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  1. Sri Siva's Personal Transformation

    Sri Siva's Personal Transformation

    1 Regular Price: $349.95

    Special Price $49.95

    Learn Life Changing Mantras with Sri Siva's Personal Transformation! Meditation master and renowned scholar and mystic Sri Siva has created a program that will introduce you to some of the most powerful and specific mantras ever discovered. He will teach you exactly how to use these potent "secret sounds" to create real, dramatic changes in any area of your life, with remarkable speed. Personal Transformation will give you the wisdom, knowledge, and practical tools you need to systematically transform every aspect of your life and enjoy the inner and outer abundance we are all meant to have. Learn More
  2. The New Courtship After Marriage

    The New Courtship After Marriage

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    Romance Can Last a Lifetime
    Zig Ziglar recognizes the importance of building a relationship that can stand the test of time and the pressures from society to become a strong, firm foundation for the entire family. In The New Courtship After Marriage, Zig teaches couples how a warm, loving, respectful commitment can stay and even grow stronger throughout the years. The New Courtship After Marriage will show you that you can have it all. With a little work and a lot of love, you will discover or rediscover your best friend - your spouse. You'll find that you can have love that will last a lifetime. Learn More
  3. The New Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World

    The New Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World

    1 Regular Price: $239.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Zig Ziglar

    Learn to Face All of Today's Parental Challenges
    Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World, Zig shows you that today's parenting challenges really aren't so different from the challenges of the past. Zig will give you tips on how to establish good communication with your children. Raising positive children in our sometimes overwhelmingly negative world can be done - but it's not always easy. Let Zig show you that if you're committed to your children for the long haul, the results will be the most loving relationships you will ever be blessed with. Learn More
  4. The Ultimate Leo Buscaglia Library

    The Ultimate Leo Buscaglia Library


    by Leo Buscaglia

    Important Principles Needed in Any Relationship
    Philosophers and Poets through the ages have tried to examine the powerful concept of human love—from Aristotle to DuJardin. Love has often been described as life’s prime motivator, but so often it’s found to be one of our most puzzling experiences. With a series of live and studio segments where the question "What is love?" is answered. Also filling in the gray areas of that question, by going deeper into the specific qualities of love. Wishing wish you a life of love, laughter and joy. That’s Leo’s legacy, and it’s destined to be your legacy as well. Learn More
  5. How to Handle Conflict and Manage Anger

    How to Handle Conflict and Manage Anger


    by Denis Waitley

    Based Upon A Program Developed By National Seminars
    Life is too complex for anyone to expect to exist in a perennial state of harmony and bliss. The reality is that in the daily push and pull of our lives, there are many sources of conflict and anger. Despite the negative image, however, conflict and anger need not erupt in disaster. They can often be opportunities for developing new skills, furthering personal improvement, and growing toward full potential. But you must take advantage of them. Learn More
  6. Love



    by Dr. Leo Buscaglia

    Bring the Power of LOVE into All Areas of Your Life
    At a time when things are becoming increasingly impersonal, when electronic gadgets have taken the place of face-to-face embraces, when families are embittered and fragmented, a message of Leo’s is more important than ever – the message of love. Create more joy in your life for yourself, every member of your family, and everyone you meet. Personal encouragement to people of all ages at a time when it is desperately needed.


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  7. The Millennial Solution

    The Millennial Solution


    by Gabrielle Bosché

    Tapping the Next Generation of Talent
    Exhaustive research in the field of generational reconciliation now brings you the ultimate advantage in how to understand the new generation of uniquely skilled talent being brought into today’s workforce — Millennials. Learn More
  8. The Story of Earl Nightingale and His Strangest Secret

    The Story of Earl Nightingale and His Strangest Secret


    by Pam Nightingale

    As Told by his daughter Pamela Nightingale
    Earl Nightingale is the author of The Strangest Secret. He inspired millions of people, just like you, to set goals and find success. Join us on an incredible adventure through his astounding personal life as a poor barefoot boy, to being invited by the Queen of England to meet with her at Buckingham Palace. Listen and find out how Earl discovered The Strangest Secret, lived a great life doing it, and how you can too. Learn More
  9. Relationship Strategies

    Relationship Strategies


    by Tony Alessandra, Ph.D.

    Using the Platinum Rule to Create Instant Rapport
    Personality differences: they’re what make life so rich and fascinating— and often so frustrating. Many of us never figure people out— we get along great with some people and deal as little as possible with others because they’re so different from us. We instinctively realize that there are vast differences between various types of personalities, yet we all too often create tension and discomfort by treating people as if they’re pretty much alike—like ourselves. Each of us telegraphs our personality style in countless small ways, such as they way we shake hands, how our offices look, and whether we’re crisp or chatty on the phone. The trick is to spot these signals by learnring how to do identify other people’s styles and adjust your own behavior accordingly, in order to remove barriers, lessen conflict, and move quickly and easily toward your objectives. At work, at home, and in social situations, the Platinum Rule in relationship strategies will enrich and strengthen your relationships forever. Learn More
  10. Unlimited Energy

    Unlimited Energy


    by Peter McLaughlin

    Techniques to Increase Your Energy, Diffuse Stress, and Power Boost Your Career
    Combining scientific research with years of experience consulting Fortune 500 companies, to help you improve the quality of your life. From teaching you to become more productive to guiding you to improve your relationships, this program will help you live every day with incredible energy and vitality. Humor, relaxation, proper nutrition, adequate exercise, and positive thinking lead to high energy levels that make up the foundation of happy and successful lives. Learn More

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