The Natural Laws of Self-Healing CD Version

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Quick Overview

Harnessing Your Inner Imaging Power to Restore Health and Reach Spirit
Have you been searching for healing by practicing spiritual traditions outside of your own, or seeking out medicinal cures that do not work? You needn’t look any further. You will learn simple and miraculous healing techniques that are based in our own Western tradition; techniques that allow you to access infinite wisdom from your own internal university. Simple, fast, and highly effective self-healing imaging techniques for healing your physical body, enhancing your emotional well-being, and guiding your spiritual growth.

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The Natural Laws of Self-Healing CD Version

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Tap into the infinite power of the invisible dimension and experience extraordinary physical, emotional, and spiritual healing

Have you been searching for healing by practicing spiritual traditions outside of your own, or seeking out medicinal cures that do not work?

You needn't look any further. In Dr. Gerald Epstein's, The Natural Laws of Self-Healing: Harnessing Your Inner Imaging Power to Restore Health and Reach Spirit, you will learn simple and miraculous healing techniques that are based in our own Western tradition; techniques that allow you to access infinite wisdom from your own internal university.

In this provocative program you will learn how to take charge of your health by using mental imagery to rapidly, cost-effectively, and noninvasively restore health from acute and chronic conditions. The secret lies in developing a dialogue with the "invisible dimension" of the super-conscious. Through the language of imagery, you will acquire the tools to communicate with that invisible dimension, opening all channels for you to gain invaluable healing insights from that sacred place where all knowledge is stored.

Far beyond "guided imagery" used for relaxation, Dr. Epstein will teach you how to use imagery tailored specifically to your health challenge using your untapped powers of intuition and imagination. A psychiatrist and scholar of the Western spiritual traditions, Dr. Epstein has been exclusively using "imaginal medicine" for close to three decades. Through the American Institute for Mental Imagery he has taught both patients and health practitioners alike how to use mental imagery for conditions ranging from depression to stress, cancers, auto-immune disease, diabetes, heart disease, and all forms of pain.

As you listen you will discover that this is not a typical visualization or affirmation program. In this unprecedented program, Dr. Epstein provides you with many simple, fast, and highly effective self-healing imaging techniques for healing your physical body, enhancing your emotional well-being, and guiding your spiritual growth. He also offers you:

  • Ancient Western perspectives on changing imbalance to balance, based upon refreshing and powerful reinterpretations of biblical scriptures.

  • Live interactive dialogue on the 12 Natural Laws of Self-healing, including personal testimonials and powerful healing imagery remedies.

  • The 12 False Beliefs that impact your life and how you can free yourself from them.

  • A Western spiritual framework for analyzing and healing multiple dimensions of health (including physical, mental, emotional, moral, social, and environmental).

  • A comprehensive list of the various organs in your body, along with their corresponding emotional conditions, and a full range of powerful healing imagery exercises.

  • The tools you need to take back responsibility for your health by bringing health-care into spirit.

  • …And so much more!

Additional Information

NC Product ID 23320CD
UPC 081754233203
Contents 8 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD
Format CDs

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