The Principles of Authentic Power Digital Download

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The Principles of Authentic Power Digital Download

Author: Joe Caruso

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12 Audio Sessions (6 hours and 26 minutes)
Plus PDF Workbook

by Joe Caruso

Finding Strength, Meaning and Happiness in an Out-of-Control World
It seems the more we try to control the elements in our lives, the more out of control life becomes. Embarked on a quest to discover timeless truths about our spiritual and emotional existence, Find power in every situation, even if you don’t have control over it. Learn the Five Steps to Wisdom and how to make them work for you. Learn the Four Rules of Engagement and how to make connections that count. Discover that the best way to obtain happiness is to stop pursuing it. The present moment is all we really have, and learn how to live each and every moment to the fullest.

CD Version Available


Learn the art of strategic surrender and get more of what you want with half the effort!

The more we try to control the elements in our lives, the more out of control lives become.

Joe Caruso learned this when he was only 18 years old after being diagnosed with incurable cancer, which at the time, had a 3% survival rate. Certain that he was living on borrowed time, he began to plan his own funeral until a wise nurse taught him a lesson that changed the course of his life. Joe embarked on a quest that led him to discover timeless truths about our spiritual and emotional existence. 26 years later he is now an internationally acclaimed speaker whose seminars, workshops, and counsel have literally transformed people's lives. More than two decades of Joe's exhaustive research now culminate in his Nightingale-Conant audio program The Principles of Authentic Power: Finding Strength, Meaning and Happiness in an Out-of-Control World.

At the root of Joe's work is the understanding that despite the fact that we live in a high-tech world designed to organize and structure our lives down to the last detail, the world we live in is also out of control. Despite any illusions, we actually have no control over anything - except ourselves and the way we react to the events of our lives. Therein lies authentic power. Developing authentic power lies in the wisdom of making clear distinctions between what you can control, what you can merely influence, and what you need to simply accept. When we stop wasting energy trying to make the world and other people be the way we want them to be, we can tap into that energy and focus it on ways that will give us more peace, happiness, and personal satisfaction.

In The Principles of Authentic Power, you'll learn:

  • How to find power in every situation, even if you don't have control over it.

  • The Five Steps to Wisdom and how to make them work for you.

  • The Four Rules of Engagement- how to make connections that count.

  • Why we are the stories we tell ourselves we are.

  • The power of context - how a shift in perception can alleviate any negativity.

  • The greatest antidote to fear and how to use it.

  • How possessing authentic power is linked to our willingness to let go.

  • Choosing your battles wisely and recognizing the ones you were never meant to win.

  • Control vs. influence in your primary and secondary worlds.

  • Achieving true peace by letting go of 10 debilitating attitudes.

  • Cherishing the chase as much as the trophy.

  • How to leave a great legacy and so much MORE!.

The Principles of Authentic Power shows you that the best way to obtain happiness is to stop pursuing it. The present moment is all we really have, and Joe will teach you how to live each and every moment to the fullest.

Additional Information

NC Product ID 23860DP
UPC non-inv-23860dp
Contents 12 Audio Sessions (6 hours and 26 minutes)
Plus PDF Workbook
Format Digital Download
Digital Format Info Audio Files are in MP3 Format
Video Files (if available) are in MP4 Format
Workbooks and other printed materials are in PDF Format
