Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

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  1. The 72 Names of God

    The 72 Names of God

    1 Regular Price: $269.95

    Special Price $39.95

    In The 72 Names of God, you'll discover all 72 of these ancient and amazingly potent Names, and the unique practical purpose of each one. Once you have The 72 Names of God, you will possess the keys to an amazing God-given power: the power to proactively confront and rapidly transform almost any circumstance in your life: physical, emotional, material, and spiritual.This is truly technology for the soul - amazing spiritual power that no one is meant to live without! Learn More
  2. Spiritual Alchemy

    Spiritual Alchemy

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    The New Technologies for Abundance, Health, and Harmony. In Spiritual Alchemy, Dr. Luanne Oakes offers hope, peace, & freedom through Inspirational and effortless education. Dr. Oakes' Spiritual Alchemy is heart-based technology that is literally effortless. In fact, the less you "work," and the more you "feel," the deeper your transcendent and healing experience will be! You will be given the golden keys to your heart's most treasured desires. Learn More
  3. Love is Letting Go of Fear

    Love is Letting Go of Fear


    by Gerald Jampolsky

    12 Steps to Greater Happiness
    Is fear holding you back from the things you desire to achieve in life? Would you like better relationships that are filled with love and encouragement? Would you like to rid yourself of toxic emotions that are preventing you from being what God has meant you to become? Learn More
  4. Your Psychic Pathway

    Your Psychic Pathway


    by Sonia Choquette and Patrick Tully

    Listening to the Guiding Wisdom of Your Soul
    All people are endowed with an amazing psychic ability. This natural gift can give us the power to expand our awareness, reconnect to our Higher Intelligence, and discover a personal pathway to our souls. Beyond logic, beyond the ordinary, exists a whole world of Higher Knowledge just waiting to be tapped. You will finally unravel the secret mysteries of your mind, and use your discoveries to create a life of immeasurable spiritual freedom and fulfillment. Learn More
  5. Marianne Williamson On Practical Spirituality Digital Download

    Marianne Williamson On Practical Spirituality Digital Download

    1 Regular Price: $169.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Marianne Williamson

    The Spiritual Path of Universal Love and Oneness...
    All the great religious systems of the world speak of a divine consciousness within us, a deep center in our beings where all fear vanishes into core of oneness and love. It is here that we are all connected. It is from this place we form deep, spiritual relationships. Discussing how we access the enlightened energies of the spiritual center through loving thoughts and actions, and then apply these energies to the transformation of all aspects of our existence. This profound and illuminating live seminar will inspire you to bring healing to your life, relationships, and the world around you. In order to live more fully spiritual lives, we must unlearn much of what we have been taught, by a sleeping, loveless world. Withdrawing our attachment to the outer world, we can look within to the light of consciousness and love. Here, it is possible to let go of fear and experience the miracles that lie beyond it.

    Digital Download Exclusive  

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  6. Living A Course in Miracles

    Living A Course in Miracles

    1 Regular Price: $299.95

    Special Price $39.95

    In Living A Course in Miracles, renowned Course, Kenneth Wapnick takes you on an extraordinary journey of spiritual transformation. As he shares his insights, you may discover that shifting the way you think, feel, and ultimately experience your life may open doors that you weren't even aware existed. Learn More
  7. Thirsting for God

    Thirsting for God

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    Mother Teresa is speaking on each session! A profoundly personal encounter with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time. Mother Teresa spent her life on a journey of spirit, service, and incredible gift of self to humanity. In this unique and enlightening audio series, you'll travel along that journey with her. Learn More
  8. The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny

    The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny


    by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Within you is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire
    Can you imagine being able to manifest anything you want in life? You can make problems go away by themselves and bring every joy and reward your heart truly desires into your life. What most of us are taught to believe about reality conflicts with this idea. And yet everyone has this ability within themselves. You have already seen the results in your own life. Learn More
  9. The Ultimate Deepak Chopra Collection

    The Ultimate Deepak Chopra Collection


    by Dr. Deepak Chopra

    The Healing Power of ONE
    Each Session of this comprehensive library offers you the best of what Dr. Chopra has to offer on topics such as the five sensory healing techniques; the three body types and how each can gain greater health and vitality; the transforming power of following your spiritual purpose; the role of karma in healing; Ayurveda techniques on how to cure life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease; uncovering your soul’s true nature; and awakening your body’s own personal pharmacy through powerful meditations and practical exercises. Learn More
  10. True Balance

    True Balance


    by Sonia Choquette

    A Chakra Guide for Renewing Your Body, Mind, & Spirit
    Do you have days when things just seem to be off? Do you have physical ailments you’d like to heal? Do you doubt yourself at times, or feel a restlessness within? Are you searching to understand yourself more deeply? People often look to others for guidance to help them with these issues, such as their doctor, therapist, clergy, a psychic, parent, teacher, or friend. Yet when they do, they may find that they’ve been looking in the wrong place. Instead of looking outside yourself for the answers, it’s time to look within. Your body has seven spiritual centers, called chakras, which need to be balanced in order for your life to be in balance. Each chakra corresponds to certain physical, emotional, and psychological needs. And if a chakra is out of balance, all kinds of symptoms can occur — ranging from low self-esteem to fearfulness to a lack of faith. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to bring your chakras back into balance. Get to know the seven centers of your soul. Learn More

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