Dear Friend,
Before you make an important first impression at a job interview, client meeting, family function, or in any other situation in which you want to present your best image, do you usually...
- Bathe or shower and either shave or apply makeup? Of course.
- Scrutinize your clothes and and fix your hair? Always!
- Give yourself a final once-over to make sure everything is perfect? Absolutely.
But if you're like 99% of people, you neglect one major image enhancer. And it turns out that it can absolutely make or break the impression you want to make, the deal you want to close, and the job you want to get.
There's one part of your "public self" that makes a faster, more powerful, and longer-lasting impression than any other. Yet, unlike your appearance, it's something you probably don't give any thought to at all.
Before I tell you what this crucial element is, consider this brief story:
Meet Roger Love
America’s #1 Vocal Coach!
Roger Love has often been called the "Voice Coach to the Stars". For over twenty years he has been helping to build some of the most successful talents in the entertainment and business worlds. His work with recording artists in the studio has resulted in over 100 million album sales worldwide. As well as being America's favorite vocal coaching expert (he's even the vocal coach for the mega-hit television series GLEE!), Roger is a three-time best-selling author, and an award-winning producer whose success in the entertainment and business world remains unmatched.
Here are just a FEW of the superstar actors, entertainers, speakers, and public figures whose voices have been trained and perfected by Roger Love:
John Corbett
Mandy Moore
Colin Farrell
Jeff Bridges
Alicia Silverstone
Joaquin Phoenix
Martin Landau
Reese Witherspoon
Esai Morales
Rebecca Romijn
Milla Jovovich
Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen
Victoria Principal
Tyra Banks
Earth, Wind & Fire
The Beach Boys
The 5th Dimension
The Jacksons
Iggy Pop
Matchbox 20
Three Dog Night
Maroon 5
Papa Roach
Wilson Phillips
Selena Gomez
Billy Idol
Def Leppard
Motley Crue
John Gray
Glenn Beck
Anthony Robbins
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Michael Reagan
Bill Handle
Suze Orman
A well-known multibillion-dollar Wall Street financial institution had just experienced the best quarter in its history. The CFO was set to announce this news in a speech he was delivering to a group of shareholders, executives, and analysts.
The CFO painstakingly prepared the content of his speech. He memorized it thoroughly and practiced it for hours. And because he had nothing but great information to share, he was anticipating an excited, enthusiastic response.
But what he got was just the opposite.
When he finished speaking and began to take questions, he could tell that something had gone terribly wrong. It was clear that the audience felt he was hiding something, that they were suspicious of him and believed there was some sort of "bad news" he was covering up.
He was stunned by this turn of events. So stunned, in fact, that he decided to call in an expert to help analyze the situation - a world-renowned vocal coach whose training and techniques are the secret weapons of some of the most popular, persuasive communicators around.
The vocal coach was flown in immediately, and the two men sat down to discuss the problem. The CFO had a videotape of the speech that he had planned to review in the meeting. He reached for the videocassette and stood up to put it in the VCR, but the consultant stopped him. "Don't bother," he said. "I don't need to see it."
The CFO was shocked. "What do you mean? I brought you all the way here to tell me where I went wrong in this speech. You need to see it if you're going to figure out why it flopped!" The consultant shook his head. "No, I don't. I already know why it flopped. I knew it the moment we started talking."
When it comes to important communication, most of us are like the CFO. We spend the bulk of our time worrying about what we are going to say: the words we'll use and the way those words fit together to express whatever it is we are trying to get across.
But when it comes to powerful, effective communication, the truth is how you say your words matters far more than the words themselves!
I'm talking about YOUR VOICE! That's right! The way your voice sounds is an unbelievably critical component in any successful communication.
Research has shown that the words you speak account for about 7 percent of what makes you believable to someone else. Just 7 percent!
So what accounts for the other 93%? Tonality and physiology: the way you sound when you're communicating and what your body is doing while you're communicating.
Here's why:
The instant you begin speaking, people listening to you begin to form very definite opinions and judgments about your intelligence, your personality, your sincerity, your authority, your abilities, your background, and more.
These opinions begin to form and solidify within the first five seconds of your speech — long before the actual words you're saying begin to take on any significant meaning for the listener. And once established, these opinions can be extremely difficult to change. Even when the words you're saying completely contradict the message your tonality is sending.
That's why even the most carefully worded, painstakingly practiced speech, presentation, or conversation can go completely awry if you have not mastered "Vocal Power."
If you've ever been surprised by the way your voice sounds on a recording, then you know that the voice you hear in your head is very different from the one the rest of the world hears.
Now you can communicate with charisma, clarity, and absolute precision using the secret weapon of the stars!
People who use their voice to make a living — like actors, singers, radio personalities, motivational speakers, and politicians — are acutely aware of this. They know that if they want to succeed, they need to be able to communicate clearly and precisely, and they need to be able to accurately predict their audiences' reactions and opinions.
As a result, these stars spend a lot of time and money learning how to understand and gain control over their voice. And over and over again, they've turned to one man to help them do it: Roger Love.
Roger Love has spent more than 25 years helping to build some of the most successful talents in the business and entertainment worlds. He's the vocal coach to Anthony Robbins, Suze Orman, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, and Glenn Beck, as well as other well-known celebrities, including Reese Witherspoon, John Corbett, Mandy Moore, Billy Idol, Alicia Silverstone, Joaquin Phoenix, Martin Landau, Esai Morales, Rebecca Romijn, Milla Jovovich, Victoria Principal, Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen, Tyra Banks, Eminem, Iggy Pop, and more.
In his Nightingale-Conant audio program Vocal Power: Speaking with Confidence, Clarity, and Conviction, Roger Love will teach you how to truly understand the power of your voice, maximize its pluses, and minimize its flaws. You'll exude confidence and charisma every single time you speak, and when you do, your "audiences" — your clients, colleagues, kids, spouse, and all the other people you encounter through the course of a day — will hear exactly what you want them to hear.
In the very first session of Vocal Power, you'll take an Instant Evaluation that will enable you to hear yourself the way other people hear you, and identify where your vocal problems may lie.
Is your voice too gravelly or too breathy? Too low or too high? Are you using too much air, or not enough? You'll find out for sure when you take this evaluation. And then you'll discover what you can do about it.
Create vocal masterpieces with the
universal ingredients of speaking success
Volume. Tone. Pitch. Melody. Pace. If you're not a singer, you probably don't give much thought to these things. But every time you speak, each one of these elements comes into play — for better or for worse.
You might think of them as raw ingredients. Combine them in the right amounts and in the right way using a great recipe, and you'll create something fantastic. Throw them together with no thought and no plan, and you could end up with a disaster on your hands.
More than anything else, communicating your message and emotions clearly is a matter of using volume, tone, pitch, melody, and pace in the right way.
In Vocal Power, you'll learn how to identify and control each of these elements in your own voice to achieve the desired vocal effect: confident in a job interview... calm when sharing a potentially upsetting piece of news... authoritative when conducting a meeting with employees or making a presentation to clients... or whatever quality you want to express in a given situation.
And that's just the beginning. In 12 "how-to"-packed sessions, you'll learn how to:
- Instantly sound stronger and more powerful by doing just one thing differently
- Master the "secret voice" that will miraculously change every sound that comes out of your mouth
- Create deliberate, predictable effects on your listeners by controlling the sounds you bring into your voice
- Match your voice to a wide range of messages, circumstances, or situations without ever sounding artificial or unnatural
- Eliminate annoying, distracting "fillers" such as um and uh from your speech forever
- Maintain ideal posture throughout any speech or presentation without giving it a second thought
- Record the perfect voicemail message (you'll never cringe at your own voice again!)
- Permanently conquer stage fright
- And so much more!

Click below to order RISK-FREE with our 30-Day Guarantee

You'll find that the people you encounter throughout your day will respond differently to you too. They'll listen more closely, express more interest, and respond to your communications in exactly the ways you want them to.
You'll also learn how to align your newfound vocal power with a confident physiology and mindset. No more awkward hands, shuffling feet, or darting eyes. Roger will help you identify and break the bad mind and body habits you have now, and replace them with gestures, postures, expressions, and ideas that communicate strength and confidence from the inside out.
What Roger Love’s students are saying about the real-world impact of his vocal techniques:
Made a Huge Positive Difference
"I never realized how important my voice and my breathing were to my whole state of wellbeing until I worked with Roger, and it's made a huge positive difference in my life."
- John Mulio, Chief Information Officer, San Diego, California
Now Speaks Confidently
"Public speaking is essential for business development in my profession, but it used to make me feel very uncomfortable. After learning and utilizing Roger Love's extremely effective vocal techniques, I now speak confidently and grasp every speaking opportunity that arises."
- Gregory N. Lippe, CPA
A Heavenly Present
"Dear Roger Love: I have been following all the steps, and I am getting amazing results. The first time I heard my voice in a tape recorder, I could not believe it. It was like a present from God! I never thought in my whole life that I would be able to develop my voice and at the same time realize the magical instrument I do have. I just want to thank you for all the time, passion and dedication."
- Adriana Gisel "Zoe" Monja
Finally Found Guidance
"Dear Roger, I am an 18-year-old-law student and perfecting my oral communication has become a personal objective for me. I've purchased a book on speech before but without the guidance of a CD had found myself lost. I've never been to a professional vocal coach but what I sense about you is that you actually care about people enjoying their voice. That is something I'd like to commend you on. Your upbeat personality is a real asset."
- Thomas Cheam
Totally Amazed After Only 5 Hours
"Already after 5 hours of reading and practice, a new world has opened to me. I am totally amazed! Thank you for helping me."
- Barbara Matscheg, Canada
Changed His Life
"I took vocal lessons when I was a kid and several other times over the years. It's astounding to me that none of those teachers ever had a clue what to do with me. I'm generally a very confident guy, except when it comes to my voice. Now I feel like I finally get it, and that it's all so simple. I appreciate you, and studying your methods has changed my life."
- Mark Schulman, motivational speaker
Equal to 10 Vocal Teachers
"Thank you for being my new vocal coach. I've had many teachers in the past and none are as effective or fun as you. I would say that one Roger Love is equal to 10 other voice teachers. You are the best. You make me feel so excited about myself and the future. I offer you my most sincere and humble appreciation."
- Janice Laurenco, Montreal, Canada
All of the techniques Roger shares are easy to understand and practice. And you'll find that they quickly become second nature. You won't have to think about what pace you should be speaking at or how much melody you should put into your voice. You'll simply do it. Your voice will instinctively adapt itself to the emotion and intent of every message you want to send.
In the end, you'll know how to harmonize your voice, body, and mind into one smooth, synchronized, powerful communication machine.
Can changing your voice really change your life?
Try this experiment and see!
Order Roger Love's amazing program Vocal Power today and start putting Roger's simple exercises and techniques to the test in your own life.
Before you get to the end of the first session, you'll experience the ways these simple exercises can enhance and enliven your voice. And as soon as you use them out in the real world of everyday communications, I guarantee you'll be amazed by the results.
People who know you will immediately recognize a positive change in you. They might ask you if you've lost weight or changed your hairstyle. What they'll be noticing, without realizing it, is a powerful new aura of self-assurance — the natural result of your inner and outer selves being completely in synch and "on message."
Click on the link below and as soon as your order is received, we'll ship out the complete program to you, including 12 sessions on 6 CDs, a Workbook on CD, plus a FREE bonus DVD and two FREE bonus audio sessions.
Vocal Power will give you all the information and techniques you need to put your best self forward and get exactly what you want out of every single communication in your life. The effect is nothing short of magical! I hope you'll take advantage of my risk-free offer to find out for yourself.
P.S. Once you've put a few of Roger Love's remarkable techniques to the test, you'll understand why celebrities clamor for his time and spend thousands of dollars for his advice. This exclusive offer will put the charisma-building secrets of the stars into your hands for just a fraction of that, and completely risk FREE! You won't believe the enormous impact such small, simple techniques will make. They'll transform your voice, your image, and your entire life the moment you begin using them. Order your copy today!
P.P.S. Your program will also include an incredible video that will help you connect your newfound vocal power with the visual aspect of effective communication. When you see Roger progress through the exercises, you'll really fully understand what a profound impact the visual aspect has on the way your voice sounds and the messages it sends.
Plus, you'll also receive two FREE bonus sessions designed to help you make the maximum number of vocal changes in the least amount of time. The simple exercises you'll discover in these sessions will take you from inexperience to confidence — from shy to amazing.
Vocal Power
YES, I want to uncover and maximize the secret power of my own voice and use it to transform my daily communications forever.

Please send me Roger Love's bestselling 6-CD program Vocal Power: Speaking with Authority, Clarity, and Conviction PLUS DVD, Bonus CD, and Workbook on CD today for just $69.95, which is 70% OFF the regular program price. (LIMITED TIME OFFER!)
If I am not completely satisfied with the results I experience, I'll send the program back within 30 days for a full refund. No questions asked.
Click below to order RISK-FREE with our 30-Day Guarantee