Dear Friend,
More than 25 years ago, during an otherwise ordinary weekend, something took place that would change the courses and impact the fortunes of thousands of lives.
On that weekend, the great Jim Rohn conducted a once-in-a-lifetime seminar that was destined to go down in history as one of the most incredible, transformational events of its kind ever held.
The select group of men and women who attended that seminar were stunned by the revolutionary secrets Jim revealed to them during those two fateful days. They left forever changed. And many of them went on to become some of the wealthiest, most respected, most influential, and happiest people in the world today.
As anyone in attendance that weekend would tell you, it was clear from the very start that this was an event unlike any other. There was a kind of magic, a sense of history in the making that ran like an electric current through the crowd. And so the presentation was recorded, its incredible messages preserved forever.
These recordings were combined with additional exclusive Jim Rohn seminars, copied, and given to seminar participants to use as a refresher course. However, word of the collection's existence — and of its extraordinary content — quickly spread beyond the attendees. Soon corporations were clamoring to get it and happily paying as much as $1,295.00 for the privilege.
Then something shocking happened.
Jim Rohn continued with his amazing work, inspiring and motivating audiences around the world to greatness. Yet there was something about that weekend seminar that no other event quite captured. It was a true loss.
Then, not long ago, the production company that filmed these incredible presentations contacted Jim Rohn International and asked if they would be interested in buying the masters of the original footage of that weekend, as well as of other presentations. They couldn't believe their ears! There were more than 48 hours of vintage audio of Jim Rohn from 1981 through 1985!
With meticulous editing and remastering, they were able to restore this amazing audio into an amazing CD library titled The Jim Rohn Classic Collection. And now it is my great pleasure to be able to offer YOU, through this collection, a "front-row seat" at the very same events that changed so many lives and created so many millionaires.
I've known Jim Rohn and benefitted from his material for most of my adult life. Yet when I listened these Sessions, I was in awe. These secrets are as startlingly fresh, as shockingly brilliant, and as relevant and applicable today as they were more than 25 years ago!
In these amazing sessions — nearly 50 hours of audio — Jim reveals HUNDREDS of TIMELESS secrets, strategies, and techniques indisputably proven to launch people into stratospheric levels of personal, professional and financial achievement, including:
And much
As I mentioned earlier, these recordings once sold for $1,295 a set at one time. In today's dollars, this collection would cost you more than $2,000 — and it would be well worth it, considering all the people who have applied the lessons learned from Jim's seminars and gone on to create mega-fortunes for themselves!
The Complete DVD collection
— 15 DVDs PLUS 3 bonus DVDs — were limited, and are now SOLD OUT.
The Complete CD collection
— 15 CDs PLUS 3 bonus CDs — were limited, and are now SOLD OUT.
The Complete Digital Download collection
— 15 MP3 Audio Sessions PLUS 3 bonus Audio Sessions — now availble for the first time in this format.
Here's what I suggest you do when once you receive your program: Listen to every Session from start to finish. Listen to everything and discover all the secrets in them. Take down lots of notes if you wish.
I'm certain you're going to be transformed by what you hear, learn and discover in this program.
Jim Rohn has famously said, "The world cannot deny your place if you work on your gifts!"
I sincerely believe that the secrets that you'll discover in these Sessions will help you unleash your gifts.
Wishing you an abundant future,
Vic Conant,
Chairman of the Board, Nightingale-Conant
P.S. When these recordings vanished more than 25 years ago, the personal development world suffered a major loss. Now that they have miraculously resurfaced and been digitally remastered, I urge you not to pass up this opportunity to experience one of the most monumental presentations of success ideas ever to take place, along with vintage Jim Rohn audio you won't see hear anywhere else. The information you will absorbe will impact you for the rest of your life.
Anniversary Edition
by Jim Rohn
I want IN on the secrets that created countless millionaires and leaders and built profitable businesses — with my own "front-row seat" at the legendary Jim Rohn event where they were all revealed!
Please send me The Jim Rohn Classic Collection for the special price below. I can select one of two ways of ordering.
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Nightingale-Conant Corporation,
1400 South Wolf Road, Bldg 300, Suite 103, Wheeling, IL 60090 1-800-557-1660