Get Abundance Digital Download

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Get Abundance Digital Download

Author: Peter Diamandis

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6 Audio Sessions (5 hours and 2 minutes)
plus PDF Workbook

Why Your Future is Brighter Than You Think
Since the dawn of humanity, a privileged few have lived in stark contrast to the hardscrabble majority. Conventional wisdom says this gap cannot be closed. But it is closing—and fast. Providing abundance is your grandest challenge; Rise to meet that challenge.

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Why Your Future is Brighter Than You Think!

Discover the easiest, fastest way to achieve abundant wealth in the 21st century!

How would you like to be the center of a massive outpouring of wealth, innovation, success, and prosperity... the force behind a wave of abundance that rolls over your friends, family, and associates?

Now you can be!

Despite what the pessimists say, we live in an era of exponential growth and abundance. Astonishing new technologies are driving a new world where the unimaginable is being imagined and turned into reality.

In this optimistic yet realistic program, X PRIZE Foundation chairman and Singularity University co-founder Peter Diamandis and his team of experts provide dozens of ideas, techniques, and strategies you can apply to your life, business, or career to accelerate your progress in line with these compelling advances.

In this thrilling antidote to today's dark pessimism, Peter downloads to you his exhaustive research and extensive interviews with top scientists, innovators, and captains of industry to explore today's most important emerging forces. He examines the stunning impact these forces are having on categories of critical importance, while also establishing hard targets and a plan for change.

Providing abundance — for yourself, your family and the world — is your single greatest challenge. But there will be no end to the abundance and wealth of those who capitalize on today's new and emerging technologies.

Rise to the occasion of today's magnificent, unprecedented opportunities with this extraordinary and timely program!

Additional Information

NC Product ID 26750DP
UPC non-inv-26750dp
Contents 6 Audio Sessions (5 hours and 2 minutes)
plus PDF Workbook
Format Digital Download
Digital Format Info Audio Files are in MP3 Format
Video Files (if available) are in MP4 Format
Workbooks and other printed materials are in PDF Format
