Sales Training
Sales Training
Close the Deal CD Version
1 Regular Price: $269.95
Special Price $39.95
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Close the Deal presents you with a revolutionary, yet remarkably simple, 7-Step System for regaining control, removing pressure, and ultimately closing more sales and generating more profit than you ever will by using those tired old-school techniques. The Sandler Selling System has been called “The best-kept sales secret in America,” because for years, it was only available through the Institute itself and its franchisees nationwide. Now, at last, these revolutionary techniques are directly available to you. Learn More -
State of the Art Selling
Selling is the cornerstone of our economy and our society. Everyone sells — some just do it better than others. The million-dollar sales pros know that to sell well requires a complex set of skills, as well as the willingness to perfect relations with the customer. There is no one in the sales arena better versed on the subject of the Big C — the customer — and the significance of service and satisfaction tactics. This is the complete guide you need to develop the Customer-building strategies which will set you apart from the run-of-the-mill, and yield astronomical financial reward. Learn from the best in the business how to break into a tough account, to effectively utilize referral selling to increase business, to establish customer rapport, and so much more. This is a full-service sales program that, whether you’re a veteran or a novice, will show you how to become a state-of-the-art sales tactician and send your earnings soaring to astonishing heights. Learn More -
Advanced Selling Techniques
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
The Psychology of Selling
For salespeople on commission, the financial sky’s the limit! All it takes to reach the stratosphere of sales success is desire, commitment, and specialized knowledge. You provide the first two — let Brian Tracy supply the rest. The “graduate level” sales training program, The Psychology of Selling reveals closing techniques that could triple your commission. Learn More -
Sales Magic
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
The New Technology of Power Selling! In Sales Magic, you'll discover how to actually double your-salesvolume by combining powerful selling techniques with cutting-edge psychology. If you want to build trust, improve rapport, increase your closing ratio, Increase commissions and double your sales volume Sales Magic will make it happen! Learn More -
Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters
1 Regular Price: $499.95
Special Price $49.95
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Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters audio and video system focuses on both the Outside Game of Sales as well as the Inside Game of Sales. The combination of these proven sales programs in Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters will immediately impact your sales, your commission checks and your future lifestyle. -
Swim With the Sharks
OUTSELL by getting appointments with people who absolutely, positively do not want to see you, and then making them glad they said “yes”!; OUT-MANAGE by arming yourself with information on prospects, customers, and competitors, using a system called the Mackay 66; OUT-MOTIVATE by using his insights to help yourself or your kids join the ranks of America’s 1 million millionaires; OUT-NEGOTIATE by knowing when “to smile and say no” and when to “send in the clones” Learn the tool for gathering information about customers: personal information, business background, special interests, lifestyle, their business needs, and the nature of your relationship with them. In today’s impersonal word, the human touch has never been more decisive. Learn More -
How To Be a Great Communicator
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
Sell Your Way to the Top
The mere mention of his name opens doors— and hearts— in sales organizations throughout the world. He’s Zig Ziglar, and when it comes to selling, he’s done it all. And as a motivational speaker, he has sold salespeople on the importance of their careers and their contribution to society. Learn More -
Sell Like a Pro
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95