Dear Winner,
The story you are about to read could just as easily be your story. If there was ever evidence that a Nightingale-Conant audio course can completely transform your life, this is it.
Our skeptical mind sometimes makes us avoid things that can be tremendously advantageous. Don’t let that be the case for you now. I promise, you’ll be intrigued and dramatically helped by reading about this true-life adventure.
I grew up in a large family. With so many kids for my parents to raise, it was difficult for them to focus on any one child. That environment had a pretty dramatic impact on my confidence and self-esteem.
By the time I reached adulthood, I found myself falling far short of living the American dream. At 30 years old, I was living in Florida… in a tree house.
This was not one of the fancy tree houses you see on today’s TV shows. It was a rickety platform, with no rails, built high in a tree. To get up, there was a series of two by fours nailed to the tree trunk. Climbing up was not for the faint of heart. Once up, there was a platform that measured about seven feet by seven feet. On it I had a small dome tent pitched, which I called home.
One night while sleeping, a huge storm arose. It tossed my tent around so much I was fearful I’d plummet to the ground far below. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. But it did make me realize I needed to make a change.
That’s important because I believe all real positive change is triggered by a mental commitment we make to ourselves: the commitment to find a better way.
I honestly believe this message could inspire that kind of commitment in you today. Because until you do make that commitment, things will stay just the way they are. Please read on and let me explain why. Back to my story…
Just a couple of weeks later, I was bound for Chicago for a Christmas gathering with my family. Being a Florida boy, I was caught by surprise by the extreme cold. I had hoped to go downtown to visit some of the world-famous blues clubs there, but it was just too cold out. Since I was there for an entire week, I decided to ask my brother to put me to work.
At the time, he was managing the remodeling of Nightingale-Conant’s new building. Nightingale-Conant was booming, primarily powered by a single title, The Psychology of Winning, by Denis Waitley. Nightingale-Conant was the premier publisher of the audio self-improvement industry, and The Psychology of Winning was its bestselling course for 10 straight years! Imagine being at the top of the bestseller list for 10 years — an incredible feat! I was naturally curious about what made it so popular, so I started listening to it while I helped my brother.
I had never before heard the kind of powerful ideas I learned from this course. Why wasn’t it taught in school? Why didn’t my parents teach me? I felt as if I had awakened from a very long dream. My mind was popping with excitement, hope, and grand enthusiasm.
The Psychology of Winning taught me how to:
Honestly, after listening to The Psychology of Winning, I felt as if there was nothing I could not achieve. And that’s when my passion fully kicked in.
During the week I’d been working for my brother to help build the new recording studio for Nightingale-Conant, the company’s newly hired manufacturing manager took notice of me. It was truly the week that changed my life. Why?
Because that manager offered me a job in his new department.
Here I was, a handyman/drummer, being offered a job as his assistant manager. I wasn’t really qualified for the job. But he told me, “I just have a feeling about you.”
Without hesitation, I accepted. To be honest, I never even asked how much it paid. Money was not what I cared about (but I promise, it came to me beyond my wildest expectations). What I cared about was the incredible content I had just listened to, and I wanted to be a part of the company that offered such life-altering content.
Again, I never knew this kind of information existed. I was a changed man, and I was determined to help this great company any way I could.
I made an immediate impact on the manufacturing department. Solving problems came naturally to me. We had a diversified group of employees in that department, many who had big cultural clashes, which made it problematic for our department.
The department manager asked me to resolve the disputes that were being very disruptive to the productivity of our department. I didn’t hesitate. I simply drew from the content I had learned from The Psychology of Winning and explained how these people had much more in common than the tiny differences that were serving as wedges between them. It worked.
I was able to solve virtually every problem I faced. We were on a roll of continually increasing our productivity and output. I was driven to set things up so the department ran itself, without me. I never had a fear of job security.
Instead, I felt I “owned” the company. That feeling drove me, fueled me. Excited me. Helped me contribute to what I considered to be the world’s greatest company.
I realize I am going to date myself with this statement. But it doesn’t matter. The information I learned during that time is perennial. It applies as much today as it did back then. Technology has changed considerably since then, but the way the mind works hasn’t changed, not one bit.
As a matter of fact, I’d venture to say this information is more important today than ever before.
We are bombarded with so much information these days that we need every advantage we can get to help weed out the thinking that works against us. That’s exactly what you will find The Psychology of Winning will do for you.
Anyway, back to my message. You don’t have to be a football fan to benefit from this part of my story.
The Chicago Bears were having a good year back then. They had remained undefeated until they played the Miami Dolphins. Being an avid football fan myself, I’d seen it before: a team has a strong season only to fall apart when the playoffs arrive.
I had quickly become an avid Bears fan. With the great season they were having, they had earned my respect and admiration. But, I have to admit, I was worried because of their loss.
Nightingale-Conant had a relationship with the pastor of the Chicago Bears. I was fortunate enough to get to know him (by this time I was actively employing the lessons I’d learned from The Psychology of Winning every chance I got). I told him I had a plan and asked if he could arrange to get me into the Bears’ locker room during one of the upcoming practices.
He made it happen for me.
Since I felt I was the “owner” of Nightingale-Conant back then, I didn’t ask my boss if I could take off to visit the Bears. Instead, I gathered up as many copies of the Psychology of Winning as I could carry and headed out.
I approached the players one at a time, with the pastor by my side. I had a short pitch prepared about how the difference between winning and losing is as much mental as muscle. My short pitch resonated with them.
By the time I left, I had given copies to the great Walter Payton, Mike Singletary, Richard Dent, and many others. I didn’t get a chance to see Mike Ditka, but I made sure to leave him several copies. The players were all gracious and genuinely grateful.
The rest is history.
I like to say I helped the Bears win the Super Bowl that year. It turned out that one loss to the Miami Dolphins was their only loss of the year. There’s no doubt many, if not all, of those players listened to the Psychology of Winning. Walter Payton went on to do a program with Nightingale-Conant. Mike Ditka became a great customer. Mike Singletary became a motivational speaker.
I am sure that The Psychology of Winning made a significant impact on those incredible men. That year they became true winners, on and off the field.
While walking through the lobby of the company after I returned from that trip, I saw Lloyd Conant waiting for me with his hands on his hips. Lloyd, like his son Vic, was a great leader and genuinely good man. But there he was, standing with this odd look on his face. It struck me then that I never bothered to ask permission to do what I did. I “stole” audio courses… I left work… all unsanctioned.
Was I about to be fired, or worse yet, charged with theft?
Fortunately, that’s not what happened, at all. The pastor had called Lloyd after I’d left the Bears’ practice facility. As Lloyd explained it, the pastor praised my poise and purpose that day and wanted Lloyd to know what I had done.
On the spot, he gave me a promotion. He asked me to join the marketing department. It was a natural fit for me. After all, I was passionate about the courses. All I wanted to do was to help get them into the hands of as many people as possible who could, and would, benefit from them… with The Psychology of Winning leading the charge.
Everyone wants to win in life, and The Psychology of Winning can help you do just that. Perhaps it will “flip a switch on” in you, as it did in me. Once it does, there will be no looking back. But hang on tight because you will be in for one exciting, rewarding, enjoyable ride.
With this “flip-switching” audio course, Denis Waitley will help you understand how to:
And so many more helpful strategies for living every day as a winner.
I used the formulas I had learned from Nightingale-Conant audio courses to find the woman of my dreams. We now have two incredible children. I even took up the drums again, as a hobby.
Oh, and I went on to become the President of Nightingale-Conant. I had so many great years with that outstanding company. Today, I am retired but not passive. I continue to get involved with projects that I’m most passionate about.
All of this unfolded for me because I learned, late in my life by today’s standards, how to become a winner.
And so can you.
Give it a try. With Nightingale-Conant’s 30-day guarantee, you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of tremendous rewards to gain.
My greatest reward would be your tremendous success,
Gary Chappell
Retired President
by Denis Waitley
Yes, I want to live every day as a winner. Please send me The Psychology of Winning, by Master Teacher Denis Waitley.
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Nightingale-Conant Corporation,
1400 South Wolf Road, Bldg 300, Suite 103, Wheeling, IL 60090 1-800-557-1660