Choice Point

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Choice Point

Author: Gregg Braden


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by Gregg Braden

The Promise of Our Future In The Cycles of The Past
Get ready to embark on a new way of thinking and being. Ancient science proves how your choices today have a profound effect on futures tomorrow. Not simply your future and your family’s future... but the future of mankind! Explores the most ancient and enduring mysteries of our past and doing so, you’ll discover how the patterns of history are repeating in our lives today, patterns that we are only beginning to understand. Learn how to recognize the choice points, the moments when our ability to change the destructive patterns of the past are more potent than ever. This is the secret that awaits us as we unlock the mystery, so you now hold the power to change anything to create a more promising future!


The Beginning of the Dawn of Enlightenment

If you look at the newspaper, magazines, the internet or your local bookstores, you’ll find countless books, speeches and movies depicting doom, gloom and the end of civilization as we know it. But what is the truth? Where are all the prophets and soothsayers actually getting their information from? And maybe most importantly, how can you be prepared for what is possible in this, the most critical time in our history?

Beloved Nightingale-Conant author Gregg Braden, author of the mega-seller Speaking the Lost Language of God, brings you the truth that surrounds many of the mysteries of the time we live in. And Gregg’s picture is not that of Hollywood or the run-of the-mill fear mongers. Gregg tells us that we are entering into a new era of enlightenment. Gregg’s scenario is based on science, the natural cycles of life and what the most revered ancient texts have prepared us all for. We are in a time of birthing and awareness that our generation has never seen, but there’s a wild card in this whole scenario – the choices we currently make. Here is where Gregg will take you on a journey of how the past will explain our future and what you can do to safeguard it. Things certainly will not be given to chance.

Choice Point brings you the latest in Gregg’s ongoing search for spiritual truth that is girded with scientific evidence. You’ll discover that the way we meet today’s challenges will set the course for everything from our personal and collective lives to the future of civilization itself. You’ll also learn:

  • What the economic indicators are for this period of time and how you can prepare
  • How the condition of your heart can actually affect your community
  • The amazing parallels between the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations and what they mean for the future of politics, and much more!

Join Gregg as he explores the most ancient and enduring mysteries of our past and doing so, you’ll discover how the patterns of history are repeating in our lives today, patterns that we are only beginning to understand. You’ll learn how to recognize the choice points, the moments when our ability to change the destructive patterns of the past are more potent than ever. This is the secret that awaits us as we unlock the mystery of Choice Point.

Armed with Gregg Braden’s newest Nightingale-Conant audio program, a writable PDF workbook, and access to his own Time Code Calculator, you hold the power to change anything!

Your ancient ancestors know something you don't.
YOUR future!

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NC Product ID 26052
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