What turned a corporate failure, an assistant minister, an associate professor, and a struggling makeup artist into multimillionaires?

The answer is common with all rich people today and it's so powerful that without it, no one would be rich!

Dear Friend,

Listen closely.

You can almost hear them grumbling. You can almost sense their regret. Many of them wishing they would have known about the Mandatory Millionaire Secret years earlier.

You see, decades ago, bright and resourceful people - just like you - shared a dream to become rich. Not just wealthy... but millionaires!

So they pursued their dreams... and FAILED!

They tried again. And failed again.

Finally, after years of struggle, their dreams were eventually crushed under a pile of disappointment, frustration, and confusion. They continued to lead their average lives, with an average income.

Then, like a hundred gold bricks falling on their heads, it finally hit them! Each of them realized where they went wrong. Through life lessons, the Mandatory Millionaire Secret and the path to extraordinary wealth became crystal clear.

But it was too late! They were far too old to do anything about it.

It's too late for them ...
But not for you and your MILLIONAIRE DREAMS!

Right now, you share their dream to make millions. You share the passion they once had.

But today, I am handing you the one thing they did not discover until life passed them by - the Mandatory Millionaire Secret! Plus, you will learn of the 15 wealth-building secrets that give you the steps to making your first million dollars!

I know these secrets work. They are proven time and again.

They turned a corporate failure, an assistant minister, and a struggling makeup artist into multimillionaires!

And they will certainly work for you.

Regardless of your past, your future is about to be filled with an abundance of wealth.

Even if you lack time, money, talent, or knowledge at this very moment, that doesn't stop you from building wealth. And I'm not talking about doubling or even tripling your income. I'm talking about helping you earn more money than you dreamed possible - no matter which direction the economy blows.

That's what you're going to discover in this letter.

If you want to earn $500,000 per year - or be a multimillionaire - you can! You just need the same wealth-building secrets the rich have used ...

It's as if someone has given you a set of 16 keys to a mansion packed with gold. No people live here. It's simply filled with gold. The most important, "main" key opens the door of your mansion. Without unlocking this main key, you will never get inside... you will never reach the gold!

The other 15 keys open 15 different rooms in your mansion. Each room packed with gold. So much gold that with each new door you open, it bursts out into the hallway and pours down all around you.

And what's unique about your mansion is that if you're the person who opens the doors with the 16 keys you've been given, you get to keep the gold. Plus, you can keep coming back for more. You just have to keep using your 16 keys to gain access to it.

These 16 keys are available to everyone, except they can take a lifetime to find. But today, as a Nightingale-Conant valued customer, you've been chosen to receive them.

Today, I'm handing these 16 keys over to you.

An ordinary man, named Steve Scott , used them to build extraordinary wealth, as you'll soon see. And I know if you use them ...

You'll open doors to a lifetime filled with an abundance of money

I'll tell you how it's possible in a moment. But first, let me tell you a true story ...

When Steve Scott left college, he lost nine jobs in his first six years after graduating. His income was less than $20,000 per year.

Steve was only 23 years old when he was fired from job #3. His boss, who was a senior vice president of a major life insurance company, called Steve into his office and said:

"Steve, you are the single greatest disappointment in my entire career. You will never succeed. You have 20 minutes to clean out your desk."

Even worse, Steve believed him. He felt like a total failure. Little did he know, he would fail at six more jobs in the next four years.

In job #8, Steve was desperate for work. He told a company he could survive on $13,400 a year. They hired him and paid him $13,200 a year. It was $200 less than what Steve needed to survive. They had his mind, but not his heart.

So Steve quit, and he started job #9. It lasted only four months. But in that short amount of time, Steve doubled that company's sales from $30 million to $60 million.And that's when he decided he was ready for job #10.

It was on job #10 that Steve's life changed.

Steve's income jumped from $18,000 per year to more than $7 million!

What happened between job #9 and job #10 that made a huge difference in Steve's life?

Remember your mansion filled with gold? Steve discovered the most important "main" key that opened the door of his own mansion. It's the Mandatory Millionaire Secret.

It's something they all have in common but never admit. Yet it was essential to Steve's success. And if you want to substantially increase your wealth, it's essential to you too. Without it, you won't get too far. You may double or triple your income. But you won't make millions. Ask any millionaire.

Steve also discovered the other 15 keys that unlocked the doors inside this mansion filled with gold. They're 15 power secrets used by the world's most successful people. They've created extraordinary wealth and success for Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Lear, Donald Trump, and Henry Ford - just to name a few.

And what has Steve gained from all of this - and what can you gain from knowing these secrets?

Financial freedom and endless happiness

Steve's made more money than he ever imagined possible. About $30 million, give or take. But his relationships have also improved. Steve and his wife Shannon have a loving, nurturing, respectful, and fulfilling marriage. He has seven wonderful children whom he can spend valuable time with. He's in business with a great team of people who motivate, inspire, and encourage him.

He's the co-founder of the American Telecast Corporation. He's the author of two bestselling books from Simon & Schuster. He's co-produced more than 20 bestselling videos. He's also written and directed hundreds of award-winning national TV advertising campaigns.

He couldn't ask for a better life. And yet, Steve's life keeps improving because what he discovered is so powerful.

And I know if these secrets can turn Steve, a corporate failure, into a multimillionaire - they'll give you more than you can possibly imagine in all areas of your life as well!

(Remember, Steve's someone who's been fired countless times. He was told by a senior vice president of a major life insurance company he'd never succeed in life. He used to work for a little more than $6 an hour - and that was as a college graduate! Now Steve earns more than $3,750 an hour... thanks to what he discovered!)

It doesn't matter how rough a start you've had, even if it's rougher than Steve's. You can discover and use the same secrets Steve did to dramatically change your own life financially. But before I go into details, here's another true story I'd like to share with you:

From selling thousands to selling MILLIONS - in a fraction of the time

Tom Campanero and Larry Westfall went to see Steve in 1996. They had created a wonderful piece of fitness equipment. For nearly 20 years, they'd sold thousands of units. But they knew they could sell more.

So Steve applied the same strategies he used to achieve his financial dreams,to help Tom and Larry achieve theirs.

Here's the result: The Total Gym became the number one selling piece of fitness equipment. It's currently used to rehab and train more than 7 million people a year! It's made Tom and Larry multimillionaires!

If you sell a product, have you achieved sales as great as the Total Gym? If not, then you really want to put power secret #4 to use. I'll tell you more about that secret later ...

But for now, I just want you to see the impact these strategies can make in your life. First of all, Steve discovered the 16 secrets of the rich. He changed his life. Then Steve was able to help Tom and Larry achieve their dreams by applying what he learned. But none of this would've happened had Steve not discovered the first, and most important, secret.

YES! I'm ready to become a millionaire! I want multimillionaire Steve Scott to teach me the 15 "power secrets" and his proven wealth-building strategies to earn up to $3,750.00 AN HOUR!

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It's the same secret millionaires don't tell you.

It's not that they don't want to. It's just that many of them like you to think they became wealthy on their own. But that's not the truth.

Here's the critical secret that made Bill Gates and other wealthy people rich (it's the same thing you have in common with them today) ...

The people at a company called IBM decided they were going to get into the personal computing business. But they knew that in order to run their personal computers, they needed an operating system. And in fear of spending millions and millions of dollars to create that kind of an operating system, they thought it would be better to find someone who could create it for them. They wanted someone in the personal computing business because it was new to them at this point.

IBM ended up calling a little company called Microsoft. At this time, IBM was a $30 billion company. And Microsoft was a little more than a hole in the wall.

But IBM met with Microsoft. In the meeting, Microsoft's Bill Gates assured IBM he would be able to create an operating system that would operate their computers. IBM left the meeting thinking it was going to be a cakewalk for these guys.

At the end of the meeting, partner Paul Allen looked at Bill Gates and said:"How the heck are we going to do this? We are not in the business of creating operating systems."And yet, Bill had just promised IBM they could create one - and in three months.

They didn't have a program, but they didn't let that stop them. (They used one of the 15 power secrets of the rich.) As a result, they did create a program. And you know the rest - Bill Gates is the wealthiest person in the world.

So what is the one thing you have in common with Bill?

At the beginning of Bill's career, he needed the help of others. If you want to become wealthy, you need the help of others as well.

If you've failed at business or in your career, or in doubling or tripling your income (let alone, becoming a millionaire), it's because you tried to do it on your own.

It just doesn't work. Steve is living proof it doesn't work!

And Bill Gates didn't do it on his own either. He had a partner, Paul Allen. Together, they reached out to yet another company in Seattle that did have an operating system.

You see, even Bill Gates and Paul Allen needed the help of partners and mentors.

And even now, Bill Gates refers to Warren Buffett as one of his mentors.

Today, like Bill Gates, you're being given the opportunity to build more wealth than you dreamed possible ...

But I don't expect you to do it on your own.

In job #10, Steve went to work for an entrepreneurial genius. He saw potential in Steve, and he became Steve's mentor. Then, on the same job #10, Steve became partners with him. Within the next 12 months, Steve and his mentor added a few more partners. And from Steve's mentor and his new partners - Steve discovered the 15 power secrets.

Steve began to apply those 15 power secrets to his life. And here's what happened...

Within a matter of months from the time Steve and his partners had started job #10, Steve's income went from $10,000 a year (which was his starting salary on job #10) ... to more than $150,000 by the time they ended the year! And it kept going up. It ultimately reached more than $7 million!

What made the difference in Steve's life?

His mentor and his partners. They helped Steve do the impossible. And when Steve helped Tom and Larry sell the Total Gym, he was able to do that as their mentor.

Remember when I told you about your mansion filled with gold? There were 15 keys that opened doors "inside" your mansion. But without the "main" key, you couldn't even enter your mansion to get to the gold behind those 15 doors.

The mentor is like your "main" key. It is the Mandatory Millionaire Secret. Without it, you'll never get inside your mansion filled with gold. You need help from a mentor who's skilled in the area you want to succeed in.

Steve wasn't mentored by someone who had theories on how to become a millionaire. He wasn't mentored by someone who motivated him to do things he hadn't done.

Steve was mentored by a millionaire.
He became a millionaire.

And today, I bring you a special opportunity ...

Steve would like to be your mentor. And as your mentor, Steve will give you those 15 keys that unlock the inner doors of your mansion filled with gold. With the right mentor, you can build unimaginable wealth - even if you lack time, money, knowledge, or talent. It's why, today, you have the same thing in common with the rich.

Like the rich, you're going to receive help to build unimaginable wealth.

No matter what any rich person tells you - there's no such thing as a "self-made" millionaire

In Steve's 20 years of working with some of the top people in America, he's never met one "self-made" millionaire. Every single one of them had mentors.

In fact, here are some people you may recognize who've used mentors to succeed (and profit) in their careers:

  • Mike Wallace - mentor to Barbara Walters
  • Barbara Walters - mentor to Kathie Lee Gifford
  • Maya Angelou (poet, writer, inspirator) - mentor to Oprah Winfrey
  • Victor Skrebski (photographer) - mentor to Cindy Crawford (fashion model)
  • Jackie Gleason (TV comic) and Arthur Godfrey (radio personality) - mentors to Larry King (CNN-TV talk show host)
  • Stanley Kubrick - mentor to Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise
  • Steven Spielberg - mentor to Robert Zemeckis (motion picture director)
  • Don Siegel (film director) and Sergio Leone (film director) - mentors to Clint Eastwood.
  • Jim Rohn - mentor to Tony Robbins

YES! I'm ready to become a millionaire! I want multimillionaire Steve Scott to teach me the 15 "power secrets" and his proven wealth-building strategies to earn up to $3,750.00 AN HOUR!

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Here's how Steve helped a struggling makeup artist, an assistant minister, and an associate professor become multimillionaires! (It's why I'm confident he can help you reach extraordinary wealth too!)

Victoria Jackson, a makeup artist in Los Angeles was very talented. But she was struggling as a makeup artist. She had created a great makeup foundation but had failed at trying to market it for eight years. She had all but given up when she met Steve. They created a plan that resulted in the development of an entire makeup line of over 160 products .Within five years, Victoria Jackson Cosmetics had gained sales of over $300 million!

Gary Smalley, an assistant minister in Waco, Texas, had a dream to write a book teaching couples how to have a better marriage. For 10 years he prayed for the chance to see his dream fulfilled. Steve got together with Gary in 1978. They created a strategy to fulfill Gary's simple dream. Since then, Gary has written 15 consecutive bestsellers. His organization, Today's Family, has had an impact on millions of marriages.And his video tapes alone have sold over 6 million copies!

Here's what Gary says about the help Steve has given him:" Steve Scott is the World's Expert on making impossible dreams come true... I'm living proof!"

Professor Claude Olney, at Arizona State University, created a seminar to help his struggling students raise their grade-point averages. He dreamed of offering a set of cassettes to college students at other universities. Professor Claude and Steve created a plan that resulted in audio and video seminars for grade school, high school, and college students.The result was the bestselling educational tape series in history! These tapes changed the lives of millions of students. And, it made the professor a multimillionaire within one year!

What happened?

None of these three people could have succeeded on their own. They had wonderful dreams, products, and ideas. But they needed help. That's where Steve came in. He became their mentor.

Together, they applied the same strategies and techniques you'll be learning from Steve to their lives. So I know that if you let Steve be the first to mentor you...

...and if you apply the following power secrets to your life, you'll achieve far more wealth than you dreamed possible. Today, any dream you've ever had will now come true.

Here's how you can build extraordinary wealth - even if you lack time, money, talent, or knowledge!

  • You can gain more wealth than you imagine - no matter which career or business you decide to pursue! Power secret #1 will show you how to overcome the limits you've put on yourself - to discover your true potential for building wealth! You're greater than you think you are!
  • Learn how to build on your strengths - and turn your lack of knowledge into a launching pad for your success! Steven Spielberg used power secret #2 when he created Jurassic Park!There was something Steven couldn't do... but he didn't let that stop him! He used this secret to make Jurassic Parka profitable movie.
  • No matter how much time, money, or talent you lack, secret #3 will show you how to get an abundance of what you lack! Every person who's achieved extraordinary wealth has used this secret to succeed.
  • You need power secret #4 to unlock the door to your bank, and every other door to your financial dreams! Use it right - and you'll accelerate your journey to wealth! It's a secret that only 2% of the population use. And many have become multimillionaires from this secret! In fact, this is the secret that launched Steve's company. They produced one little $4,000 commercial selling a product to cure acne. Their commercial - using their knowledge of power secret #4 - generated more than $20 million in sales in 20 weeks! Since then, this same power secret has generated more than $2 billion in sales for Steve's company!
  • Power secret #5 will show you how to create a specific roadmap to your dreams for building substantial wealth. And just like John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison your roadmap will have directions for how to get to your dreams, on the shortest route possible!

    Here are some more secrets Steve will be teaching you that are used by the world's wealthiest and most successful people...

  • Forget about everything you've learned about goal setting! It restricts you! This secret reveals how you can dream bigger than you can possibly achieve! It's about shooting for the moon! (And then Steve will show you how to get it!) This secret is used by less than 1/100th of 1% of the most successful people in the world. But the ones who use it do the impossible. (Baseball star Babe Ruth and Bill Gates have used it to achieve extraordinary results in their lives. You can too!)
  • How to identify, recruit, and utilize the right partners in your life. (This is essential if you want to become a millionaire.) With this secret, you'll achieve more than you can do alone. You'll remove your limits on time, money, knowledge, or talent. You'll multiply your own potential not by two or three times, but infinitely!
  • When you hit a wall on your journey to wealth, this secret will show you how to get over it, around it, under it - and even how to blow it up, so you get it out of your way! This secret reveals techniques Thomas Edison used to overcome the walls he hit on his own journey to success.
  • Discover how you can join the top 15% of people who love what they do and get paid millions (like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas)! This secret will make your journey to wealth a joyful and pleasant ride with each new waking moment!
  • How failure can be turned into an important key to building substantial wealth. This secret reveals how you can get rid of fears that have held you back - once and for all! Get what you really want (and more) - using failure and fear as stepping stones to your success!
  • Turn one of your worst enemies in your life into one of your best friends, best teachers, and best mentors! This enemy will no longer rule or alienate you from anyone again. After you apply this secret, you'll welcome it as your ally. It'll be one of your stepping stones that lead you to extraordinary wealth.
  • Join 3% of people, and discover how you can take control of your life - one minute at a time... one day at a time... one week at a time - so your financial goals don't get lost over time. This secret will also show you how to gain more valuable time with your loved ones.
  • These three essential ingredients are needed to give you an abundance of energy to pursue your financial dreams that will bring you deep satisfaction. One of these ingredients can even turn a dead-end job into a job of your dreams!
  • You could have figured out how to get all of the money, time, knowledge, and talent in the world - but without this secret, you won't do anything with them. Your wealth will stay the same. You need this secret to move forward.
  • And more!

YES! I'm ready to become a millionaire! I want multimillionaire Steve Scott to teach me the 15 "power secrets" and his proven wealth-building strategies to earn up to $3,750.00 AN HOUR!

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Steve Scott says: "The critical difference in my life was learning and using those life-changing power secrets from my mentor and partners. Now as someone who's made millions myself, I know I can help you ..."

Steve will be the first of many mentors in your life. A mentor is anyone who can offer you invaluable advice in an area where you need help. It should be someone who's achieved the level of success that you're wishing to accomplish.

In Steve's case, he went from $10,000 in job #10, to $150,000 by the end of the year! He then gained $1 million, $2 million... $7 million, and he's enjoyed tens of millions of dollars since then.The mentor is what made the difference in Steve's life.

He was mentored by a millionaire. He became a millionaire.

As your mentor, Steve will give you honest, direct, one-on-one instruction. Steve's goal isn't to motivate, entertain, or make you laugh or cry. His goal isn't to give you a bunch of theories for how to become a millionaire.

Instead, Steve's goal is to simply teach you the same specific strategies and techniques that radically changed his life. They're the same strategies and techniques his mentor and partners gave him to become a millionaire. And now, he wants to pass them on to you.

If you were to look for them yourself, you could spend your entire life searching (with a lot of failure along the way). And you won't find them in any school. They're learned from personal experience. They've been used by the world's most successful people. And as far as I know, they've never been revealed in one place before.

They're so powerful that if you just want to make a "little bit" more money, then Steve's program can't help you.

If Steve had wanted to double his income back in 1976... he wouldn't be a millionaire today.

So if you want to achieve an extraordinary amount of wealth in a limited amount of time, Steve's program, Mentored by a Millionaire: The Master Strategies of the Rich is for you.

It's as simple as that.

I know the information you'll discover is well worth millions of dollars. It's what helped Steve become a multimillionaire. And I know that if Steve were to personally mentor you, his fee would be $3,750 an hour. (That's his hourly rate these days.) But I don't expect you to pay that. And even though you'll be getting much more than an hour of Steve's help, I don't expect you to pay $1,700. Or $500. Not even $275.

Steve and I want this information to be available to everyone.

After Steve wrote one of his bestselling books, he received hundreds of letters from people who wanted him to mentor them. But he was extremely busy. However, one man wrote a letter to Steve (using the techniques he'll be teaching you about recruiting mentors), and Steve had to call him back. His letter was powerful.

It was from a man who wanted to be mentored by Steve through phone calls. This man was unemployed at the time. But he created a multimillion-dollar business just through his conversations with Steve. It was all this man's ideas. His company put all the effort into it. But he got the advice he needed from Steve. He got the help he needed to steer him in the right direction.

If you're serious about becoming a millionaire, here's why I urge you to act now:

Xerox, the company who gives us innovative copying systems, once worried that the corporate world might go paperless. So the people at Xerox created a research facility in Palo Alto. Then they recruited a team of scientists from around the world. These scientists came up with incredible discoveries. They created the first consumer-friendly personal computer that was as simple to use as the click of a mouse.

But the executives at Xerox said,"Who'd want a personal computer? No one wants to work at home. No one will buy it."

Then Xerox's scientists thought of a great way that computers everywhere could be tied together. And they could get a patent on it. (Today, it's known as the Internet.) But the executives at Xerox said it was useless. No one would want that.

Xerox had an opportunity to patent it all and profit big-time from it. But Xerox's executives doubted it could work, so they got nothing. Instead, Bill Gates was able to create Microsoft. IBM, Compaq, and everyone else profited from personal computers. And Steve Jobs created Apple. You see, Steve Jobs visited Xerox's scientists. That's where he got his ideas. He was wise to use them, and he profited greatly.

I tell you this story because today you're being handed 16 keys to a mansion filled with gold. You can be like Xerox, and say,"No, they won't work for me."Or you can be like Steve Jobs, and learn what Steve Scott , your mentor, knows. Use what Steve Scott knows, and profit greatly.

Earlier on I spoke about an assistant minister, an associate professor, and a struggling makeup artist. These were ordinary people who had dreams. But they needed help to succeed. With Steve's help, their dreams were turned into a reality.

They also became millionaires.

With Steve's help as your mentor, you can achieve any dreams you have. You can build unimaginable wealth - faster than you thought possible!



Vic Conant
Chairman, Nightingale-Conant

P.S. There is no such thing as a "self-made" millionaire. Everyone who tries to do it on their own learns that valuable lesson. To become a millionaire, you must be mentored by a millionaire. Someone who knows all 15 critical secrets, the strategies, and the steps. Someone who has created more than a dozen multimillion-dollar companies from scratch. Someone who became a multimillionaire himself using these same proven secrets. That someone is Steve Scott... and he wants to be your mentor.

Mentored by a Millionaire

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