The Law of Attraction isn't
the only SECRET there is!
There are 150 OTHER Universal Laws of Success and Achievement. And each one has the power to transform your life in ways that will amaze and astonish you.
Read on to discover the rest of these "forgotten" laws... and find out how you can use them to EFFORTLESSLY and INSTANTLY achieve incredible results in your finances, career, relationships and more!

Dear Friend,
If your knowledge of the universal laws of success is limited to the Law of Attraction - the one that gained worldwide attention through The Secret film and book - then you don't know nearly enough of the story.
I'm writing to you today to help change that.
The Law of Attraction is undoubtedly one of the most powerful forces in the universe. But there are actually many, many others.
These "forgotten" success laws govern, explain and predict outcomes in very specific areas of life - everything from business, sales and negotiations, to love and relationships, to money and wealth creation, and more.
The more of them you know and apply, the greater your success will be. And there's one person who has spent more time studying and understanding the full story of human success than perhaps anyone else alive today.

Get ALL of the natural forces of success working in your favor!
Brian Tracy has dedicated his life studying the habits, behaviors, and thought processes of successful people. And along the way, he discovered something amazing:
Being successful and achieving the things you want in life - wealth, fulfillment, love, happiness - is a remarkably easy thing to do. It is simply a matter of harmonizing your life with the Universal Laws of Success and Achievement.
These laws - which include the Law of Attraction - govern the universe in exactly the same way as do natural laws, such as gravity and thermodynamics. They are always operating and affecting your life at all times, whether you are aware of them or not. They hold true in up times and down times. In good economies and bad.
People who consistently get what they want in life do so because:
- They KNOW what these laws are, and
- They have LEARNED how to act, think, and live in harmony with them
Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, are unsuccessful because they either ignore these laws, or don't know about them.
Can you imagine how dangerous and potentially disastrous the world would be if you didn't know that paper burns if it gets hot enough... or that if you step off a ledge, you'll drop straight to the ground?
Well, if you aren't aware of the Laws of Success and Achievement, the world is just as dangerous.
Without knowing it, you are constantly running the risk of sabotaging yourself, undermining your desires, and doing the absolute wrong thing in pursuit of your goals. You are truly flying blind.
So you can see why it is so crucial to become aware of these laws. Understanding them lifts the veil on the mystery of success. You'll know exactly what to do - and just as importantly, what not to do - in order to get what you want.
In his groundbreaking program The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement, Brian Tracy will introduce you to not just one, but...
ALL of the 151 laws that govern nearly every facet of life!
With his trademark simplicity and clarity, Brian will tell you exactly how you can maximize each one to achieve anything you want. You'll discover:
The 15 Laws of SUCCESS, including...
- The Law of Change: Change is constant, inevitable, and often destructive, but this will ensure you take advantage of it, instead of being a victim of it
- The Law of Choice: Do you realize how free you really are? You will once you understand this law, and your life will be forever changed as a result
- The Law of Optimism: Increase your likelihood of success tenfold in the easiest way imaginable
- The Law of Attraction: Understand why your life is what it is... and what you need to do to make it what you want it to be
The 8 Laws of HAPPINESS, including...
- The Law of Substitution... and a way to become dramatically happier in 30 seconds
- The Law of Integrity: Unsatisfied? You're almost certainly making the simple (and correctable) mistake this law reveals
- The Law of Expression: You'll never choose your words thoughtlessly again
- The Law of Practice: Happiness is a habit. Here's how you develop it
The 13 Laws of MONEY, including...
- The Law of Capital: Maximize the assets and resources you may not even realize you possess
- Parkinson's Law: The law you MUST BREAK if you want to be rich. (Those who don't never will be!)
- The Law of Three: A simple and sure way to achieve financial independence
- The Law of Abundance: You can make money come to you, effortlessly and automatically. It's not difficult; you just need to understand this
The 12 Laws of LUCK, including...
- The Law of Probability: Follow this formula to skyrocket your odds of success in any situation
- The Law of Expectations: You don't always get what you want, or what you need. But there is something you DO always get. Here's how to make sure you're happy with it
- The Law of Opportunity: The secret to spotting hidden lucky breaks that are lurking in your life right now
- The Law of Assumption: Completely counter-intuitive ... and a guaranteed way to avoid failure!
The 10 Laws of WEALTH CREATION, including...
- The Law of Entrepreneurship: Own your own business or thinking about starting one? Do this ONE THING differently, and you're virtually guaranteed amazing success
- The Law of Desire: If you don't have the wealth you want, this law holds the reason - and the solution
- The Law of Enrichment: The surprising secret to creating wealth that lasts
- The 12 Laws of Achievement
- The 15 Laws of Economics
- The 14 Laws of Negotiating
- The 13 Laws of Selling
- The 14 Laws of Business
- The 12 Laws of Love and Relationships
- The 13 Laws of Self-Fulfillment
Once you discover these laws and begin to consciously think and act in harmony with them, you will feel the results immediately. Your life will feel easier and less stressful. Things you struggled to achieve before will suddenly come to you easily, with almost no effort at all.
It will feel like magic. But it isn't. It is simply what happens when you finally become fully aware of and harmonized with the laws that govern human success.
The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement
Personal Pocket Guide
The incredible thing about the Universal Laws of Success and Achievement is how very specific they are. There is a law that is applicable in nearly every situation you're likely to find yourself in. That's why Brian created a pocket-sized reference guide that could be used anytime, anywhere.
When you order The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement, you'll also receive this guide absolutely free. It lists all 151 Laws with a brief explanation of each, organized according to category: Business, Money, Happiness, etc.
Carry it with you and pull it out any time you face a crucial decision, frustrating problem, or any other sort of challenge. You'll find an immediate solution guaranteed to turn events in your favor.
Create predictable, effortless, consistently successful results in EVERY area of your life!
Success is all but inevitable once you step into harmony with the Universal Laws of Success and Achievement. And the sooner you learn them, the sooner it will happen.
So don't delay! Click on the link below to order Brian Tracy's groundbreaking program today.
Vic Conant
Chairman, Nightingale-Conant
P.S. The worldwide phenomenon that is The Secret film and book has done something tremendous. By introducing millions of people to the Law of Attraction, it has created awareness on a mass scale of the fact that people truly can control their own destinies.
It is extraordinary. But it isn't enough. Not when there are so many other laws at work in the universe that are equally powerful and empowering. Today, you have the opportunity to put ALL 151 Laws of Success and Achievement to work for you to guarantee the life you want.
The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement
YES, I want to learn ALL of the 151 laws that will impact how much I make, how far I advance in my career, how much I appreciate my life, and how I live every day.

Please send me Brian Tracy's 8-CD program The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement - including 8 CDs, a Workbook on CD, and FREE Personal Pocket Guide - for just $69.95, which is $120 OFF the regular program price of $189.95! Take advantage of this limited-time special discount now!
If within 30 days, I have not significantly changed my life as a result of these laws, I will simply send it back for a full refund. No questions asked.
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