Welcome to the most productive and most rewarding time of your life, where you finally...
Get Clear
Get Caught Up
Get Relief
And Get in Control!
Dear Friend,
Whether you realize it or not, you've had a brief taste of just how close to perfect your personal and professional life can get:
At moments like these, your mind is empty … brilliant ideas flow, one after another. Productivity soars, and you start completing projects that have been at a standstill.
As a result, you're confident you can accomplish anything … be anything. For the moment, you gain an undeniable edge.
But then life happens. And you get buried under hundreds of emails, voice mails, priorities, meetings, problems. Your space is no longer empty. And neither is your mind.
Suddenly your edge vanishes … the onslaught of work makes you stressed, unfocused, and out of control … just like everyone else.
Not so fast … what if every day of your life — at work and at home — you kept your slate clean, and you enjoyed all of the life-changing benefits that go with it! ALWAYS!
You first notice you're getting far more done and producing higher-quality, more creative work. Not only that, you're doing so without any stress.
Your colleagues and your boss take notice, and your efforts are rewarded with promotions, pay raises, and new opportunities.
And that's not even the best part.
Because when you leave the office, your new calm and always-in-control nature carries over to your personal life. You and your family are happier, more fulfilled, and anxious to welcome each new day.
It's not a dream. It's what tens of thousands of people experience each day, thanks to Getting Things Done author David Allen.
Like no one else, David provides the tools to experience a fresh, clean perspective and a more satisfying life. Every hour you're at work. Every hour you're at home. And every day of your life.
In David's own boldfaced guarantee, he says,
"If you just give me a just a few hours of your time, I guarantee you will experience a greatly heightened sense of relaxation, control, focus, inspiration and a sense of get-goingness — both in the office and at home."
It starts nibbling away at you on Sunday night. By Monday morning it leaves a giant hole in your psyche — a hole now filled with fear, uncertainty, and stress.
David Allen calls it that "Gnawing Sense of Anxiety." For tens of millions of people, this Gnawing Sense of Anxiety camps out with them at work, and then follows them home at night. Sadly, for many, it's how they spend their entire lives.
You may never realize it's there. You may even deny it exists. But it's capable of affecting your work, your marriage, even your health.
Many of David Allen's followers have completely rid themselves of that Gnawing Sense of Anxiety. Not because they have fewer priorities, but because they are ALWAYS relaxed, focused, and in control.
Now YOU TOO can make your life easier, your productivity greater, and your mind freer!
It's my pleasure to offer you today a Nightingale-Conant EXCLUSIVE: David Allen's audio program, Getting Things Done with Work-Life Balance — the culmination of thousands of hours of working with the best, the brightest, and the busiest.
You'll experience the simplicity of David's Stress-Free, Fast-Track Productivity System for managing the demands put on you across the entire spectrum of your life — work, home, relationships, and everything in between.
The minute an idea, project, message, problem, or opportunity presents itself, the 5-Phase System automatically kicks into action. And suddenly, it's out of your inbox, organized, and on the fast-track to completion.
Before long, this unique way of approaching and experiencing work will be an effortless habit. You won't have to think about getting things done: You'll simply get them done.
Here's a glimpse of how David Allen's Getting Things Done with Work-Life Balance helps get the most out of your life:
Called "the personal productivity guru" by Fast Company magazine, David Allen is an internationally renowned author, lecturer, management consultant, and coach. For the past 25 years, his radical yet easily adaptable workflow and productivity ideas have been sweeping the country.
His name as well as his Getting Things Done brand have practically become a permanent fixture atop bestseller lists nationwide. And his client list reads like a Who's Who in business — from Microsoft, BMW, and the American Red Cross, to the U.S. Department of Defense, the FAA, and the World Bank.
So why have more than a million professionals in hundreds of organizations worldwide sought the wisdom of David Allen?
Because they've witnessed their colleague or their spouse or their friend change his or her life doing the exact same thing. He simply presents a tried-and-true formula for leading a better life. A formula anyone can implement.
There's no way around it: The work is going to keep on coming. If you could peek in on your life a year from now, you'd see more emails, more messages, more meetings, more responsibilities … more things to do, and not a single extra hour in the day.
But here's the good news: No matter how much work you have or how fast it's coming at you, the Stress-Free, Fast-Track Productivity System as well as the principles you'll master with Getting Things Done with Work-Life Balance will enable you to handle it with calm, efficiency, and success.
Take a minute. Envision all of the emails filling up your inbox, the one-after-another phone calls, the meetings, the projects at home. All the priorities, the looming deadlines, the pressure.
Now, take a breath. Think of your most relaxed and peaceful time. A time that provides one good memory after another.
David Allen's program is your bridge — from your current stress-filled life, where little seems to get done — to a new relaxed and results-filled life.
The more calm and content, more successful and satisfied YOU awaits …
Vic Conant
Chairman, Nightingale-Conant
P.S. If you're like most people, you'll find you can easily create the framework of David Allen's system in just one weekend. After that weekend (and for the rest of your life) you'll have an automated, seamless system in which nothing falls through the cracks, everything is taken care of, and you have more time for yourself, your family, and your future.
P.P.S. This email could very well have simply been a collection of dozens of letters, emails, and kind words from people who have changed their lives through Getting Things Done.
People like Air Force Commander Nik Chapapas, who writes,
"No longer does a day full of meetings make me dread spending long hours in the night to catch up on what I missed, and therefore get home after the kids are in bed. "
And William Miller, who wrote,
"… Even my wife implemented it at home. We actually spent Thanksgiving day RELAXING instead of running around like nuts…."
Joseph R. Jones, Principal of Critical Domain, LLC, thanked David Allen for changing his life as he wrote,
"… five clients and every one of my employees have commented that I seem more responsive and ‘on the ball.' My fiancee even mentioned that stuff around the house ‘finally seems to be getting done.' "
And Felipe Duarte Olvera summed it up best when he wrote,
" In any area of work, very little ‘sensations' are as encouraging as the feeling and reality of having time. Time to focus on any issue of priority. Time for planning. Time for reflecting. Time to make decisions. Time to interact with peers. Time to read. Time to give oneself a little treat. ... That is the sensation that can be achieved through Mastering Workflow that Getting Things Done offers."
YES! I'm ready to set my life up for supercharged, stress-free productivity. At work, my new inspiration and creativity will open the door to promotions and new wealth. At home, I'll have the time and peace of mind to do what I want, when I want.
Please send me David Allen’s 7-CD audio program Getting Things Done with Work-Life Balance PLUS Workbook on CD & PDF System Guides today, for $69.95, which is $70 off the regular retail price of $139.95!
Take advantage of this limited-time special discount now.
GUARANTEE: If I do not find this program to be life changing, I can return it any time within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price. No questions asked.
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