
"How one simple idea can change your life"
Your ability to set and achieve goals will determine your success
and happiness more than any other skill you can ever learn!

Hi Friend,

Did you know you can accomplish more in the coming months and years than most people do in a lifetime?

Imagine what your life would be like if it were just right ...

  • You make the kind of money you want, and you have the freedom to live anywhere in the world
  • You're doing work that makes you feel great (and you do it because you want to, not because you have to - you could retire anytime you wanted because you have the money)
  • You vacation several times a year, and you travel wherever your heart leads you, whether it's Paris or the Amazon or even some isolated commune in the desert of southern India... it doesn't matter. Wherever you want to go and for however long, you have the freedom to do it.
  • Your relationships are exciting and fulfilling, and they bring you happiness.

In short, things are so good, you're worry free. There simply is nothing to be concerned about anymore, which allows you to experience the ultimate level of fulfillment.

Accomplish more in the coming months
and years than most people do in
a lifetime!

Setting and reaching goals is serious business. But it can also be fun. Brian Tracy has put together the most comprehensive strategy for setting and achieving goals that has ever been brought together in one program. By practicing the secrets, you can accomplish more in the coming months and years than most people accomplish in a lifetime.

I know because I've practiced them myself. And I'm proud of the fact that I've used these principles to build Nightingale-Conant into the most respected and largest company in the field of personal development. On top of that, I've achieved financial independence, and I am also able to provide hundreds of employees with steady paychecks.

How many people can say that they've done the same? Not many. But I'll also say this: I'm not a genius. I didn't have any special talent when I started in this business. What I did was learn from the authors we publish. And I will say it again:

No one in the field of personal development is better than Brian Tracy when it comes to researching and presenting the most powerful, life-transforming information available in a way that's clear, concise, and immediately usable. The Ultimate Goals Program is the result of more than 25 years of research, experience, and feedback from thousands of clients. It's the most powerful and complete program on reaching your goals that has ever been published.

Imagine a time in the future in which your life is exactly the way you want it to be. You have the income, the relationships, the schedule, and the security and peace of mind you've always wanted. As you put yourself in that future, I invite you to notice how easy it is to look back on this time now as having been the start of the incredible happiness and fulfillment you enjoy.

Discover an amazing new source of power!

Once you take it seriously, you will discover an amazing new source of power, one that will allow you to:

  • Unlock your potential. - If there were no limits on what you could accomplish, what would you be, have, and do? Brian will offer you a simple key that will show you how to make those potentials real.
  • Take charge of your life. - Imagine that your favorite reasons for not having a perfect life are all fake. Brian will show you how to let go of all excuses and make progress in every "problem area" of your life.
  • Create your own future. - Imagine this: Your finances are exactly where you want them, your family and personal lives make you happy, your health and fitness are ideal, and your calendar and daily schedule are exactly the way you want them. Brian will show you why such a future is within your reach and how you can make it happen.
  • Clarify your values. - Describe your picture of the ideal person, the kind of person you would most want to be if you had no limitations. Brian will show you seven ways to get crystal clear on that. Only then will you be able to achieve results that will bring you fulfillment.
  • Determine your true goals. - If you could have anything you wanted, what would you wish for? Brian will give you seven simple exercises that will bring to light what you should really be focusing on. Otherwise you could waste years "chasing the wind," as the saying goes.
  • Discover your purpose in life. - This is one goal that will help you achieve virtually all your other goals in life, and it must have four characteristics in order to work.
  • Measure your progress. - If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Brian will show you six ways of measuring your progress that can transform your life into a fun game that you always win.
  • Remove the roadblocks. - Why haven't you already achieved everything you want in life? Brian will show you how to identify what has stopped you in the past. This is the biggest part of the solution. Then, he will offer you five ways to remove all obstacles that get in your way.
  • Become an expert. - There are eight ways to identify and determine your special talents, and what you are uniquely suited to do. Once you've determined your most powerful gifts, you can then use the "three plus one" formula for mastering any skill to propel yourself to the top of your field.
  • Meet the right people. - Brian will show you five key secrets of professional networking. This will allow you to connect with the people who will bring you the opportunities you're looking for.
  • Make a plan of action. - In the process of planning, there is usually one major problem that must be solved before other problems can be addressed. By making your plan and writing it down, you will be able to identify this problem as well as the vital elements of the plan that deserve most of your time. Brian will show you the five key components of every plan and how you can revise your plan effectively when the situation warrants it.
  • Manage your time well. - In order to accomplish anything, you must have control of your time. This requires self-discipline, self-control, and self-mastery, all of which can be learned. By following the five steps Brian offers, you will develop these skills and manage your time so effectively, you will free up several extra hours each day.
  • Activate your superconscious mind. - This is the part of you that works beyond your awareness to make your thoughts a reality. There are proven ways to stimulate your superconscious mind, and once you learn how to do so, you will be so energized and inspired that you may not be able to sleep or think about anything else. Learn these secrets and you'll experience serendipity and synchronicity much more often.
  • Remain flexible at all times. - The Menninger Institute of Kansas City conducted extensive research in order to determine what qualities would be most important for success in the 21st century. They concluded the most important quality was flexibility. Brian will outline five steps that, when followed, will guarantee you will be flexible when faced with rapid change.
  • Unlock your inborn creativity. - Most experts believe we use less than 10 percent of our natural brain capacity. Using five secrets Brian has learned from worldwide experts in brain functioning, you will learn to tap reserves of creativity you never knew you possessed. Then you will apply that creativity toward practical ends such as doubling your income.
  • Persist until you succeed. - The greatest challenge you will ever face in life is the conquest of fear and the development of the habit of courage. Courage can be learned, and it is the key to persistence. Brian will show you five ways you can develop your courage, which will give you the strength to persist until you get what you want.

In all, you will learn 21 principles for
always getting what you want.
It's The Ultimate Goals Program.

The fact that you're reading this proves you're interested in making a better life for yourself. You already know you have the ability to get most of what you want out of life. The Ultimate Goals Program will get you there faster, and it will broaden your conception of what's really possible for you. Isn't it worth spending a moment of your time now to find out the secrets of the elite 1 percent - which makes all the difference? Then start looking forward to all the fun you're going to have … and how much you're going to achieve … when you learn the honorable shortcut to wealth and achievement - the secret you'll discover when you experience The Ultimate Goals Program.

No matter what your current situation, your life can be transformed by the information you'll receive when you order. I've been deeply involved in this industry for decades, and even after all I've experienced, I found new and powerful information that I was able to put to use right away. You will, too. I guarantee it!

Vic Conant
Chairman, Nightingale-Conant

The Ultimate Goals Program

The Ultimate Goals Program

How to Get Everything You Want
Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

by Brian Tracy.

I want to learn the honorable shortcut to wealth and achievement that will cut my success timeline in half!
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The Ultimate Goals Program for the special price below. I can select one of two ways of ordering.

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  • 16 MP3 Audio Sessions
  • 7 Hours and 15 Minutes of audio
  • PDF Workbook

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  • 8 Audio CDs
  • Over 7 Hours of Audio
  • PDF Workbook on CD

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Nightingale-Conant Corporation,
1400 South Wolf Road, Bldg 300, Suite 103, Wheeling, IL 60090 1-800-557-1660