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DISCIPLINE Self-discipline is the one skill that’s indispensable for a successful network marketer. Don’t go another day without it, especially when Brian Tracy makes it so easy to achieve. Start experiencing The Miracle of Self-Discipline for yourself! |
LEADERSHIP Perhaps the biggest challenge faced by network marketers, learning to lead. Get family, friends, and co-workers to do what you ask because they want to do it, not because they have to. Digital Download
CD Audiobook
COMMUNICATION World-renowned communications expert Peter Thomson has worked with many of the most powerful master communicators, and in this revolutionary program, he reveals their prized personal secrets to you. Digital Download
CD Audiobook
MOTIVATION In The Power of Ambition: Unleashing the Conquering Drive Within You, renowned speaker and author Jim Rohn reevaluates the role of ambition in all aspects of our lives, exploring the facts, debunking the fiction and revealing the six life-changing steps anyone can take to build their legitimate ambition. Digital Download
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SELLING Armed with the proven skills you’ll master in The Psychology of Selling, you’ll get to the top of your business fast and stay there forever... and be able to easily sell your way through tough economic times, personal slumps, and increased competition. Digital Download
CD Audiobook
WEALTH Become the architect of your destiny, capable of building a lifetime of accomplishment. Whether you are striving for success in your career or in your personal life, Napoleon Hill’s unique, universal philosophies will lead you directly to the source of all life’s riches. Digital Download
CD Audiobook
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