
"The easiest way to achieve a more positive, productive life!"
Enter the world of subliminal audio knowing you’re in the best hands!

Dear Friend:

There’s no denying that subliminal audio has captured the imagination of large numbers of people. At N-C, we’ve watched this for some time. But before we offered our customers any subliminal program, we had to be certain of a number of things. The technology had to be perfect. The message had to be meaningful. And the credentials of the author/narrators had to be impeccable.

In Denis Waitley, Thomas Budzynski, and audio wizard Glen Pace, we knew we had found the team we wanted and that The Subliminal Winner was the ideal subject.

Denis Waitley is the world authority in helping others achieve their full human potential. He did it first with his audio program, The Psychology of Winning, and with an impressive body of work produced since that initial offering. Mr. Waitley constantly increases his knowledge by unending research that often takes him to the outer reaches of human potential.

Denis Waitley

He has studied and counseled winners in every walk of life from top executives of Fortune 500 companies to Super Bowl champions, astronauts and returning POW’s. From 1980 to 1984, he served as a member of the United States Olympic Committee’s Sports Medicine Council, dedicating himself to enhancing the performance of our Olympic athletes.

He is one of the world’s most sought-after speakers because he communicates complex and profound truths in interesting, easy-to-understanding language. Denis Waitley is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy.

A former aerospace engineer, Dr. Thomas Budzynski later earned a doctorate in psychology from the University of Colorado. He is the designer of several types of biofeedback equipment and a pioneer in clinical biofeedback research. He is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.Thomas Budzynski

Dr. Budzynski is knowledgeable in stress-related disorders and the application of subliminal process, and has published an impressive number of articles in professional journals and in books on the application of biofeedback, subliminal process and other behavioral techniques. He has lectured and given workshops worldwide and is a past president of the Biofeedback Society of America.


This is the most sophisticated subliminal program yet devised, but any program is effective only if it is followed as directed. One of the most potent aspects of this program is the “re-scripting” while listening to the CDs.

The imagery of the re-scripting accomplishes three things:

  • It programs the unconscious through imagery rehearsal
  • It substitutes, at least partially, a positive affect opposing the original negative affect of the memory
  • Finally, it establishes the drive state important for the subliminals to connect with in order to produce a further positive change in attitude and/or behavior.

So do make it a point to do some re-scripting while listening to the program each day.

How many memories do I re-script? As many as you can think of in each CD theme. You may recall two or twenty. In the ensuing weeks you quite probably will recall even more. Of course, you can come back again to any particular CD to re-script newly recalled memories even if you are working on a later CD. The more re-scripting you do the better you will feel and function. Remember, this is a long-term project so above all, have patience. It does take time.

Remember that you want to see (and hear, feel, touch, and taste) yourself thinking and acting to make this memory come out positive. Some-times changing behavior is difficult in a given scene. However, you can change your thought process to perceive the situation more adaptively

Effortlessly program your mind for automatic success

Using state-of-the-art sound technology that incorporates empowering subliminal messages into harmonious music or relaxing ocean sounds, this highly-effective audio program - The Subliminal Winner - will automatically train your mind toward more positive, productive patterns of thought and behavior.

Simply by listening to The Subliminal Winner by Denis Waitley, you'll experience a noticeable improvement in the results you're getting in just about every area of your life!

The Subliminal Winner

The Subliminal Winner

Enter the world of subliminal audio knowing you’re in the best hands!
by Denis Waitley and Thomas Budzynski

I want to to achieve a more positive, productive life!

Please send me Denis Waitley and Thomas Budzynski's program
The Subliminal Winner for the special price below.
I can select one of two ways of ordering.

Order the Digital Download

  • 12 MP3 audio sessions
  • 5 Hours and 53 minutes of audio
  • PDF Usage Guides

80% OFF
the regular $199.95 price

Order the CD Version

  • 6 Audio CDs
  • About 6 hours of audio
  • Usage Guide

80% OFF
the regular $249.95 price

Use Coupon Code MQOD2018-39 in the shopping cart
to activate your discounts

Nightingale-Conant Corporation,
1400 South Wolf Road, Bldg 300, Suite 103, Wheeling, IL 60090 1-800-557-1660