Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth
The Answers Are Within You
Have you ever wondered why you may have listened to several audio programs and read countless books on finding your true purpose, only to find that it still eludes you? The answer is that the secret lies in your past. Encourages you to open each and every chapter of your personal story, especially the painful ones, and use them as a springboard to a more purposeful and authentic life. Each of us is born with a divine purpose and unique gifts, which we often lose sight of when we create our “story.” Setting you on a very distinct and exciting path to your true purpose. You will ignite both your curiosity and your sense of adventure as you explore the most fascinating territory you will ever encounter. Learn More -
The Power of Present Moment Awareness
The value of living in the present moment is easy to understand. But it can be very hard to actually make that happen. This is especially true in the midst of the stress and chaos of our everyday life that dominates so much of our time and saps so much of our energy. Bridging the gap between having an understanding of present moment awareness and truly opening to the experience of it. An engaging, accessible, down-to-earth exploration of the meaning and value of present moment awareness with his vast collection of simple, practical, immediately usable techniques, strategies, and exercises. The result is a program that makes one of the oldest, most fundamental, yet most elusive principles of spirituality readily accessible at last. Discover how to utilize your everyday experiences as profound teachers that can bring your life into progressively sharper focus and Show you how to open yourself to the lasting sense of peace and deep sense of gratitude for life that the present moment offers. It does this by helping you to see for yourself the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that stand in your way. This empowering understanding is the key to your freedom. Learn More -
Marianne Williamson On Practical Spirituality Digital Download
1 Regular Price: $169.95
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All the great religious systems of the world speak of a divine consciousness within us, a deep center in our beings where all fear vanishes into core of oneness and love. It is here that we are all connected. It is from this place we form deep, spiritual relationships. Discussing how we access the enlightened energies of the spiritual center through loving thoughts and actions, and then apply these energies to the transformation of all aspects of our existence. This profound and illuminating live seminar will inspire you to bring healing to your life, relationships, and the world around you. In order to live more fully spiritual lives, we must unlearn much of what we have been taught, by a sleeping, loveless world. Withdrawing our attachment to the outer world, we can look within to the light of consciousness and love. Here, it is possible to let go of fear and experience the miracles that lie beyond it.Digital Download Exclusive
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The Ten Bridges of Transformation Digital Download
1 Regular Price: $259.95
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Addressing 10 universal human challenges that act as gulfs, separating us from all the things we most want and need in life. When they rear their head - as they quite frequently do - we are rendered paralyzed by them, powerless and incapable of true movement. Offering 10 radical new ways of encountering these inevitable challenges. These "bridges" will enable you to recognize the challenges and transitions of life as incredible opportunities for growth and enlightenment. Each one will carry you instantly from a specific challenging circumstance - anxiety, living in the past and future, focusing on guilt, negative thinking, and many more - to its positive alternative. The 10 bridges are an eternal compass that guides us along the path to spiritual wholeness. Anytime you are lost, confused, frustrated, doubtful, fearful, even hopeless, you can use these 10 active principles to immediately reorient yourself toward love, peace, and fulfillment.Digital Download Exclusive
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Creating Your Heart’s Desire
What is your heart crying out for? What has been holding you back from living your dreams? There is a song deep inside you waiting to be sung. When you sing it out, you will invite a waiting partner —the Universe— to join you in completing the melody of your life’s destiny and purpose. You can fulfill your deepest wishes and hopes. You can be the designer of your own glorious future. The whole world is ready and waiting to support your desires! The positive changes in your life will truly astound you. Whether your heart’s desire lives vividly in your imagination, or is a hazy, silent longing without shape or form, these principles will lead you from where you are to where you want to be. Learn More -
The Sacred Journey Digital Download
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $39.95
Where am I going? What is my life about? What do I value? What gives me a sense of purpose? What is sacred, meaningful, of ultimate concern to me? What are my deepest longings? Join us on the quest that begins when you open the secret window into your heart. Ask yourself the questions that recover the innocent eye of childhood which sees wonder and magic in everyday life. Find in these stories and ideas a new perspective and reminders of things you understood when you were young, when you knew how to listen to your dreams and your body. You will find ideas to share with close friends, vistas, visions, and values to enrich your life. And most important, you will discover many things about yourself.Digital Download Exclusive
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Journey to the Boundless
Modern science tells us that we live in a universe with no edges in space, with no beginning or ending in time. Eastern wisdom says we have a universe within ourselves as profound, as infinite, as timeless as the world outside. Unbounded freedom permeates everything and yet we continue to live our lives as prisoners of fragmented values—prey to disease, unhappiness, and caught in the web of time. With this live seminar, break free of these conceptual boundaries and step into the boundless, which is pure potentiality, pure creativity, pure freedom, and pure joy. Using a unique style of spirituality, practicality, and humor, learn to understand that the connection between ourselves and our environment, we must first understand the intimate connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Learn More -
Marianne Williamson Live! Digital Download
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $39.95
This uplifting series captures Marianne Williamson at her best - in front of a live audience - offering her insightful interpretation of A Course in Miracles, the revolutionary self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy. Promoting a shift in thinking which leads to radical inner transformation. Her breakthrough messages explore pathways for change that will lead you to an entirely new understanding of your world. Her insightful and inspirational teachings show you how to live more fully and freely - intellectually, emotionally and psychologically. Just listening to Williamson - who draws on metaphysics, Jungian psychology, personal analogies and humorous anecdotes - is a revelation in itself. With her exciting style and charismatic personality, you'll find yourself listening to these to these sessions again and again. She has captivated live audiences around the world. Her books have been best-sellers. Now you can experience this great spiritual teacher in her own words.Digital Download Exclusive
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Harnessing Your Life Force
Beneath all of the stress, frustrations, fears, and anxieties that you deal with each day, there is an easier, happier way to live. In fact, it is the way you are meant to live — the way your body, mind, and soul have been designed to function. Learn More -
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind Digital Download
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $39.95
You are about to discover how to escape the trap of time, tap into the source of endless well-being and rejuvenation, and defy the aging process all by using the power of your mind! The expression “You’re only as old as you think” is now truer than you ever imagined. Learn that simply by changing your perception of age, you can defeat the aging process, short-circuit the diseases that result from distressed mental states, and improve with each passing year. Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and understand its signals of comfort and discomfort. And, Learn how to focus your awareness on the factors in your life that make you young. The choices you make right now will affect the course of the next 30 or 40 years. Why not choose to have as long and healthy a life as you possibly can?Digital Download Exclusive
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