edition of Earl Nightingale’s most relevant messages to compete and win today. 64 topic driven twenty minute episodes plus video documentary about Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant. Core Fundamentals To Get Anything You Want. Get it all faster. Listen. Learn. Live.Learn More
Life Transformation Through Higher Consciousness Anxiety. Fear. Depression. Worry. Panic. Rage. These are distressing feelings that we all experience from time to time. However, during this time of great economic and cultural upheaval, such emotions have become all too common — often a daily occurrence. Are you ready to detach from those distressing emotions and embrace a new way of living that leaves you calm, confident, and creatively alive? These powerful one-minute practices are the keys that will open the door to your better future. Learn More
You Know Your Product, You Know Your Customer, But Can You Set Up The Best Deal Possible When You Close? Here are the real ins and outs of the sales trade, the can’t-miss gambits to make you a winner, the techniques to transform the toughest part of any sales negotiation— the closing— into a smooth, win/win opportunity. The quality of your sales career truly depends on your ability to negotiate powerfully and effectively, to get anything and everything you want. Make the most of every opportunity and obstacle you face. Learn More
How to lead with Vision and Purpose Revolutionize the way you manage. Take control of your job, your employees, and your life, as you accomplish more than you ever thought possible. E-Myth managers have a clear vision of the future, a focused plan, and the ability to communicate and motivate. Once you acquire these skills, your business or department will soon be running itself. That’s a promise. Learn More
How to Take the Chance Out of Becoming a Success To some people, success is based on luck, a random whim of fate, a chance roll of the dice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Success, to a great extent, can be influenced by luck, but this is not to say that luck is an accident. Success and happiness are not accidents. By mastering the factors that influence luck, you can increase the probability that you will be in the right place at the right time to accomplish the things that are most important to you. You’ll be more successful than ever before — and people will call you lucky. Learn More
New Silva Method Techniques for Developing Your Ideal Self Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so much more, to become so much more, while others remain creatures of habit, blown aimlessly by the winds of fate? Develop your psychological, emotional, and spiritual qualities for the purpose of living your ideal life. These are not just surface or material modifications, but a deep transformation at the core of your being, where deep and lasting change takes place. Begin developing your mind power today with the Silva Method, and soon you will be living your life to the fullest, discovering all you can become—and more! Learn More
One Minute a Day to Health, Longevity, and Well-Being The phoenix is a mythological bird who, the story goes, died in flames, and then rose again out of the ashes, born anew. In the same way, now YOU can emerge from the frustrations, false starts, disappointments, and fears of your past, a newly empowered person— the same, and yet totally transformed. The elegant one-minute practices you’ll discover will realign you with the natural life-giving flow of nature, putting you back where you are supposed to be in order for your whole self, body, mind, and spirit, to function optimally and work together toward the highest good. Learn More
Trance-form your subconscious for SUCCESS! Because your unconscious does the work, there are no journals to keep or specific tasks to do. Just sit back, put on the headphones and listen to the multiple storytelling format. The changes you experience will be spontaneous and fluid as you seamlessly integrate these new patterns into your life. Whatever your goals for financial success are, this program will give you new thoughts, beliefs and feelings that will empower you to achieve your dreams.
THE REAL SECRETS are about more than just “hard work.” Self-made millionaire shares his experience and insights with 101 simple and actionable methods for achieving success. Learn to master your mental, spiritual, and physical habits to attract abundance you would have thought impossible. Learn More
Remarkable Perspectives designed to Make Your Life Extraordinary Over the course of twelve unique sessions, you’ll be joined by the most influential team of personal and professional development experts anywhere in the world. Now Featuring even more authors. Experience the invaluable wisdom and knowledge of the masters. You will be glad you did! Learn More
How to Program Yourself to Success at a Cellular Level Traditional transformation strategies address the conscious and subconscious repositories of belief, often quite successfully. But far beneath these intellectual planes, your cells maintain the memory of that original belief. To truly, permanently change your life for the better, you must learn how to communicate at the cellular level. Otherwise, you are doomed to remain stuck in negative patterns. Program your success at the cellular level! Learn More
Be Secure and Prosperous in Any Economy! Start enjoying multiple streams of effortless income in as little as 90 days from now! Through difficult economies and prosperous times, through bull and bear markets, countless financially secure people today enjoy a comfortable lifestyle because of what they learned from one man. He reveals his ultimate wealth secret: how to quickly and easily create "automatic" streams of effortless income that will support you for the rest of your life. Practical, innovative, and many-times-proven advice, combined with a realistic set of goals and a firm commitment to getting ahead, can help you easily achieve and maintain a level of wealth you never thought possible, even in challenging economic times. Learn More
Nine Secret Weapons to Shine Socially, Uncover Opportunities, and be Perceived as Smarter, Sharper, and Savvier When you investigate the most powerful and influential people in the world, you will discover that they all have something in common. Effective communication. Whether they personally possess such skills, or have hired a support team that did, ultimately effective communication was one of the fundamental keys to their success. Using the principles of powerful communication, they developed the ability to influence others in a profound way, all the while winning both respect and admiration. Learn More
Why This is the Best Time to Start a New Business & How to Find the Right Business for You These are challenging times. And challenging times call for innovative achievers who have a “revolutionary” spirit to create opportunity in the midst of difficulty. Entrepreneurs and revolutionaries are really the same kinds of people born into different circumstances. Both see the status quo in need of change, and both are willing to take the risks, and reap the rewards, of changing it. Learn More
How to Become The Highest-Paid, Highest-Profile Person in Your Industry The Top 2% contains all the research compiled on America’s top income-earners and will give you the most complete profile of such people ever presented. You’ll learn specific skills and strategies (some quite contrary to what you’ve heard about success in the past) that you can apply right away to join the Top 2%. Learn More
Ten Power Habits for Making Your Life A Masterpiece Personal, proven formula for successful living that will turn your life into a masterpiece of health, wealth, and happiness. These principles have been used by thousands, with tremendous results. Apply them, and you’ll experience dramatic improvements in every area of your life. Learn More
Remarkable Success Ideas That Can Change Your Life in an Instant Some people waste years, decades, even their entire lives waiting for that extraordinary lightning bolt that will change everything for them. But those whose lives really do change in dramatic ways can almost always trace the change back to something much simpler. One subtle, unsuspecting moment. One episode, one realization, one action. One seemingly insignificant step that put them on a completely different path... and ultimately led them to their dreams. There's no reason for you to live with lack, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction - no matter how great or small. With the tools and information to achieve any change you want to, you'll be astonished by how quickly and easily it happens. At any moment, you can choose to transform any circumstance in your life and discover the incredible difference one day can make! Learn More
Principles for Spiritual and Material Abundance A collection of wisdom drawn from sacred scriptures of the world and various schools of philosophical thought. Spiritual philanthropist Sir John Templeton studied and analyzed the writings of world-renowned philosophers, artists, scientists, and historians to develop this universal treasury of knowledge and insight. By simply mastering a simple set of rules found in this unparalleled program: your life will become happier and more enriching. Your chance to instill your life with meaning and contribute to your own lasting improvement is finally here. Learn More
Achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of! Want to create a wealthy, financially free life for yourself and your family? Attain a fulfilling personal life and high career goals? If you answered yes, then this course is what you have waited for! Filled with actionable techniques you can implement immediately, this monumental work will show you how to be twice as successful as before, faster than you ever imagined. Learn More
The Master Strategies of the Rich You'll learn the 15 strategies or "power secrets" of the world's most successful people.These strategies have catapulted hundreds of ordinary people to unimaginable heights of success and wealth. They are not taught in colleges or business schools, but were discovered through personal experience or learned from mentors. The difference between Steve's program and most others is that you're not being lectured to. You're being mentored.Listen and see what a difference it makes. You'll soon realize that regardless of your past, your present and future are about to get a lot better! Learn More
Become a Winner Among Winners Recorded at one of Zig’s popular seminars, this outstanding audio program amuses, informs, inspires, delights, and motivates as only Zig Ziglar can. He speaks to you as if you were a guest in his living room. His philosophy is based on self-confidence, traditional values, and uplifting thinking. The homespun stories that are his trademark only add to your enrichment. Learn More
The Pied Piper of Selling The mere mention of his name opens doors— and hearts— in sales organizations throughout the world. He’s Zig Ziglar, and when it comes to selling, he’s done it all. And as a motivational speaker, he has sold salespeople on the importance of their careers and their contribution to society. Learn More
... to Health, Wealth, Happiness and Good Looks! For more than 2000 years, the Tao has been recognized as one of the most powerful systems available for achieving a clear, balanced, focused and happy mind. The Tao will make you unstoppable in everything you do, because it gives you the power to access the source of existence itself. These teachings you will learn about why we are here. Learn More
Revealing the Presence of God in Your Life Stop pursuing enlightenment and discover the direct path to God today! Critical “insider” information that provides a simple clarity for “being” and “living” the reality of the mystic in your daily life. This program lifts a veil in your consciousness to reveal a world of magical divine realities that are happening to you every day of your life. By practicing Dr. Hawkins’ ideas, you won’t merely “know about” spiritual realities by reading the works of great spiritual mystics, you will “know” that such spiritual realities exist. Learn More
Radical Ways to Use Your Mind for Healing, Improved Relationships, and Inner Calm An amazing adventure of discovery into the unexplored realms of perception that exist all around you. Real-life stories of people who have successfully journeyed beyond the realm of the physical and made remarkable discoveries, including his own amazing adventures and experiences. You’ll be astounded when you discover the power that lies just beyond the senses. Learn More
Lean to Improve Your Memory with the World Memory Champion! You’re about to take the journey of a lifetime. Guaranteed, you never realized that learning could be such fun. Revealing to you all the tricks and tips of thirteen years development of what are the ultimate tools for developing the perfect memory. See you at the next World Memory Championship! Learn More
he New Technology for Immediate Healing and Vitality Welcome to a new technology of emotional and physical healing called The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Welcome to a life of vibrancy and vitality. Let this program be your ultimate health and wellness system, with powerful guided visualizations to assist in living a fantastic, fear-free life, a life filled with health and vitality. Learn More
You Were Absolutely Born to Win! Zig Ziglar Proves It! Does there exist a set of instructions to live the perfect life? To maintain an overwhelming feeling of happiness, grow your career success, and enjoy an abundance of health and prosperity? To benefit from a sound marriage and raise responsible children… all while maintaining a healthy self-image? This compelling program virtually put you front-row center at one of Zig’s sold-out seminars. It’s going to be the most fun and exciting trip you’ll ever take. It’s filled with more promise of reward than King Solomon’s mines. This journey to the top, which you are going to be taking, is a tremendously exciting trip. Learn More
Creating Power and Results through the Magic of Mental Movies Dr. Maxwell Maltz was a world-famous plastic surgeon who discovered the incredible power that existed in a person’s self-image. Through his research, he realized that the real source of people’s issues and concerns was not of their outward physical appearance, but how they thought about themselves. Dr. Maltz’s principles of Psycho-Cybernetics have inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million people throughout the world. Get ready to break through all your barriers and develop unlimited internal power. It’s all waiting for you. Learn More
Release Your Mind's Greater Powers with Advanced Meditation Techniques Every answer you seek, every creative solution, every challenge that lies before you, can easily be solved by learning to meditate properly. It is the doorway to revolutionary thinking, knowing, finding calm inner strength, and living happily, productively, and abundantly in this world. If you are serious about living life to the fullest, while contributing to those around you and the world in general, then it all starts with mental focus. This is your path to getting you where you want to go, and far beyond. Learn More
Dan Sullivan's Lifetime Focusing System for Total Self-Mastery Start Being Who You Really Are! That’s the challenge. Learn how to effectively apply the proven concepts and techniques of life success that enable individuals to double, triple, even quadruple their personal incomes.. Through every session, you’ll feel another step closer to possessing the amazing thinking abilities that will help you master the uniqueness within yourself and fuel unbelievable energy, success, and happiness. Put yourself on the pathway to enjoying a future much bigger and more rewarding than your past. It’s a journey well worth taking! Learn More
The Next Evolution in Mind Power There will be times when someone is making an important decision … perhaps a life-and-death decision … and you won’t be there to help. At that moment, the only influence you will have with that loved one or customer or associate, when he or she is making a decision that will affect the rest of his or her life — and your life — is Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. This unique mind technology will help you in every area of your life: health, relationships, business, personal growth, and your purpose in life.This course takes the very spiritual approach that we were all sent here to planet earth for a purpose, When you dedicate yourself to doing that, an interesting thing happens: The conditions in your own life improve. You are happier, healthier, luckier, and more successful! Learn More
The Unvarnished Truth About Business, Money, and Life Discover the UNVARNISHED TRUTH about what it really takes to get what you want in life! What Larry Winget is interested in is telling the truth about success and how to achieve it. A truth that almost everyone knew once upon a time, but that almost no one seems to know today: Your success isn’t dependent upon your background, your company, your spouse, the economy, the latest bestseller on the self-help charts, or who’s sitting in the Oval Office. Your success is your own damn fault! Learn More
Negotiating Secrets the Pros Don't Want You to Know Fearlessly ask for what you want and easily negotiate and discover the secret world of systematic negotiation. In The Power of NO, world-renowned negotiation coach Jim Camp gives you his proven step-by-step system for structured, comfortable, compromise-free negotiation that will empower you to successfully get everything you want in every agreement you make. Learn More
by Michael Wickett, Ed Bernd Jr., Jose Luis Romero and JoNell Monaco Lytle
May the Rest of Your Life Be the Best of Your Life! You are entitled to every success, happiness and fulfillment you can dream of. We were sent here with a job to do and the resources to fulfill that task. So why, then, do so many people not receive the things in life that they are naturally entitled to and deserve? The answer is a simple one – they are not aware of the help that is available to them. Learn a series of specific self-management techniques to help you overcome any impediments to your happiness and be better equipped to carry out your life’s mission. Once you are headed in the right direction, the Silva techniques you learn will keep you on the path to success and fulfillment. And may the rest of your life be the best of your life! Learn More
Breakthrough Strategies for Success and Happiness in the 21st Century The Psychology of Achievement Classic became one of the most popular programs on personal success and achievement in the history of the world. However times have changed dramatically. Now for the 21st century, a whole new series of powerful ideas for thought and action that you can use to accomplish more in the weeks and months and years ahead than you might have ever dreamt of in your whole life. Today, the critical thing is competition. You must develop the skills to outthink and outsmart your competition. You must possess all the skills to compete effectively and become one among the people who are really determined to enjoy all the good things in life and desire to grow and be the best there is. Learn More
20 Minutes A Day to a More Powerful Intelligence Want a sharper edge? Improve your abilities? Are you a goal setter with specific purposes in mind? Want to develop more passion for your ideas, to see them blossom into a reality that brings you the success you deserve? How does increasing your intelligence tie into all this and can, in fact, your intelligence be increased? These resources that will help you improve your intelligence. Resources that will let you do so as easily and conveniently as possible. Providing a series of practical theories and exercises that you can use for as little as 20 minutes per day and make meaningful gains in your genius abilities. Or you can make further gains even more rapidly by investing more than 20 minutes per day in these practices. You’ll learn that the possibilities, like your intelligence, are limitless. You may be surprised at the genius-like capabilities that are already within you and at how easily you can learn and use them. Time to fully and rewardingly experience being a genius. Learn More
A Collection of Some of the Finest Wisdom In this collection of some of the finest wisdom that Mark Victor Hansen has ever recorded, Mark will show you specially how to apply those own skills in your own life. You’ll learn how to ask for what you want, how to think bigger than you ever thought you could think, how to reignite your dreams—at any age, how to follow the way of enlightened wealth, how to become a world-class giver, and so much more. We’ve selected classic audio segments from Mark’s classic Nightingale-Conant audio programs The Aladdin Factor and Dreams Don’t Have Deadlines, as well as several other audio sources from Mark’s vast audio archive, and organized them around some of Mark’s favorite topics—topics he has covered over the last 40 years to help others the world over to achieve their highest potential.
Walk away from the negotiating table knowing you’ve won — while leaving your opponents believing themselves the winners! Developed and taught by Roger Dawson, this technique will not only allow you to achieve your goals when negotiating but will also improve your relationship with the opposing side. Learn More
Timeless Life Changing Ideas and Insights Known as the "Dean of Personal Development", Earl Nightingale broadcast his radio programs for more than three decades on over 1,000 radio stations in 12 countries around the world, making him one of the most listened-to broadcasters in history. An inductee into both the Radio Hall of Fame and the International Speakers Hall of Fame and a winner of the prestigious Golden Gavel Award, he dedicated his life to helping others achieve personal success, co-founding Nightingale-Conant, a world leader in personal development. Now, for the first time ever, Nightingale's audio program The Direct Line is being offered. This audiobook offers a practical guide designed to help you find real and lasting success in your career, relationships, and finances. The messages shared in it will help you begin the most exciting and rewarding journey on earth - your journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment. Combining his personal insight with wisdom from the greatest minds in history - from the ancient Greek philosophers to contemporary thought leaders - he provides original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living. Just as the success or failure of any business depends on its management, so the success or failure of a person depends on the way he or she manages himself or herself. The Direct Line will teach you how to take control of your life and find happiness and contentment from the journey of striving toward your goals and cultivating a meaningful existence.
You Are A Winner How many times have you heard someone say: “That person is a winner” - when describing a colleague, co-worker, friend, family member, or a public personality - such as a businessperson, celebrity, or athlete? What do they mean by such a designation? And how can you acquire the qualities of a winner yourself? Learn about best ideas on self-esteem, learn how to develop this winning character trait in yourself and in the lives of your children. Listen and learn from classic audio segments on not just “how to be successful” but “how to be wise”. Hear some of the best ideas on becoming a goal-oriented individual, learn the keys on how to be the best communicator and have an impact on those who you want to communicate with, like your spouse, employees, and children. Figure out how to turn a crisis into an opportunity for growth, how a "Win has Perspective" and that winners never have the need for someone else to “light a fire” under them. Winners come from all different backgrounds, races, genders and creeds. A winner lives by the motto: “I’m going to do what I have to do as quick and as well as I can, so I can do what I want to do as long as I can”
Ideas For You And Those You Love Nightingale-Conant proudly presents to you an incredible collection of Wayne Dyer's extraordinary work in one library. This program is composed of classic audio segments from more than 12 of Wayne's best-selling programs and consists of the many key and very best ideas that can take you to new personal and spiritual heights in your life. Learn the idea that you are in control of your thoughts; How to forgive; The way of peace, love and the present moment; How to stop worrying about what others think about you; How to take full responsibility for every aspect of your life; How to choose to grow from any mistake; The practice of meditation and silence...and so much more!!! Enjoy listening to his powerful message in this library and get ready to start your journey to a better emotional and spiritual life. Learn More
by Brian Tracy, Kerry Johnson, Denis Waitley, Jim Rohn, Larry Winget, Dr. Nick Hall, John Powers, Peter McLaughlin, Jim Loehr, Richard Koch, Rick Ott, David Allen, Dan Sullivan, Lou Tice, Dr. Eric Plasker, John Cummuta, Thomas Schweich and Earl Nightingale
How to Eliminate Excuses and Take Charge of Your Life! When the vast majority of people encounter obstacles to their goals, or difficulties on the journey of life, they tend to put their focus on things that they cannot control, things outside of themselves - rather than turning inward, taking responsibility and conquering the self. That process of conquering the self is another name for that priceless quality of personality we call self-discipline. And, in this priceless collection of great ideas you will be provided with all of the essential tools of self-discipline to conquer the self in every major arena of life. Learn from some of the best ideas on self-discipline published by Nightingale-Conant over the past 50 years. Learn: How to build self-disciplined habits; How to develop beliefs that support a self-disciplined life; How to be disciplined in several areas of your life; And you’ll learn how discipline can even help you savor the fruits of your labor. You’ll find that self-discipline can be an exciting adventure where you steer your life in the direction you want to go. Learn More
Success Strategies for Rapid Change You've probably heard of the life-transforming powers of Neurolinguistic Programming, otherwise known as NLP. You've read that it teaches people to model human excellence; that it's a powerful, practical psychology for personal and professional growth. Now see for yourself — with two of the country's top NLP trainers as your guides. Learn More
Learn the critical issues involved in selling to professional buyers in large organizations. Understand how to make prospecting easier and more effective. Become the preferred vendor of your product or service. Designed for the experienced professional who wants to earn more money, Brian Tracy's Advanced Selling Techniques will refine your strategies for today's customers and markets. Learn More
Take action for greater sales success. If you're interested in maintaining and building upon a successful sales career, this is the program you can't be without. Each of the four sessions focuses on an advanced sales topic that, once mastered, gives you an advantage with any customer or competition you might face. Learn More
Become more relaxed, carefree, and serene. The latest discoveries in the sciences of sound, psychology, and superlearning to create a completely new, totally safe, and thoroughly effective psychotechnology that reprograms your subconscious in positive ways to achieve the goals you seek. Learn More
Relieve stress and bring more relaxed attitudes to everything you do. This reprogramming introduces many new benefits into your life, including allowing you to relieve stress, calm down and approach your professional and personal life confidently and peacefully. Learn More
End depression with Dr. Arnd Stein's electrifying audio program that helps you deal with everyday problems and situations in a relaxed manner. This reprogramming introduces many new benefits into your life, including giving you the attitude and tools to end depression for good. Learn More
Become more relaxed and increase your entire physical well-being. You will effortlessly, quickly, and completely lead a more fulfilled and balanced life, bring more relaxed attitudes to everything you do, allocate your energy effectively to give yourself more time and space. Learn More
Improve your self-confidence and belief in yourself, face all challenges feeling secure and calm, and learn to like yourself better while knowing that others like you, too. Learn More
Bring all your ideas and intentions to successful and creative solutions. This program allows you to have stronger and more creative ideas more often. It also enables you to make definitive decisions more easily. Learn More
Achieve improved and even total pain relief while increasing your feeling of physical well-being. This program allows you to overcome pain in any part of your body while you improve your physical well-being. Benefit from pain relief with Dr. Arnd Stein's audio program that helps you control chronic pain as well as new pain. Learn More
Achieve Your Chosen Weight will help you trim those unwanted pounds without the use of dangerous diet pills or the latest diet crazy. Forget about Atkin's low carb nonsense, or the latest South Beach diet fad.Dr. Arnd Stein has the weight loss program for you. Learn More
No matter if you've been a smoker for weeks or decades, once you use Dr. Arnd Stein's psychotechnology found in Quit Smoking, you'll bid farewell to your habit and hello to a healthier and more energetic future. Learn More
Suddenly, you'll command respect whenever you speak. Develop your inner strength and discover new ways of mastering everyday tasks and problems. Learn More
The Ten Commandments give us impeccable rules for how to behave. But they don't say much about the inner awareness from which our outer behavior springs. This leaves the field open for The Zen Commandments: Ten Suggestions for a Life of Total Freedom. Learn More
How to Become Indispensable in the Volatile World of Business In this comprehensive program James assists you in identifying the specific behavior patterns that affect your performance, and then provides you with practical action steps that will give you the ultimate freedom to fully advance in your career. Learn More
Brian Tracy reveals 24 fool proof closing tactics. Discover the magical effect of constrained enthusiasm, best time to close a sale, the fail-safe way to detect why a prospect isn't buying, and more! You can share this DVD with a sales staff as small as one or two, or with one that numbers in the thousands! Learn More
This program shows you how to dominate your market, snatch business away from your competition and outthink, outmaneuver, outwit, outpace, outsell, and outperform every competitor in your field - large or small! 62 Free Ways to Grow Your Business Profits stimulates hundreds of breakthrough ideas and takes a revolutionary approach, more powerful than any other marketing force. Learn More
Unlock new levels of thinking and perception to create new areas of achievement and fulfillment. You'll be able to concentrate your efforts to exceed your goals, renew yourself continuously both physically and mentally, master time management and gain many other benefits. Discover the best-selling principles of Stephen R Covey's in Nightingale-Conant's audio book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. Learn More
In this program, The 7 Habits?Mastery Series, you'll go beyond the 7 Habits and experience a deeper, more life-changing experience. With energy unique in presenting to a live audience, Dr. Covey will introduce you to a new level of leadership possible within everyone. Dr. Covey's approach to leadership and life is principle-centered, with an essential seriousness of purpose. Learn More
In The 72 Names of God, you'll discover all 72 of these ancient and amazingly potent Names, and the unique practical purpose of each one. Once you have The 72 Names of God, you will possess the keys to an amazing God-given power: the power to proactively confront and rapidly transform almost any circumstance in your life: physical, emotional, material, and spiritual.This is truly technology for the soul - amazing spiritual power that no one is meant to live without! Learn More
Multiply your business profits through the efforts of others with Jay Abraham's 93 Extraordinary Referral Systems. This is a must have sales training program. Turn your current customers into a 24-hour sales force, at no cost to you! This is must have sales training program for any sales person, sales manager or marketer. Learn More
The Abundant Life offers a clear, simple, step-by-step system that will help you permanently free yourself from what author Jerrold Mundis calls "underearning." This highly effective program is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Nor does it advocate pinching pennies, working overtime, or taking a job you hate. Learn More
Master your true intelligence! Double your reading speed, develop a photographic memory, increase your creativity, triple your vocabulary and more. Accelerated Learning developer Colin Rose and expert presenters Malcom Nicholl and Jayne Nicholl will give you a unique insight into your own potential. Learn More
Go ahead, dream big dreams. Then let Brian Tracy show you how to make all those dreams come true through his Achievement in Action DVD. You’ll learn how to use “blue-sky” thinking to creatively project yourself into the future, then how to plan backwards until you create the path to your goals. Let Brian become your success mentor, and you’ll find that the more you watch this program, the more you’ll get out of it and the further you’ll get toward total achievement. Learn More
Beyond Success, Achievement, and Performanc In The Awakened Life, Dr. Wayne Dyer explains a new, harmonious way of life — an awakened life — encompassing a higher sense of awareness with higher principles. In this powerful program Wayne Dyer shows you how to live in an awakened life, as he’s shown thousands of other people over the years. Learn More
Communicate Effectively With One Person or Thousands! Real communication is much more than just talking. Once you’ve learned how to be a power communicator, there’s no limit to how far you can go! As a master communicator and teacher, Nido will guide you, step by step, through his tested and proven system. Learn More
In The Best-Kept Secrets of the World’s Great Achievers, you’re also going to get to “eavesdrop” on some of the very episodes that unearthed these secrets in the first place. In these live one-on-one conversations, you’ll hear from several of the high-achieving individuals Peter spoke with in the process of his inquiry. They reveal to him and to you not just their secrets, but the real-life stories that prove their power. Stories that leave you with a briefcase full of tools you can go out and use the very next day. Learn More