Skill Building
Skill Building
Brain Typing
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Now you can use Brain Typing to greatly accelerate the rate at which you influence yourself and others to achieve unprecedented levels of performance. You’ll uncover the “distractions” that keep you from performing and accomplishing at your peak ability, and you’ll learn specific techniques to shut those distractions down and live in your peak performance zone. Learn More -
The Secrets of Power Negotiating
Negotiation is a skill that can bring you vast success in all aspects of your life, getting you the best price on everything you purchase or sell, and helping you with salespeople, clients, associates, your employer, even your family. Learn More -
The FlexBrain Method
A thoroughly interactive, “brains-on” program designed to substantially improve your brain functioning right now and to keep your brain on an upward track of growth, expansion, and strength for the rest of your life. Don’t sit back and let time, age, and genetics decide what will happen to your mind. The real determining factor in how sharp your brain is now and how sharp it will remain -is YOU: Your lifestyle. Your attitudes. And, most especially, the choices you make, the habits you practice, and the small and large actions you take every single day. Strengthen your brain, increase your intelligence, and even prevent mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, with just five minutes of “brain flexing” a day! Based on the very latest research into brain function, memory retention, and neurological health, take control of your mental fitness now, improve your performance in every area of your life—for the rest of your life! Learn More -
Power Habits
You know the ‘how-to’s’ of success, yet still aren’t making progress toward your goals. You gone to lots of personal development seminars and read tons of ‘shelf-help’ books yet still feel STUCK. The essential problem is that simply knowing how to succeed isn’t enough. Because if it were, we’d all be rich, happy and thin! The truth is that human achievement is created by the unconscious habits that drive your actions. Reaching your goals is like driving a car: your conscious desire to succeed is your ‘foot on the gas,’ while your unconscious desire to stay where you are, is your ‘foot on the brake.’ The result of more than three decades of study and experience, overhauling traditional personal development programs that focused on trying to change human behavior targeting your unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and desires in order to get your foot off the brake and put you on autopilot toward success. This life-changing program teaches you how to retrain your unconscious mind, unlock your hidden potential, and achieve measurable results in the following areas of life: Your relationships, Your self-confidence, Your finances, Your happiness. Learn More -
Putting Your Creative Genius to Work
Your brain was designed by millions of years of evolution to be the most profoundly powerful creative thinking mechanism in known creation. Every human being is gifted with the potential for creative genius. These methods were developed during years of experience with thousands of people in a wide variety of environments. You can apply his methods immediately to supercharge your creative brain power, improving the quality of your life at home and at work. Learn More -
Quantum Memory Power
You’re about to take the journey of a lifetime. Guaranteed, you never realized that learning could be such fun. Revealing to you all the tricks and tips of thirteen years development of what are the ultimate tools for developing the perfect memory. See you at the next World Memory Championship! Learn More -
The Silva Ultramind ESP System
You are entitled to every success, happiness and fulfillment you can dream of. We were sent here with a job to do and the resources to fulfill that task. So why, then, do so many people not receive the things in life that they are naturally entitled to and deserve? The answer is a simple one – they are not aware of the help that is available to them. Learn a series of specific self-management techniques to help you overcome any impediments to your happiness and be better equipped to carry out your life’s mission. Once you are headed in the right direction, the Silva techniques you learn will keep you on the path to success and fulfillment. And may the rest of your life be the best of your life! Learn More -
62 Free Ways to Grow Your Business Profits
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Special Price $49.95
The Best-Kept Secrets of Great Communicators
When you investigate the most powerful and influential people in the world, you will discover that they all have something in common. Effective communication. Whether they personally possess such skills, or have hired a support team that did, ultimately effective communication was one of the fundamental keys to their success. Using the principles of powerful communication, they developed the ability to influence others in a profound way, all the while winning both respect and admiration. Learn More -
Crystal Clear Communication
No one is a born communicator, perfectly organized, succinct, and clear. These capabilities must be learned. Now, you CAN learn how to become a power communicator no matter which medium you need to use. Showing you how to come across clearly when you speak and write with simple, easy-to use, proven ways to organize your ideas and to marshal your comments, on the spot, whenever you are called on to communicate, whether in email, meetings, speeches, sales presentations or even just expressing your ideas to a group. It’s about plain talk, using the most appropriate words, becoming a credible communicator, and achieving crystal clarity. Learn More