Dear Focal Point Partner,
It’s the dream everyone shares: How can I get control of my time and my life? How can I achieve maximum success in my career and still achieve balance in my relationships and my personal life? How can I have it all and still be happy and fulfilled?
More often, these questions need to be asked because if your life is like that of the majority of Americans, you have too much to do and too little time. Obligations and responsibilities pile up, one on top of the other, and there are rarely enough hours in the day to get through them all.
You may be earning more money and doing better than you’ve ever done before. But what do you do if you feel overwhelmed with the demands of your job and your personal life? What do you do if you are working harder than ever before, yet you are getting less and less satisfaction and enjoyment from what you do?
Bestselling author Brian Tracy offers an easy solution: the Focal Point Process. With it, you can develop maximum focus and clarity in the critical areas of your life that will make the difference you need and desire.
With minimal effort, your income and your free time will double.
In fact, using this simple process, you’ll learn:
- How to spend more of your time doing more of those tasks that contribute the greatest value and which enable you to achieve the most important results possible for you
- How to downsize, delegate, and eliminate the 80% of your activities that contribute little to your results
- How to use the Grand Slam Formula — Simplification, Leverage, Accelerations, and Multiplication — to double your income and double your time off
- How to take advantage of other people’s knowledge, energy, money, successes, failures, ideas, contacts, and credibility to help you achieve your goals faster
- Five questions you can ask yourself over and over to continually improve your productivity, performance, and income
- Seven mental exercises you can learn and practice each day to become a more positive, confident, and optimistic person
- How to coordinate your values, vision, goals, knowledge and skills, habits, daily activities, and actions so you can immediately bring about powerful and positive change in your life
And more!
The Power of Clarity explains why and how some people accomplish vastly more than others in each of the important areas of their lives. It shows you how you too can accomplish more in your work while simultaneously having much more time to spend with your family and on your personal activities.
This course is a synthesis of the best ideas and strategies on personal management ever brought together in one place, in one simple, easy-to-use plan. It shows you how to organize and simplify your life in the seven critical areas that are essential for complete balance and true peace of mind.
You will learn how to:
- Develop goals and plans in each of the areas that are important to you
- Set clear priorities among the competing demands on your time
- Focus single-mindedly on the one thing that you can do at any given time to achieve the most important results possible for you in that area of your life
- Put the focus in your life, minute by minute and hour by hour
- Develop absolute clarity regarding who you are and what you really want
- Achieve your most important goals faster and easier than you can imagine today
- Tap into and use your personal powers at a higher level than you ever have before
The central concept of the course is the principle of “clarity.” Clarity is everything. To perform at your very best and double your productivity, you must be absolutely clear about what it is you want to accomplish. You must then identify and pursue the very best way to go about achieving it. The Power of Clarity will show you how to do that and more.
The results Brian Tracy’s clients achieve from the systematic application of these strategies to their lives and work are often amazing. Participants in his programs, and others who apply these principles, report both rapid and increasing improvements in every area. They often double their incomes, reduce the number of hours they work each week, get control of their time and their lives, and dramatically improve the quality of their relationships with their families and other people.
All great truths are simple. The power of this course is that it teaches you a series of timeless truths that have been discovered and rediscovered by effective, happy people throughout the ages. You learn a new way of thinking about yourself and your world. Especially, you learn how to answer the question, “What do I really want to do with my life?”
Essentially, there are only four different steps you can take to improve the quality of your life and work:
1. You can do more of certain things.
2. You can do less of certain things.
3. You can start to do things that you are not doing at all today.
4. You can stop doing certain things altogether.
The Power of Clarity will show you what specific activities to do more of and less of, and it will tell you what new activities to start and what old activities to stop.
Even if you are earning more money and doing better than you have ever done before, think about how you are balancing your job and your personal life. It's not worth it to work harder and harder for more money but less satisfaction and enjoyment. The Power of Clarity gives you the solution to these unavoidable challenges of modern life.
In this program, you will learn how to:
- Think the way the most effective people think and take the actions the most effective people take
- Develop your own personal plan for achieving rapid results in each part of your life that is important to you
- Accomplish more in the next couple of years than many people accomplish in a lifetime — without working extra hours
There are virtually no limits to what you can be, do, or have when you apply the Focal Point Process to your life. The more you focus on doing those few things that represent the most valuable use of your time, the better you become at those activities and the less time it takes you to accomplish each one. Your returns on effort and energy increase, the more of them you do.
With The Power of Clarity, you’ll discover the keys to doubling your income and doubling your time off. If you’d like more money and more time to enjoy it, this course will show you how to have both!
The only real limits on what you can do or be are the limits you accept in your own mind. Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can do a thing or you believe you cannot, in either case, you are probably right.”
You have within you, right now, all the talents and abilities you could ever want or need to achieve any goal or dream you can set for yourself. The only question you ever have to ask is: “How badly do I want it?”
If you want anything badly enough and you are willing to use The Power of Clarity to guide you toward your goal, nothing can stop you from achieving it.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Vic Conant
Chairman, Nightingale-Conant
P.S. It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that matters is where you’re going. Never allow yourself to be slowed down or held back by events that have occurred in your past. Learn from them and let them go. Resolve to keep yourself focused on the future and where you are going. With The Power of Clarity, there are no limits to what you can achieve in the months and years ahead. Review your Free-Trial offer and accelerate your progress dramatically.
The Power of Clarity
YES, I want to discover the simple process that will enable me to earn more, achieve more, and be more… with minimal effort.
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