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Your Inner Awakening
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Byron Katie
Four Questions That Will Transform Your LifeNo matter how much money, status, professional success, or other types of external security one may have, very few people experience true joy and personal freedom. Discover that, contrary to popular belief, trying to let go of a painful thought never works; instead, once you have investigated it, the thought lets go of you. 'The Work' is a simple yet powerful method of inquiry, a profound insight into how the mind works, that helps make this transformation practical. The Work’s four powerful questions and turnaround (which is a way of experiencing the opposite of what you believe) have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. Learn this revolutionary process so that you can use it to question and undo any stressful thought that keeps you from experiencing mental clarity. Eventually you may find, as so many others have, that peace and joy flow into every area of your life. Learn how to use 'The Work' for yourself and be filled with love for everything life brings. Learn More
Advanced Tactics for Power Negotiating DVD
1 Regular Price: $99.95
Special Price $19.95
How to Have Your Best Year Ever DVD Version
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $29.95
Imagine yourself as the person you’ve always wanted to be. How far are you from that vision? Regardless of whether you’re a short step or a long journey away from achieving that goal, this energizing and highly motivating seminar delivers dozens of proven ways to transform your life fast, giving you the tools and confidence you need to get to the level of your vision and then go miles beyond it! Experience a year unlike any you’ve known before! Learn More
The Accelerated Learning Spanish System
1 Regular Price: $379.95
Special Price $49.95
The Silva Method Mastery Course
1 Regular Price: $399.95
Special Price $49.95
by Robert B. Stone, Laura Silva and Kain Samiya
The Silva Method teaches you the lifelong mind tools to easily solve business and relationship problems, increase your productivity, reach new goals, improve your health, and lead a happier, more fulfilling life! The Silva Method Mastery Course teaches you to tune into a brain-wave frequency that helps keep the immune system strong and that encourages creativity, relieves stress and measurably improves human performance in most situations. Learn MoreEFT
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Lee Pulos, Ph.D.
he New Technology for Immediate Healing and VitalityWelcome to a new technology of emotional and physical healing called The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Welcome to a life of vibrancy and vitality. Let this program be your ultimate health and wellness system, with powerful guided visualizations to assist in living a fantastic, fear-free life, a life filled with health and vitality. Learn More
The Born to Win Seminar
1 Regular Price: $369.95
Special Price $39.95
by Zig Ziglar
You Were Absolutely Born to Win! Zig Ziglar Proves It!Does there exist a set of instructions to live the perfect life? To maintain an overwhelming feeling of happiness, grow your career success, and enjoy an abundance of health and prosperity? To benefit from a sound marriage and raise responsible children… all while maintaining a healthy self-image? This compelling program virtually put you front-row center at one of Zig’s sold-out seminars. It’s going to be the most fun and exciting trip you’ll ever take. It’s filled with more promise of reward than King Solomon’s mines. This journey to the top, which you are going to be taking, is a tremendously exciting trip. Learn More
Maxwell Maltz's Theatre of the Mind
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $39.95
by Matt Furey
Creating Power and Results through the Magic of Mental MoviesDr. Maxwell Maltz was a world-famous plastic surgeon who discovered the incredible power that existed in a person’s self-image. Through his research, he realized that the real source of people’s issues and concerns was not of their outward physical appearance, but how they thought about themselves. Dr. Maltz’s principles of Psycho-Cybernetics have inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million people throughout the world. Get ready to break through all your barriers and develop unlimited internal power. It’s all waiting for you. Learn More
Success is Your Own Damn Fault!
1 Regular Price: $259.95
Special Price $39.95
by Larry Winget
The Unvarnished Truth About Business, Money, and LifeDiscover the UNVARNISHED TRUTH about what it really takes to get what you want in life! What Larry Winget is interested in is telling the truth about success and how to achieve it. A truth that almost everyone knew once upon a time, but that almost no one seems to know today: Your success isn’t dependent upon your background, your company, your spouse, the economy, the latest bestseller on the self-help charts, or who’s sitting in the Oval Office. Your success is your own damn fault! Learn More
Secret Advantage CD/DVD Version
1 Regular Price: $1,199.95
Special Price $49.95
Rare collector edition of Earl Nightingale’s most relevant messages to compete and win today. 64 topic driven twenty minute episodes plus video documentary about Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant. Core Fundamentals To Get Anything You Want.
Get it all faster. Listen. Learn. Live.
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Learn MoreBrain Typing
1 Regular Price: $329.95
Special Price $49.95
The Effective Manager Seminar Series: Managing Meetings that Get Results
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Meetings can be the most productive or destructive use of you and your companies time. Managing meetings can effectively improve effectiveness by more than 50%. Brian Tracy will teach you all of the various components of an effective business strategy. Learn the same strategies that all successful business are built on. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Superior Sales Management
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Turn your sales department into a money-making machine set on auto-pilot! Brian Tracy has handled myriad successful sales forces throughout his career. Inspire and lead your sales force to be the best they can with the help of Brian Tracy's vast sales management experience. Learn MoreEarl Nightingale Video Classics DVD
1 Regular Price: $79.95
Special Price $19.95
by Earl Nightingale
Earl Nightingale Video Classics is like a “greatest hits” DVD of some of Earl’s most inspirational messages. No inspirational speaker delivers the goods like Earl Nightingale. His work shows his incredible research abilities, drawing ideas from some of the greatest minds in history. He is everyone’s mentor and his words will be your inspiration for achieving success. Learn MoreThe Dare Matrix Movie
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $29.95
by Joe Nuckols
In our rich 50+ years of providing life-changing insights, this is the most moving, most powerful, and most idea-rich experience we’ve ever created. Watch all 4 episodes of The DARE Matrix, leverage the 4 Power Principles that will push you to excellence. Some of the world’s most profound messages from 23 legendary authors are set to energizing music, captivating video, and incredible views. You’ll be on the edge of your seat as you learn one great idea after another! Learn MoreVital Living DVD
1 Regular Price: $49.95
Special Price $14.95
How to Build Wealth Like Warren Buffett
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Robert P. Miles
Principles and Practical Methods Used by the World's Greatest InvestorYou may be asking yourself how you can gain financial security in an economy that is constantly changing and highly unpredictable. In this unique and compelling program, you will be provided with insights and investment strategies that have weathered the violent storms and highs and lows of the everchanging marketplace. Learn More
New Rules to Get Rich
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $39.95
by Garrett B. Gunderson
How to Optimize Your Wealth and Maximize Your FulfillmentWhat if you could be introduced to a completely new financial paradigm that focuses on adding tremendous value to the lives of others to gain wealth, rather than scrimping and saving your way to wealth for years? Our culture is riddled with destructive myths about money and prosperity that are severely limiting the power, creativity, and financial potential of individuals. A must-listen for brave individuals willing to question common assumptions and teachings, overcome the herd mentality, break through financial myths, and live a purposeful, passionate, and prosperous life, never worrying about money. Learn More
Prayer, Prophecy, and the Promise of a New World
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $39.95
by Gregg Braden
Awaken Your Spirit with the Timeless Wisdom of Gregg BradenSometimes in hindsight, we often find that the most elusive answers to life’s deepest mysteries were, in fact, right before our eyes. Many times, they lie within us, waiting to be brought to our consciousness. That’s when we need someone to help us see things through our spiritual eyes, to recognize the truth that lies within our own souls. These extraordinary insights presented in this library will give new meaning to every moment of every day of your life. You’ll awaken your power of prophecy, prayer, healing, success, and miracles. You’ll discover that the way we meet today’s challenges will set the course for everything from our personal and collective lives to the future of civilization itself. Learn More
Vocal Power
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Roger Love
Speaking with Authority, Clarity, and ConvictionPresence, charisma, and star quality lead directly to your state of mind and the way you inhabit your body. In this innovative program, techniques that has been taught to entertainment, media, and business celebrities will be shared. As you learn to use your voice, breath, and movement to precisely communicate the clarity, certainty, and emotion that your heart feels, the resulting energy is charisma - confidence personified! Learn More
How to Become Financially Free on $50 a Month
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $39.95
by Bill Staton and Mary Staton
Worry-Free Wealth Strategies for a Turbulent WorldYou can become financially free on just $50 per month! This claim is not only powerful but also accurate. With an exciting mix of live and studio recordings, you’ll learn strategies for worry-free family finances. In this time of economic distress, follow this investment plan — the very best time-tested and proven plan available! Learn More
The New Psycho-Cybernetics
1 Regular Price: $269.95
Special Price $39.95
by Dr. Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy
A Mind Technology for Living Your Life Without LimitsMuch of what we learn about success is based on the pain/gain idea — in essence, work harder, be more persistent, and develop greater will-power. Achieve all your goals, faster, easier, and with less strain than you ever thought possible. Discover dozens of valuable self-evaluation tools that will help you achieve such goals as finding an ideal job, eliminate addictions, overcome feelings of pessimism, incompetence, shyness, and achieve happier, healthier relationships with those around you. Learn More
Your Hidden Power
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Joe Navarro
Using Nonverbal Intelligence to Propel Your Business or Career to ExcellenceIt is not about words. Instead, gestures, expressions, and what most of us consider to be insignificant behaviors reveal the true intentions that your boss, co-workers, and “friends” may be hiding from you. This FBI insider will Help you successfully navigate the business world by teaching you how to understand what everyone around you is really saying and thinking by master nonverbal intelligence, the ability to interpret and use nonverbal signals—in poker terms, “tells”—in business to assess and then influence others. You already have this power within you —you simply needto learn how to activate it. You are now given the best of the best when it comes to learning everything you’ll need to know to decode the truth in every situation you encounter. Learn More
Get Out of Your Own Way!
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $29.95
by Larry Winget
How to Overcome Any Obstacle In Your LifeWe talk a lot about the things we want. I want more money. I want a better relationships. I want to raise good, responsible children. I want a promotion. I want a better job. I want to be healthier. I want to be smarter. I want to retire. I want my finances in order. I want! I want! I want! But do you know what you really want? You think you know what you want in life and you’ve tried to achieve those things. But if you still don’t have them, the culprit may be closer than you think. The true is what you want you’ve already got! —and you’re sabotaging your own success Learn More
Jim Rohn Classic Collection
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $149.95
by Jim Rohn
Anniversary EditionJourney back in time through this incredible audio collection and listen to Jim Rohn in his prime, as he shares his extraordinary success secrets! The Classic Collection set was compiled from early 1980s videotapes and contains foundational success principles that Jim Rohn shared with millions during his lifetime. Jim's lessons and life-changing ideas continue to be taught by many of today's personal development gurus, and they still resonate with achievers, even after all these years! Learn More
I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It? CD/DVD Version
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
You might think laziness, lack of willpower, and/or low motivation are to blame for the fact that you aren’t achieving your goals. But fascinating research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed another, far more likely possibility. One with the potential to transform your life in a dramatic way.
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Learn MoreThe Missing Secret CD/DVD Version
1 Regular Price: $269.95
Special Price $39.95
Now, discover the “missing piece” that will make the mysterious Law of Attraction work for you automatically and consistently so you can easily get EVERYTHING you want! The phenomenal popularity of The Secret film and book has put widespread attention on the age-old universal force known as the Law of Attraction. Millions of people around the world have been ignited by the possibility that they hold the power to create the life they want. Learn ctivate the full power of the Law of Attraction using the critical “missing secret” that empowers you to automatically and consistently get what you want. Learn to activate the full power of the Law of Attraction using the critical “missing secret” that empowers you to automatically and consistently get what you want!
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Learn MoreThe Secret to Attracting Money CD/DVD Version
1 Regular Price: $269.95
Special Price $39.95
In this life-changing “abundance” program, discover how to attract money easily and effortlessly by harnessing the astounding power of the Law of Attraction! The potential to attract money and create abundant wealth doesn’t reside in your job, your circumstances, or even the economy. It resides within YOU. Your mind is equipped with the natural ability to attract as much money as you want and need — at anytime, anyplace, in any financial climate, without struggle. You just have to know how to trigger it. Learn how to tap into this awesome force and focus it like a laser for one purpose — attracting more money into your life.
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Learn MoreThe Power Habits System CD/DVD Version
1 Regular Price: $399.95
Special Price $49.95
In five years, will you be leading your organi-zation, building a great business, enjoying ex-ponentially more income, experiencing better relationships, or simply wondering where the years went? In 10 years, will you be able to feel better physically, be comfortable finan-cially, and be looking forward to a great future? Or will you simply look and feel 10 years older? Here’s a secret: You already KNOW the answers!
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Learn MoreNLP in Action DVD
1 Regular Price: $99.95
Special Price $19.95
by Charles Faulkner & Lucy Freedman
Success Strategies for Rapid ChangeYou've probably heard of the life-transforming powers of Neurolinguistic Programming, otherwise known as NLP. You've read that it teaches people to model human excellence; that it's a powerful, practical psychology for personal and professional growth. Now see for yourself — with two of the country's top NLP trainers as your guides. Learn More
Advanced Selling in Action DVD
1 Regular Price: $99.95
Special Price $19.95
by Brian Tracy & Colin Rose
Take action for greater sales success. If you're interested in maintaining and building upon a successful sales career, this is the program you can't be without. Each of the four sessions focuses on an advanced sales topic that, once mastered, gives you an advantage with any customer or competition you might face. Learn More24 Techniques for Closing the Sale
1 Regular Price: $99.95
Special Price $19.95
by Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy reveals 24 fool proof closing tactics. Discover the magical effect of constrained enthusiasm, best time to close a sale, the fail-safe way to detect why a prospect isn't buying, and more! You can share this DVD with a sales staff as small as one or two, or with one that numbers in the thousands! Learn More62 Free Ways to Grow Your Business Profits
1 Regular Price: $329.95
Special Price $49.95
by Jay Conrad Levinson
This program shows you how to dominate your market, snatch business away from your competition and outthink, outmaneuver, outwit, outpace, outsell, and outperform every competitor in your field - large or small! 62 Free Ways to Grow Your Business Profits stimulates hundreds of breakthrough ideas and takes a revolutionary approach, more powerful than any other marketing force. Learn MoreAccelerated Learning Techniques in Action DVD
1 Regular Price: $99.95
Special Price $19.95
by Rose Nicholl
Master your true intelligence! Double your reading speed, develop a photographic memory, increase your creativity, triple your vocabulary and more. Accelerated Learning developer Colin Rose and expert presenters Malcom Nicholl and Jayne Nicholl will give you a unique insight into your own potential. Learn MoreAchievement in Action DVD
1 Regular Price: $99.95
Special Price $19.95
by Brian Tracy
Go ahead, dream big dreams. Then let Brian Tracy show you how to make all those dreams come true through his Achievement in Action DVD. You’ll learn how to use “blue-sky” thinking to creatively project yourself into the future, then how to plan backwards until you create the path to your goals. Let Brian become your success mentor, and you’ll find that the more you watch this program, the more you’ll get out of it and the further you’ll get toward total achievement. Learn MoreThe Confident Millionaire
1 Regular Price: $269.95
Special Price $39.95
The Effective Manager Seminar Series: Setting Business Strategy
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy will teach you all of the various components of an effective business strategy. Learn the same strategies that all successful business are built on. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Creative Manager
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
With the complexity of today's internal and external business environments, it is important for you to be able to deal with various problems and challenges as they arise. A fresh perspective and a creative viewpoint will give you the ability to solve problems much easier. Different problems and challenges call for different solutions. Therefore to be an effective manager you must always maintain a fresh perspective. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Delegating and Supervising
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Effectively delegating and supervising others are skills you need to be a champion manager. If you can delegate and supervise employees effectively, you can be among the most productive managers in any organization. Stop spending any of your valuable time on anything that can be delegated to others. Let Brian Tracy show you how today! Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: The Excellent Manager
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Excellent managers create excellent results. Brian Tracy discusses the traits of high performing, credible, and respected managers. A must for present and future business owners. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Executive Time Management
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
The ability to get tasks done quickly is considered the top trait executives and managers look for in promoting employees to upper levels of management. You owe it to yourself to arm yourself with Executive Time Management skills. By prioritizing, your tasks you will become a more effective and productive manager. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: How to Hire; How to Fire
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Develop top-notch human resources skills today! It has been said that a chain is as strong as it's weakest link. So is your organization! Learn all of the skills vital to selecting and hiring the best candidates for your company. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Leadership: The Critical Difference
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
The Effective Manager Seminar Series: Leadership: The Critical Difference. Strong leadership builds teamwork, trust, integrity, and commitment from employees and members of your family. Learn the various qualities of respected leaders in business. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Marketing Strategy for Fast Growth
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Without customers your doors will close forever. The skills you will learn in Marketing Strategies For Fast Growth will arm you with marketing skills you need to get your company on the fast track to huge growth and profits. For you to have a successful organization you must be a skilled marketer. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Negotiating Strategies and Tactics
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Negotiating is a daily function that impact effects everyone. You are negotiating for not only products, but the services of everyone around you. Excellent negotiators save money for themselves as well as their company. Negotiating makes money! You must become a skilled negotiator to be successful in business. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Pathways Toward Personal Progress
1 Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $29.95
by Brian Tracy
Learn the critical factors for success in business today. Brian Tracy will teach you all of the various components of an effective business strategy. Learn the same strategies that all successful business are built on. Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: How to Sell Well
1 Regular Price: $189.95
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by Brian Tracy
Without sales there won't be salaries, bonuses, benefits, commissions, or anything else. Master salesman Brian Tracy will present you with 100 ideas for sales success. All business revenues start with the sale. Therefore, sales skills are vital to your business survival! Learn MoreThe Effective Manager Seminar Series: Motivating People Toward Peak Performance
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by Brian Tracy
Motivate your employees to increase their productivity and work quality. The average employee works at 50% of the level of productivity that they are capable of. That means that companies are throwing away billions of dollars every year. Let Brian teach you how to raise your employees motivation levels to full capacity.Motivation is the fuel that feeds employee productivity. Without it, nothing gets done accurately or on time. Learn MoreGary Null's Perfect Health System
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Goals DVD
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Guide To Business Negotiating DVD
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Guide to Everyday Negotiating DVD
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Inspire Your Divine Purpose DVD
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Vital Living from the Inside-Out
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The Local Entrepreneur
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by Tom Feltenstein
In The Local Entrepreneur, best-selling author and motivational speaker Tom Feltenstein will teach you how to generate all the sales and riches you could ever hope in the same way McDonald’s, Starbucks, and other now-legendary companies did it one neighborhood at a time. This idea-packed, strategy-rich program will give you an exact science for getting more sales than you’ve ever imagined possible without spending a dollar more than you did last year on advertising! Learn MoreThe Magic of Groundhog Day
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The Master Key To Success
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by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone
Design Your Own DestinyIn 13 dynamic sessions, Dr. Hill shows you how by simply using the principles of success he learned over four decades of painstaking research, you will receive the Success Master Key to unlock every door of opportunity. Less than 1% of the world knows about this elusive Master Key, capable of opening the door to your most far-reaching future. Napoleon Hill is handing you the key right now. TAKE IT! And your life will never be the same! Learn More
The Peaceful Warrior’s Path to Everyday Enlightenment
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The Best-Kept Secrets of Great Communicators System
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by Peter Thomson
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by Zig Ziglar
A Great Way to Reach the TopNobody can make a career in selling sound better than Zig Ziglar can. That’s because he sincerely believes in his product. When he tells you it’s the best career known to man, he really believes it. Once you’ve experienced this inspiring presentation on Zig Ziglar Selling, you will too! Learn More
Maximum Speed Reading
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by Howard Stephan Berg
Maximum Speed Reading will help you to read and comprehend massive amounts of written information - in any subject area - with unbelievable speed and remarkable retention and recall. You'll be able to absorb, retain, and recall huge amounts of information on any subject, in any written format. You'll amaze employers, clients, and friends with your remarkable and hugely valuable skill. And you'll possess the ultimate secret for succeeding in today's information-packed world. Learn MoreSri Siva's Personal Transformation
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The Strangest Secret - Video Classic DVD
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by Earl Nightingale
In this unique video presentation, Earl Nightingale — known as the Dean of Personal Development — teaches you why the six simple words “You become what you think about” have changed the lives of millions. The Strangest Secret is amazing message that was first played for a group of salespeople at Earl’s insurance agency in 1956. If you heed what he shares with you in this timeless message, your life will never be the same again. Learn MoreThe Ten Keys to Personal Power DVD
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by Brian Tracy
There are 10 qualities to success. They are the basic ingredients to career and personal success, and all highly successful people have them in common, and in abundance. Learn MoreTruth vs. Falsehood
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by Dr. David Hawkins
The Art of Spiritual DiscernmentIn Truth vs. Falsehood, Dr. Hawkins shares the simple, instantaneous technique that differentiates truth from falsehood in a matter of seconds. You'll discover that Truth and Reality have no secrets, and everything that exists now or in the past, even a thought, is identifiable and calibratable forever from the omnipresent field of Consciousness itself. Learn More
Wealth Streams Library DVD
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Your Miracle Life
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The Business Super Growth System
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by Fabrice Beillard
A complete business system that delivers a continuous flow of leads, customers, and sales to accelerate your profits! Internationally-acclaimed business growth expert, Fabrice Beillard, supercharges your business results in 12 idea-rich video presentations. Start building the business of your dreams! You already know you will get the same results by operating your business as you always have. Why not try something different. Something new and bold. And transform your results! Learn MoreMillion Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters
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by Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, The Sandler Sales Institute and Earl Nightingale
Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters audio and video system focuses on both the Outside Game of Sales as well as the Inside Game of Sales. The combination of these proven sales programs in Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters will immediately impact your sales, your commission checks and your future lifestyle. Learn More69 Item(s)
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