Mind Tech

Mind Tech

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Sale Hypnology


1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Dick Sutphen

Acclaimed author and master hypnotist Dick Sutphen, will show you how to control the deepest levels of your mind to guide you instinctively to where you want to go. Hypnology is the most practical, powerful, and effective life-transformation system you'll ever experience. And it literally applies to every activity you do, every activity you want to do, every activity you want to stop, and every skill, ability or potential you want to develop in any area of your life. Learn More
Silva Ultramind’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

Silva Ultramind’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dennis Higgins and John La Tourrette, Ph.D.

The Next Evolution in Mind Power
There will be times when someone is making an important decision … perhaps a life-and-death decision … and you won’t be there to help. At that moment, the only influence you will have with that loved one or customer or associate, when he or she is making a decision that will affect the rest of his or her life — and your life — is Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. This unique mind technology will help you in every area of your life: health, relationships, business, personal growth, and your purpose in life.This course takes the very spiritual approach that we were all sent here to planet earth for a purpose, When you dedicate yourself to doing that, an interesting thing happens: The conditions in your own life improve. You are happier, healthier, luckier, and more successful! Learn More
The Silva Ultramind ESP System

The Silva Ultramind ESP System

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Michael Wickett, Ed Bernd Jr., Jose Luis Romero and JoNell Monaco Lytle

May the Rest of Your Life Be the Best of Your Life!
You are entitled to every success, happiness and fulfillment you can dream of. We were sent here with a job to do and the resources to fulfill that task. So why, then, do so many people not receive the things in life that they are naturally entitled to and deserve? The answer is a simple one – they are not aware of the help that is available to them. Learn a series of specific self-management techniques to help you overcome any impediments to your happiness and be better equipped to carry out your life’s mission. Once you are headed in the right direction, the Silva techniques you learn will keep you on the path to success and fulfillment. And may the rest of your life be the best of your life! Learn More
NLP: The New Technology of Achievement

NLP: The New Technology of Achievement

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Charles Faulkner; Gerry Schmidt, Ph.D.; Dr. Robert McDonald; Tim Hallbom, M.S.W.; Suzi Smith, M.D.; Kelly Gerling, Ph.D.

A Powerful Technology for Producing Change
Developed in the early 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, in association with Gregory Bateson, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a personal development system. NLP Comprehensive is one of the earliest and most successful Neuro-Linguistic programming training organizations in the world. Demonstrating the deep personal transformation that happens with NLP. In this learning experience, some of the nation's outstanding NLP trainers will share the same strategies they have taught thousands of NLP Comprehensive seminar participants. Using a toolbox of strategies, axioms and beliefs about human perception and subjective experience, you are invited to explore the NLP aspects you judge to be the most beneficial to you. Learn More
Sale Relax and Succeed

Relax and Succeed

1 Regular Price: $79.95

Special Price $19.95

by Dr. Arnd Stein

Become more relaxed, carefree, and serene. The latest discoveries in the sciences of sound, psychology, and superlearning to create a completely new, totally safe, and thoroughly effective psychotechnology that reprograms your subconscious in positive ways to achieve the goals you seek. Learn More
Sale Relieve Stress

Relieve Stress

1 Regular Price: $79.95

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by Dr. Arnd Stein

Relieve stress and bring more relaxed attitudes to everything you do. This reprogramming introduces many new benefits into your life, including allowing you to relieve stress, calm down and approach your professional and personal life confidently and peacefully. Learn More
Sale End Depression

End Depression

1 Regular Price: $79.95

Special Price $19.95

by Dr. Arnd Stein

End depression with Dr. Arnd Stein's electrifying audio program that helps you deal with everyday problems and situations in a relaxed manner. This reprogramming introduces many new benefits into your life, including giving you the attitude and tools to end depression for good. Learn More
Sale Restful Sleep

Restful Sleep

1 Regular Price: $79.95

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by Dr. Arnd Stein

Become more relaxed and increase your entire physical well-being. You will effortlessly, quickly, and completely lead a more fulfilled and balanced life, bring more relaxed attitudes to everything you do, allocate your energy effectively to give yourself more time and space. Learn More
Sale Overcome Anxiety

Overcome Anxiety

1 Regular Price: $79.95

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by Dr. Arnd Stein

Overcome anxiety, create peace and quiet for yourself; generate self-assurance and contentment. Learn More
Sale Become More Self-Confident

Become More Self-Confident

1 Regular Price: $79.95

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by Dr. Arnd Stein

Improve your self-confidence and belief in yourself, face all challenges feeling secure and calm, and learn to like yourself better while knowing that others like you, too. Learn More
Sale Creative Solutions

Creative Solutions

1 Regular Price: $79.95

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by Dr. Arnd Stein

Bring all your ideas and intentions to successful and creative solutions. This program allows you to have stronger and more creative ideas more often. It also enables you to make definitive decisions more easily. Learn More
Sale Pain Relief

Pain Relief

1 Regular Price: $79.95

Special Price $19.95

by Dr. Arnd Stein

Achieve improved and even total pain relief while increasing your feeling of physical well-being. This program allows you to overcome pain in any part of your body while you improve your physical well-being. Benefit from pain relief with Dr. Arnd Stein's audio program that helps you control chronic pain as well as new pain. Learn More
Sale Active Healing, Better Health

Active Healing, Better Health

1 Regular Price: $79.95

Special Price $19.95

by Dr. Arnd Stein

Strengthen your immune system by finding and maintaining inner harmony. Learn More
Sale Achieve Your Chosen Weight

Achieve Your Chosen Weight

1 Regular Price: $79.95

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by Dr. Arnd Stein

Achieve Your Chosen Weight will help you trim those unwanted pounds without the use of dangerous diet pills or the latest diet crazy. Forget about Atkin's low carb nonsense, or the latest South Beach diet fad.Dr. Arnd Stein has the weight loss program for you. Learn More
Sale Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

1 Regular Price: $79.95

Special Price $19.95

by Dr. Arnd Stein

No matter if you've been a smoker for weeks or decades, once you use Dr. Arnd Stein's psychotechnology found in Quit Smoking, you'll bid farewell to your habit and hello to a healthier and more energetic future. Learn More
Sale Profitable Selling Mindset

Profitable Selling Mindset

1 Regular Price: $79.95

Special Price $19.95

by Dr. Arnd Stein

Suddenly, you'll command respect whenever you speak. Develop your inner strength and discover new ways of mastering everyday tasks and problems. Learn More
Sale The Musical Body

The Musical Body

1 Regular Price: $329.95

Special Price $49.95

Transformative ‘Ison Methon’ clears tension blockages and awakens the vital force inside of you! If you’re ever feeling uninspired, overwhelmed, frustrated, or saddened, you can simply play the appropriate CD. Just hearing the therapeutic music will release your energetic blocks and awaken your vital force. Learn More
Sale Sleep Programming Spiritual Breakthrough Mega-Kit

Sleep Programming Spiritual Breakthrough Mega-Kit

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

Dick Sutphen’s Sleep Programming is an extraordinarily powerful audio experience that will super-charge your subconscious to positively change your most basic beliefs about personal success and happiness at the level where it matters most: your subconscious mind. And it does it all while you enjoy a calm, restful sleep! Learn More
Sale Sleep Programming High Achievers Mega-Kit

Sleep Programming High Achievers Mega-Kit

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

Dick Sutphen’s Sleep Programming is an extraordinarily powerful audio experience that will super-charge your subconscious to positively change your most basic beliefs about personal success and happiness at the level where it matters most: your subconscious mind. And it does it all while you enjoy a calm, restful sleep! Learn More
Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping

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1 Regular Price: $169.95

Special Price $29.95

by Michael J. Gelb

How to Liberate Your Natural Genius
Learn to set yourself free to do everything you’re capable of doing. How to balance the formation and organization of ideas while encouraging a full range of mental expression. Times are changing fast — and so should the way you create ideas and organize your thinking. Learn More
The 11th Element

The 11th Element

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Bob Scheinfeld

The Key to Unlocking Your Master Blueprint for Wealth and Success
Many of the richest people in the world have quietly used the 11th Element to unleash an avalanche of prosperity and potential in their lives. As they’ve discovered, this mysterious and potent force is the key to finding lucrative business and investment opportunities… sending the sales, profits, and value of any business soaring… eliminating debt and building long-term wealth… developing new products, services, and ideas … starting your own business dramatically increasing your productivity … and achieving everything else you have been dreaming of and working towards! Learn More
The Silva Method

The Silva Method

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Robert B. Stone

Tapping the Secrets of the Mind for Total Self-Mastery
Take a quantum leap toward leading a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life. The Silva Method equips you with the tools you need to evaluate your productivity, increase your creativity, supercharge your problem-solving capability and greatly exceed your goals. Award-winning Silva trainer Robert B. Stone teaches you how to enter the Alpha State - an inner conscious level of brain wave frequency. At the Alpha state, you'll activate deep states of accelerated mental activity, intuition, learning, memory, ESP, tranquility, rest, and relaxation. Learn More
The Theta Code

The Theta Code

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Asara Lovejoy with Bonnie Strehlow

Unlock Your Healing Codes
What if you could recapture vitality and health with one simple method? Wouldn’t you want to know how? Wouldn’t you want to choose how healthy you could be? No matter how many times you hear the news that your thoughts affect your health, you may still think that could be true for others but not for you. Here is the good news — With guidance you’ll discover scientific research and proven methods to change the patterns that negatively impact your vitality and health. You’ll walk away with specific easy-to-learn tools that empower you to regain and maintain vibrancy and vitality. Learn More
The Subliminal Winner

The Subliminal Winner

1 Regular Price: $249.95

Special Price $39.95

by Denis Waitley and Thomas Budzynski

Enter the world of subliminal audio knowing you’re in the best hands!
Effortlessly program your mind for automatic success. Using state-of-the-art sound technology that incorporates empowering subliminal messages into harmonious music or relaxing ocean sounds, this highly-effective audio program, The Subliminal Winner, will automatically train your mind toward more positive, productive patterns of thought and behavior. — Become the subliminal winner you've always wanted to be and achieve a more positive productive life! Learn More
The Einstein Factor

The Einstein Factor

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Win Wenger, Ph.D., and Richard Poe

A Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence
You are smarter than you think. In fact, your subconscious holds the same mental powers as some of the greatest minds in history! It’s common knowledge the human brain is powerful, but what did people like Einstein do to access the inherent genius of their minds? Filled with several powerful, mind-expanding exercises, giving you a breakthrough set of tools that will allow you to raise your intelligence, concentration, and insight to much higher levels. Bypass inhibitions and access the powerful capabilities of your mind, which has virtually unlimited potential. Learn More
The FlexBrain Method

The FlexBrain Method

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Nightingale Learning Systems

Stimulate Your Mind and Energize Your Life
A thoroughly interactive, “brains-on” program designed to substantially improve your brain functioning right now and to keep your brain on an upward track of growth, expansion, and strength for the rest of your life. Don’t sit back and let time, age, and genetics decide what will happen to your mind. The real determining factor in how sharp your brain is now and how sharp it will remain -is YOU: Your lifestyle. Your attitudes. And, most especially, the choices you make, the habits you practice, and the small and large actions you take every single day. Strengthen your brain, increase your intelligence, and even prevent mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, with just five minutes of “brain flexing” a day! Based on the very latest research into brain function, memory retention, and neurological health, take control of your mental fitness now, improve your performance in every area of your life—for the rest of your life! Learn More
Journey to the Boundless

Journey to the Boundless

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Deepak Chopra

Exploring the Intimate Connection Between Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Modern science tells us that we live in a universe with no edges in space, with no beginning or ending in time. Eastern wisdom says we have a universe within ourselves as profound, as infinite, as timeless as the world outside. Unbounded freedom permeates everything and yet we continue to live our lives as prisoners of fragmented values—prey to disease, unhappiness, and caught in the web of time. With this live seminar, break free of these conceptual boundaries and step into the boundless, which is pure potentiality, pure creativity, pure freedom, and pure joy. Using a unique style of spirituality, practicality, and humor, learn to understand that the connection between ourselves and our environment, we must first understand the intimate connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Learn More
30 Days to a More Powerful Brain

30 Days to a More Powerful Brain

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Bruce Lewolt and Tony Alessandra

The BrainX Learning Mastery System
Amplifying your mental power for maximum success in every area of your life. Practical real-world applications of breakthrough discoveries in science, psychology, and business. This material is structured so you can learn quickly and apply it to any area of your life, no matter what age you are— in only 30 days! The power that lies in this program is that it’s mind expanding on so many levels— and we’re confident that it will be life changing when you put its lessons to use. Get ready for a powerful 21st-century learning experience. Welcome to the Learning System for Total Mastery! Learn More
Your Secret Brain

Your Secret Brain

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Paula Oleska

Discover How a BRAIN UPGRADE Can Give You Peace of Mind, Joy, and More Fulfillment in Your Life
What is the key to fulfillment in life? Money? Power? Professional success? There is a powerful force within you that can give you all of the this plus much more. A force you deal with every day but don't recognize its life-giving potential. Unlock this powerful force within you and bring it into balance with the simple, easy-to-use introspective. Discover the secrets for ultimate confidence, ultimate control, and ultimate peace. Once you unlock this potential, you'll always be confident, always be in control, and always be at peace. Learn More
Sale Sound Health, Sound Wealth

Sound Health, Sound Wealth

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

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The Sound Health, Sound Wealth System is made up of two distinct yet profoundly interrelated components. In this fascinating and deeply compelling narrative, Dr. Oakes articulates the essential, timeless principles that underlie the sound frequency treatment and makes it so powerful. You will understand on a rational level what you experience on a subconscious and cellular level during the treatment. Learn More
Sale Sound Health, Sound Wealth Frequency Treatment

Sound Health, Sound Wealth Frequency Treatment

1 Regular Price: $169.95

Special Price $29.95

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Unlike any audio system you have ever had the pleasure of experiencing, Sound Health, Sound Wealth is a one-of-a-kind program that synthesizes ancient wisdom, post-quantum physics, vibration, color therapies, and the very latest scientific research and technology into an unprecedented new sound frequency treatment. Learn More

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