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Boost Your Brain Power with One Powerful Technique
By Win Wenger, Ph.D.

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Brain Boosters

by Win Wenger

Brain Boosters

Expose your genius-like abilities and produce extraordinary ideas for your business, career, and personal success!

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The Einstein Factor

by Win Wenger, Ph.D., and Richard Poe

The Einstein Factor

Your subconscious mind holds the SAME power as Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Tesla! Supercharge your intelligence, concentration, creativity, and reading speed!

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Focused Mind, Powerful Mind

by Nightingale
Learning Systems

Focused Mind, Powerful Mind

Discover the power of meditation to enhance creativity, increase happiness, and improve your relationships, health, sleep, and more! Release your mind's superior power!

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© 2011 Nightingale-Conant Corporation

When I say "sky," what word comes to mind for you?  With that, did any other thought or mental picture come to mind?  And when I say "brick," what immediately comes to mind for you?  Those are flash associations.  There are sometimes simply word associations like "blue" with "sky" or "wall" with "brick."  Other times there are sensory imagery associations.  Seeing a brick or some bricks or seeing a brick in a picture.  The feeling of holding a brick.  Even the smell of a brick in the sunshine.

At the word level, word associations are about as fast as you just experienced, which is pretty slow by your brain's standards, because words happen in the slowest part of your brain.  Most of your conscious mind is also invested in that word, using the slowest part of your brain.  The rest of the cortex part of your brain works some 10,000 times faster than does your word-conscious area,  according to instrumented brain scans.  Part of that may simply be because the word-using conscious part of your brain has been trained down to the speed of the language you use.  The deeper, main limbic part of your brain, however, works some 10,000 times faster than does even most of your cortex.  So that is some 10 million times faster than the speed of your word-using conscious mind.

Since these deeper, faster regions of your mind are also the more accurate and more comprehensive that the insights that they generate, we want to get to the associations that they give us as quickly as possible, before the word-using conscious part of the brain can get its own opinion in and get in the way of those deeper insights.

So there are quite a few different procedures that involve getting at these very fast associations formed in the brain before our word slow and consciousness can get in our way with its expectations as to what the answer ought to be.  So I say "brick," and you think "wall."  Big deal, right? Not very profound.  But many or most of the associations formed at very deep levels of the brain and mind, the deep and the faster mind you, do have profound meaning.  This can be very convenient in finding answers and solutions to problems, especially in this lesson, the main procedure, which is called the flash answer method.

In some publications we have referred to this method instead as the basic associative procedure.  Under either name, flash answer method or basic associative procedure, it is a remarkably accurate, rapid, and easy procedure for solving problems, and has been gaining our attention and respect ever since we invented it a few years ago.  It's fast becoming one of our staples.

So the flash answer method has a practical use. It's not only good for you like medicine is supposed to be good for you, but you can get effective answers to almost any problem of a personal, situational, or job-related nature or for some problem in the larger community. If it is a problem that you'd really, really love to get an answer to, a matter that you care about deeply, this is more involving of those deeper ranges of your brain that you want to engage.

There's a fine edge to this, however, because the more you care about the matter, the more likely that your conscious mind has formed its own expectations and opinions on it based on its rather limited knowledge and operations.  If you wait to respond, you're much more likely to get the answer you expect, and that answer usually is not the one that works.

At first, the flash answer is going by so fast that you hardly notice it zip by, but that first flash impression usually represents the best answer.  So we have to go for that instant response.  Sometimes that answer translates directly into conscious insights and words.  Sometimes it zips through a sensory impression, a memory, a feeling, a smell or taste, because sensory images are the working language of most of your brain, including the deeper areas of your brain.  That's one reason I'm hoping to get you into better contact with your own senses and with what your brain does with what it receives from them.


Here's one key for you, 80% to 90% of your brain works and associates in sensory images.  Two percent of your brain works in words and word-based thoughts.  Where then is most of your intelligence?  However, our Euro-Western culture has had you working on the word side for so long, some people have difficulty at first picking up on their internal sensory associations and images.  Fortunately the flash answer method lets you have it either way, an image impression or words.  You just have to pick up on the first fastest thing passing through your mind after the question, problem, or other stimulus occurs.

You don't take time to try to figure out what the answer may be; you just blurt out the first response you can pick up on after the question. Flash answer is another and very major way to get in conscious touch with your deeper resource and with the main part of your intelligence.  As you build more and more connection with your greater resources, you will add more and more of their intelligence to what you use and experience with every day.

In the interest of speed and suddenness, I will provide you a question to flash answer respond to this first time, but I hope you will work out many questions and bring them to flash answer yourself, and also practice problem solving with friends using flash answer. 

In the flash answer method, you pick up on the fact that along with all of our conscious associations on the matter, almost immediately with the question, something or other comes to mind that seems totally unrelated to the question at issue.  Because it seems to have nothing to do with the matter, we usually ignore it, and it goes away.  Here, though, instead of ignoring it, let's notice it happening, pick up on that seemingly unrelated thought or memory, and tell me some of the detail of some of that seemingly unrelated thought or memory. 

So here is flash awareness method of what it's about.  How often have you had this experience?: Someone asks you a question or you find yourself confronted with a question or problem, and for that first moment of being faced with the question or problem, you find your attention on something else entirely?  An old memory perhaps or a stray thought or idea about something else entirely.  Or your eye is caught by something else seemingly unrelated altogether to that issue.  And you pull your thought, your perception, your awareness away from that and back to the question; you discard that momentary flash of awareness to something else because it seems totally irrelevant and just a distraction. 

Just about everyone I've checked with has had that experience.  Not only once but many times.  Though, most had not noticed it until I mentioned it to them.  I have had this experience also many times, and like everyone else, I was discarding that momentary flash as being irrelevant.  It caught my notice a few times during the past 10 or 12 years, partly because my work is trained to notice things, but this flash phenomenon really caught my attention only two years ago. 

I chased it down then and discovered something incredibly valuable.  This flash response is a hot line response from your deeper brain and further intelligence.  That first irrelevant awareness is not irrelevant after all.  It is extremely relevant.  It is your very best available insight in the context offered instantaneously from your 10,000-times- or 10 million-times-faster-than-word-thought part of your brain, which has already sorted out all your immense treasure trove of data and resources, which somehow relate to that new question or problem. 

For example, if you wonder how you're going to get rid of this cold before your big meeting tomorrow and you find your thoughts drifting back instead 40 years to your mother's home-cooked meals, that's not irrelevant.  There's a reason why you found your thoughts and memories back on mom's cooking.  Probably something in the food then that you haven't had since, that if you had it now or could get a hold of it now would supply a key ingredient that would let your body rev up and throw off that pesky cold.

If you were wondering if you could trust the salesman and you find yourself oddly watching instead the corner of his forehead as he talks to you, there's a reason why you find your gaze attracted there.  Upon investigating, you find that there is that same little crinkle you saw in another salesman 20 years ago who sold you one of the best deals that you'd ever made. 

If you wonder whether to try to move in with your new boyfriend or girlfriend, and you find your memory somehow unaccountably reminding you of watching President Kennedy's inauguration on television and seeing the national poet laureate up there at the mike reciting his poetry, how irrelevant can you get!  Until you look closer and discover that the most famous lines of that poet, Robert Frost, were that good fences make good neighbors. 

If you wonder whether to try to move in with your new boyfriend or girlfriend, and you find your memory somehow unaccountably reminding you of watching President Kennedy's inauguration on television and seeing the national poet laureate up there at the mike reciting his poetry, how irrelevant can you get!  Until you look closer and discover that the most famous lines of that poet, Robert Frost, were that good fences make good neighbors. 

You are either a) attracting wealth, or b) attracting poverty. There IS no option C. Take a FAST and FRREE test and find out!

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"The Creator gave us the complete, unchallengable right of prerogative over the one thing, and
only thing we own, our mind.
- Napoleon Hill

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