Personal Development
Personal Development
Future You
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
Scientifically predict and shape your future! Forecast your health, income and more with 90% or greater accuracy. The Best Way to Predict the Future Is to Create It Yourself. Mark Young presents a straightforward, step-by-step system that will enable you to accurately predict your own future, design the future you want based on these predictions. Learn More -
Your Miracle Life
1 Regular Price: $329.95
Special Price $49.95
Break through the #1 obstacle between you and your dreams! Facing your fears is quite possibly the single most important work you can do for yourself, your families, and the world as a whole. The next step is to confidently walk through your fears. That is where the coaching and counsel of Stephen Edwards comes in. This program will help you consciously tap into your potential. It will give you more confidence and certainty in yourself and your abilities to deal with any situation. Learn More -
The Richest Man in Babylon . . . In Action
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It? CD/DVD Version
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
The New Science of Self-Discipline
You might think laziness, lack of willpower, and/or low motivation are to blame for the fact that you aren’t achieving your goals. But fascinating research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed another, far more likely possibility. One with the potential to transform your life in a dramatic way.Digital Download Available
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Stand and Deliver
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
Prime Thinking Skills CD Version
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
Dr. Carl Aylen will show you how to recognize and break down the perceptual obstacles between you and success. As you listen to this program and discover the power of these insights and skills, many of them will both surprise you and challenge your current thinking. Prime Thinking Skills will teach you to master the four thinking perspectives and tap into a world of intelligence that will bring success to your life - your definition of success. Learn More -
Maximum Speed Learning
1 Regular Price: $169.95
Special Price $29.95
In today's world, information is coming at you from all directions, on multiple levels, and in countless forms. In order to keep a sharp, competitive edge you must be able to stay on top of the information others can't keep up with and identify information others can't see. In short, you have to be learning all the time. Learn More -
The Master Key To Success
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $29.95
In 13 dynamic sessions, Dr. Hill shows you how by simply using the principles of success he learned over four decades of painstaking research, you will receive the Success Master Key to unlock every door of opportunity. Less than 1% of the world knows about this elusive Master Key, capable of opening the door to your most far-reaching future. Napoleon Hill is handing you the key right now. TAKE IT! And your life will never be the same! Learn More -
The Best-Kept Secrets of Great Communicators System
1 Regular Price: $379.95
Special Price $49.95
The Law of Large Numbers
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
Start living your life with total confidence by using The Law of Large Numbers to position yourself through repeated, systematic actions that will, inevitably, lead to the personal breakthroughs you have always dreamed about. Armed with The Law of Large Numbers campaign that Gary will lay out in detail for you in this program, you will gain the ability to be highly successful in any endeavor you pursue. Learn More