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Secret Advantage
Rare collector edition of Earl Nightingale’s most relevant messages to compete and win today. 64 topic driven twenty minute episodes plus video documentary about Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant. Core Fundamentals To Get Anything You Want.
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The Ultimate Brian Tracy Library
Get ready for one of the most exciting audio learning journeys of your life. In this all-encompassing audio library, hear Brian’s thoughts on nearly every important personal development topic imaginable—from setting goals, to creative thinking, to succeeding in your career, to developing highly satisfying personal and professional relationships. Here, in this one program, you have all you need to make that same decision Brian did when he was a young man, and become successful in any area of your life. Understand the "first principle of success" and realize your enormous human potential to how to how to inspire and lead others to unlock that incredible potential inside themselves. Leadership is one of the most important factors in the success of a family, a team, a company, a church, or indeed…..a nation. Learn Brian’s unique philosophy of time mastery, and many of the ideas he uses to achieve such incredible productivity. Brian not only reads voraciously and deeply on a variety of topics, and has traveled widely to many different cultures to gain a unique life perspective; he truly thinks through the key issues of life—and provides a unique perspective on each.CD Version Coming Soon
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How to Become Financially Free on $50 a Month
You can become financially free on just $50 per month! This claim is not only powerful but also accurate. With an exciting mix of live and studio recordings, you’ll learn strategies for worry-free family finances. In this time of economic distress, follow this investment plan — the very best time-tested and proven plan available! Learn More -
The Ultimate Les Brown Library
A dynamic personality and highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. Yet, as Les himself makes clear in most all of his speeches, this incredible, highly influential speaker and leader came from much more humble beginnings. Addressing audiences from Denmark to Dubai, Canada to the Caribbean, Les Brown is invited back again and again for his powerful message and the ability to connect deeply with people from all walks of life. It isn’t just his great smile and his way with words that motivates people to take action like never before; when people face roadblocks or adversity it is the depth of his knowledge on achievement that creates lasting results. Les Brown’s straight-from-the-heart, passion and high-energy, motivates audiences to step beyond their limitations and into their greatness in many ways.CD Version Coming Soon
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The Strangest Secret Enhanced
This NEW version includes updated statistics and additional quotes from some of the greatest thought leaders, including Nelson Mandela and Buddha. It is read as gender-neutral, and for the first time it contains a women’s point of view. Many of these older books focus on saying things such as: “when a man” instead of “when a person.” Howroyd believes that words matter and can make a difference. Learn More -
Life's A Pitch
Learn the Proven Formula That has Sold Over $1 BILLION in Products. Selling is pretty much what Bob Circosta has been doing for the last three decades. Not only was he TV's ORIGINAL Home Shopping host, but he also helped create the multi-billion dollar TV home shopping industry--from scratch. Now it's your turn: Packed with decades of experience and knowledge that can and will help you maximize your sales potential and ability to communicate your message--whatever it may be--to anybody, anywhere. Learn More -
The Direct Line
Known as the "Dean of Personal Development", Earl Nightingale broadcast his radio programs for more than three decades on over 1,000 radio stations in 12 countries around the world, making him one of the most listened-to broadcasters in history. An inductee into both the Radio Hall of Fame and the International Speakers Hall of Fame and a winner of the prestigious Golden Gavel Award, he dedicated his life to helping others achieve personal success, co-founding Nightingale-Conant, a world leader in personal development. Now, for the first time ever, Nightingale's audio program The Direct Line is being offered. This audiobook offers a practical guide designed to help you find real and lasting success in your career, relationships, and finances. The messages shared in it will help you begin the most exciting and rewarding journey on earth - your journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment. Combining his personal insight with wisdom from the greatest minds in history - from the ancient Greek philosophers to contemporary thought leaders - he provides original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living. Just as the success or failure of any business depends on its management, so the success or failure of a person depends on the way he or she manages himself or herself. The Direct Line will teach you how to take control of your life and find happiness and contentment from the journey of striving toward your goals and cultivating a meaningful existence.CD Version Coming Soon
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The 24 Laws of Influence
What makes a leader a true leader? A great leader?Why is it that some people have such charisma about them that you can feel it when they walk into a room? How is it possible that some people get their message across with power and crystal clarity with an almost magical consistency?Well, maybe they’ve listened to Robert Pino! Melding the 24 laws into a complete trategy for success, you’ll soon discover that your effect on your family, your co-workers, and your community is one of unquestioned integrity, dedicated passion, and a consistently positive influence! Learn More -
The Ultimate Wayne Dyer Library
Nightingale-Conant proudly presents to you an incredible collection of Wayne Dyer's extraordinary work in one library. This program is composed of classic audio segments from more than 12 of Wayne's best-selling programs and consists of the many key and very best ideas that can take you to new personal and spiritual heights in your life. Learn the idea that you are in control of your thoughts; How to forgive; The way of peace, love and the present moment; How to stop worrying about what others think about you; How to take full responsibility for every aspect of your life; How to choose to grow from any mistake; The practice of meditation and silence...and so much more!!! Enjoy listening to his powerful message in this library and get ready to start your journey to a better emotional and spiritual life. Learn More -
The Power Habits of Ultimate Self-Confidence
Start outperforming, outpacing, and outdoing everyone else by gaining the foundation of ultimate self-confidence that makes everything else possible. After years of research, Noah discovered the Power Habits that would forever change subconscious beliefs, which would change self-confidence, which would change habits, behavior, and actions, and which would naturally change results for the better. Learn More