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The Maverick Mindset
by Dr. John Eliot
7 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $269.95
Special Price $79.95–SAVE 70%
While most people are busy goal setting, visualizing success, and doing all the other things they’ve been convinced will bring the results they’re looking for, the world’s most exceptional performers — from billionaire CEOs to world-renowned surgeons to Olympic athletes to Grammy-winning rock stars — are doing NONE OF THESE THINGS. These mavericks have bucked the standard “success system” in favor of a radically different model of thinking. And, they’re living better, earning more, and achieving at the highest levels. Make their unconventional, contrarian habits and practices your own.
Dr. Eliot’s clients have included Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Adidas, NASA, the United States Olympic Committee, The Texas Medical Center, The Mayo Clinic, and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
No-Nonsense System for Building Wealth
by Ric Edelman
8 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $89.95–SAVE 70%
Ric reveals his formula for creating a plan to build a solid financial future through his unique time-tested investing strategies. You’ll hear countless testimonials about how others have used Ric’s guidelines to create a healthy, balanced, and richly rewarding life.
In this live seminar, Ric Edelman will give you an eight-point action plan that will tell you what you need to do right now in order to protect yourself and your family, your money, your income, your job, your home, your possessions, and your business.
Jump Start Your Brain!
by Doug Hall
8 Audio CDs, Bonus CD
Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $89.95–SAVE 70%
Considered by many corporate leaders to be the “evangelist to the dormant creative spirit,” Doug Hall and his exceptional team have been responsible for bringing overwhelming results to hundreds of businesses that were at a virtual standstill.
As America’s #1 Idea Guy, he provides you with the foundation for how to create new and inventive ideas, and then countless real-world strategies for how you can best market and sell them. Listening to this program will allow you to access your creative genius and apply the systems that were conceived by one of America’s top innovative thinkers of this millennium.
You’ll learn to triple the effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts, double your success at “closing the sale,” design your services or products for power profits, and much, much more!
The Peaceful Warrior’s Path to Everyday Enlightenment
by Dan Millman
8 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD, DVD, Bonus CD
Regular Price: $329.95
Special Price $98.95–SAVE 70%
Dan Millman is the author of the million-copy-plus bestseller Way of the Peaceful Warrior. His seminars, with their messages of hope, humor, and spiritual wisdom, draw huge crowds nationwide. In this program, he frees your attention to see the Spirit everywhere, everyday, in everyone and everything — leading you to a realistic practice of everyday enlightenment.
Whether you’re looking to find your true calling or a greater sense of awareness, The Peaceful Warrior’s Path to Everyday Enlightenment: 12 Gateways to Your Spiritual Growth will help illuminate your journey toward a richer, more meaningful life.
The Secret to Invincibility
by Paul Pearsall, Ph.D.
9 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $329.95
Special Price $98.95–SAVE 70%
Created by renowned author, speaker, and cancer “thriver” Dr. Paul Pearsall, The Secret to Invincibility will empower you not merely to get through your challenges, but he will help make you stronger and better.
It is our reaction to the challenges we encounter that determines our level of success and happiness, or lack thereof, in life. Simply put, experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.
A fascinating, fast-emerging new field of scientific research has focused on a uniquely effective response to stress and the extraordinary group of individuals who demonstrate it.
These people do not merely survive stressful experiences or recover from them. They thrive as a result of them, and so can you.
The 12 Life Secrets
by Robert Stuberg
6 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD
Regular Price: $234.95
Special Price $69.95–SAVE 70%
The principles in this program will enable you to make every desire come true. Whether you want to increase your income, make yourself more marketable, or simply find greater meaning in your life... this remarkable program provides the ultimate answers to getting what you want. Learn to break away from the crowd, stand out, and chart your course for success. Learn the real secret to improving your life by improving yourself. Don’t delay a moment longer — discover the unrealized secret wealth of your mind, your talents, and your time.
Act now and discover how to reach deep within you to release incredible powers that will lead you to true-life mastery.
Restful Sleep
by Dr. Arnd Stein
1 Audio CD
Regular Price: $76.95
Special Price $22.95–SAVE 70%
Become more relaxed and increase your entire physical well-being. You will effortlessly, quickly, and completely lead a more fulfilled and balanced life, bring more relaxed attitudes to everything you do, and allocate your energy effectively to give yourself more time and space.
With Restful Sleep: Your Final Breakthrough, you will — effortlessly, quickly, and completely — lead a more balanced life and bring more relaxed attitudes to everything you do. This series uses the latest discoveries in the sciences of sound, psychology, and super-learning to create a completely new, totally safe, and thoroughly effective psycho-technology that reprograms your subconscious in positive ways to achieve the goals you seek. Its natural approach avoids subliminals to guarantee a pleasant, life-changing experience.
The Effective Manager Seminar Series: Marketing Strategy for Fast Growth
by Brian Tracy
1 DVD; 2 Audio CDs plus 2 Workbook on CDs (1 each for Manager and Employee)
Regular Price: $189.95
Special Price $56.95–SAVE 70%
Your company may not have all the money in the world, but you can still have the best training in the world. Brian Tracy will teach you all of the various components of an effective business strategy. Learn the same strategies that all successful businesses are built on.
Learn how to guarantee that you hire the best person for the job every time, two ways to brainstorm for breakthrough ideas, how to sell like a seasoned pro, 21 ways to get extraordinary performance from ordinary employees, how to hold brisk, precise, productive meetings, and much, much more.
This series includes duplicate copies of the Compact Disc and CD-ROM Workbook for distribution among your employees.
Get Out of Your Own Way!: How to Overcome Any Obstacle in Your Life
by Larry Winget
4 Audio CDs, DVD
Regular Price: $179.95
Special Price $53.95–SAVE 70%
You think you know what you want in life. You’ve tried to achieve those things. But if you still don’t have them, the culprit may be closer than you think. Larry Winget exposes the things you are doing right now to unknowingly prevent your own success in the most important areas of your life: business, family, health, parenting, money, and more — and offers you his self-proven action plan for change. By following the straightforward, common-sense plan Larry presents in this program, you’ll be able to remove the one and only obstacle standing between you and the things you really want in life: YOU.
Larry’s no-holds-barred style and radically un-radical process are what you’ve been waiting for!
Lighten Up!: The Amazing Power of Grace Under Pressure
by C.W. Metcalf
5 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $59.95–SAVE 70%
It’s a fact: People who bring joy into their daily work are more likely to be resilient under pressure, forward-looking, calm, productive, healthy, and liked by employees as well as employers. This is no trivial skill. If you want advancement or success, then learn how to make those around you smile. It’s not hard to balance fun with professionalism when you use the techniques from Lighten Up!
In Lighten Up!: The Amazing Power of Grace Under Pressure, C.W. Metcalf teaches you the specific skills you need to enjoy your personal and professional life, take yourself lightly even while your work becomes serious, learn to laugh in the face of problems, and stay upbeat while pursuing your goals.
The Seven Sacred Truths
by Denis Waitley
6 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD
Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $59.95–SAVE 70%
To gain the wisdom necessary to navigate properly the ups and downs of our world, we must gain an understanding of our own minds and hearts. The Seven Sacred Truths will help you do exactly that.
If wisdom can be gained only through experience, then our shortcut is to learn from those who have come before us. In times past, all great leaders had mentors, dating back to Alexander the Great, who was mentored by Aristotle. Now it’s your turn. Our research was straightforward. The results are The Seven Sacred Truths, the seven more important life lessons anyone can learn. You will learn how to maintain balance in the face of rapid change and uncertainty, how to deepen the most lasting bonds with people you care about, and how to look on each day, each month, and each year as a process of building on the great wisdom and lessons from this remarkable program.
The Longevity Solution
by Eric Plasker, D.C.
6 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD, Bonus CD
Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $59.95–SAVE 70%
Discover the breakthrough “Longevity Solution” for living a healthy, wealthy, vibrant life — into your 70s, 80s, 90s, and beyond! The Longevity Solution provides all the information you need to enjoy a sensational second half of your life.
The Longevity Solution will empower you to remain vibrant and vital, with great relationships, a reason to get up, and plenty of money in the bank, at 70, 80, 90, and beyond.
It’s not too late to improve your health, vitality, and quality of life, and don’t let age be the reason you stop contributing, prospering, and enjoying life — all you need to fulfill your potential and embrace your extended lifespan with a sense of opportunity.
Life, Hope, & Healing: Prescriptions from the Heart
by Bernie S. Siegel
6 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $59.95–SAVE 70%
Where the capabilities of modern medicine end, your journey to health, well-being, and a truly joyful and fulfilled experience of living can begin. Let Dr. Bernie Siegel open your eyes, mind, and heart to your own amazing ability to recover from illness, restore your spirit, and reclaim control over your life story.
Dr. Bernie Siegel has studied the power of the human mind to affect physical outcomes. His observations led him to explore new forms of cancer therapy that utilize a patient’s own innate healing potential. Today, he is world-renowned as a pioneer in the field of holistic medicine, and an inspiration to millions of people around the globe.
In Life, Hope, & Healing, you’ll learn the “prescription” for creating a full, rich, joyful, and genuinely “healthy” life.
What Do You Really Want for Your Children?
by Wayne Dyer
6 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $59.95–SAVE 70%
Children raised the Wayne Dyer way feel useful and needed. They are inner- rather then outer-directed. They live a stress-free life naturally, without resorting to drugs.
Through extensive research, Dr. Wayne Dyer learned firsthand what people really want for their children. They want them to have personal integrity and high self-esteem, and to grow up with love and peace in their hearts.
Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is a recognized leader in the field of self-development. He is a popular lecturer, psychotherapist, and bestselling author. The loving father of five children himself, Dr. Dyer feels this program is one of his best and most important products ever.
Sales Magic: The New Technology of Power Selling
by Kerry L. Johnson
6 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $234.95
Special Price $69.95–SAVE 70%
Now you can double your sales volume by combining powerful selling techniques with cutting-edge psychology.
Kerry Johnson, one of the country’s top sales-training speakers and consultants, shows you how to “read” your clients and communicate with them at a subconscious level.
What does it really mean when a client breaks eye contact with you? How should you alter your approach when selling to an “auditory” (as opposed to a “visual” or a “kinesthetic”) client? Beginner or a seasoned pro, if you can’t answer these questions, you need Sales Magic. If you want to increase your closing ratio, increase commissions, and double your sales volume, Sales Magic is a must!
WordMaster: Vocabulary Excellence for Winners
by Denis Waitley
12 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD
Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $89.95–SAVE 70%
According to Earl Nightingale, those who scored highest on a vocabulary research test went on to be in the TOP income bracket; conversely, those who scored the lowest ended up in the lowest income bracket.
Every time you express yourself more clearly, more concisely, more forcefully, more convincingly, more powerfully, you rise above your competition. WordMaster uses a breakthrough in memory using “suggestopedic music,” to ensure that you build your vocabulary in the least time with minimum effort. This specially recorded music plays in the background to make learning almost effortless.
Expand your vocabulary and you’ll enhance relationships, position yourself above your peers for a raise and promotion, and gain praise and respect from everyone around you.
Emotional Mastery: Life Transformation Through Higher Consciousness
by Gerald Epstein, M.D.
6 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD
Regular Price: $234.95
Special Price $69.95–SAVE 70%
Take charge of your emotions so they don’t take charge of you! Mastering your emotions allows you to face any circumstance and use it in a way that helps you enjoy each day. This program can literally change the course of your life.
By applying these simple, powerful techniques, you’ll be able to snap rapidly out of a negative state of mind. You’ll gain a total understanding of how your faulty assumptions have bound and enslaved you, and then free yourself from them and begin earning the money you deserve, improve your self-image, and have confidence about your future.
Change your perspective and change your life.
Living A Course in Miracles
by Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D, and The Foundation for A Course in Miracles
8 Audio CDs
Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $89.95–SAVE 70%
According to author Ken Wapnick, our magnificent minds are trapped in an illusory cocoon the ego has built that limits our true capacity and purpose. This program introduces us to the principles of A Course in Miracles that helps shatter that “cocoon.” The Course has been an inspiration to such learned and respected individuals as Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Carlos Santana, and countless others. The study of this extraordinary program often takes individuals on a lifelong journey full of joy and rewards, one that enriches ourselves and others.
This program has been created to aid you in making that transformation with as much ease as possible. It provides you with practical real-life applications.