Mind & Body

Mind & Body

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Sale The Musical Body

The Musical Body

1 Regular Price: $329.95

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Transformative ‘Ison Methon’ clears tension blockages and awakens the vital force inside of you! If you’re ever feeling uninspired, overwhelmed, frustrated, or saddened, you can simply play the appropriate CD. Just hearing the therapeutic music will release your energetic blocks and awaken your vital force. Learn More
Sale Transform Your Body... Naturally! CD Version

Transform Your Body... Naturally! CD Version

1 Regular Price: $269.95

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by Dr. Mark Stengler

Join the HealthCare Revolution with American's Natural Physician
Join renowned physician Mark Stengler, ND as he outlines his proven system for weight loss, vitality, and overall wellness based on the healing practices of homeopathy, herbs, supplements, natural hormones, exercise and more! While natural medicine is becoming increasingly popular in America, few doctors have the training and experience that Dr. Stengler does with homeopathy and other forms of natural medicine. Learn More
Sale The Zen Commandments

The Zen Commandments

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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The Ten Commandments give us impeccable rules for how to behave. But they don't say much about the inner awareness from which our outer behavior springs. This leaves the field open for The Zen Commandments: Ten Suggestions for a Life of Total Freedom. Learn More
Sale The Simple Secrets of Inner Peace

The Simple Secrets of Inner Peace

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Steven Hartman

Change Your Life in an Instant with the Power of Satori! This perfect mixture of instruction, personal experience, and practicality will help you become receptive to satori — or ‘instant enlightenment’ — and experience its transformational power in your everyday life. Give yourself the ultimate gifts of inner peace, freedom, and pure empowerment with this enlightening and deeply transformational program. Learn More
Sale Spiritual Practices for a Powerful Brain

Spiritual Practices for a Powerful Brain

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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Drawing on what he discovered about the "God-brain connection" during his years of research, renowned neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg has developed a collection of nine targeted spiritual practices designed to help anyone, of any background or belief system, enrich their mind and body as well as their soul. In the six sessions of this groundbreaking program, Dr. Newberg details these practices and offers guidelines for their implementation, along with the fascinating science and research behind them. Learn More
Sale The Quiet Mind

The Quiet Mind

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You can live each day in a state of calm and serenity, accepting love and allowing yourself to be in harmony with the energies of the universe. And it’s easy. Through the techniques you’ll learn with Dr. Gerald Jampolsky and Dr. Diane Circincione, you can quickly and easily achieve the peace of a Quiet Mind. Learn More
Sale Good-bye to Guilt

Good-bye to Guilt

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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Release Fear Through Forgiveness
You’ll discover how to feel better and more confident about your goals and more positive about every aspect of your life. A look at such concepts as becoming imprisoned by our own distortions, what our true state of mind is, and that giving is receiving. Learn More
Sale Creating Positive Relationships

Creating Positive Relationships

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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Your Power to Turn Problems Into Peace of Mind
Learn what to put into life...so YOU get more out of it! They can help you shift your perceptions, step-by-step, how to make critically important improvements in your life. Learn More
Sale Flow Digital Download

Flow Digital Download

1 Regular Price: $199.95

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by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi

Living at the Peak of Your Abilities
Flow— a state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation. It is a state in which people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life that nothing else seems to matter. This positive state can be controlled, not just left to chance by ordering the information that enters our consciousness, we can discover true happiness and greatly improve the quality of our lives.

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Emotional Mastery

Emotional Mastery

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Gerald Epstein, M.D.

Life Transformation Through Higher Consciousness
Anxiety. Fear. Depression. Worry. Panic. Rage. These are distressing feelings that we all experience from time to time. However, during this time of great economic and cultural upheaval, such emotions have become all too common — often a daily occurrence. Are you ready to detach from those distressing emotions and embrace a new way of living that leaves you calm, confident, and creatively alive? These powerful one-minute practices are the keys that will open the door to your better future. Learn More
Universal Mind Power

Universal Mind Power

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Laura Silva, Gerald Seavey and Marilou Seavey

New Silva Method Techniques for Developing Your Ideal Self
Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so much more, to become so much more, while others remain creatures of habit, blown aimlessly by the winds of fate? Develop your psychological, emotional, and spiritual qualities for the purpose of living your ideal life. These are not just surface or material modifications, but a deep transformation at the core of your being, where deep and lasting change takes place. Begin developing your mind power today with the Silva Method, and soon you will be living your life to the fullest, discovering all you can become—and more! Learn More
The Power of the Mind to Heal

The Power of the Mind to Heal

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Dr. Joan Borysenko

Renewing Body, Mind, and Spirit
Listen to be delighted, inspired, instructed, and uplifted. Work with with it to help heal obstructing emotional patterns. Commit to a practice of mindfulness,meditation, and prayer to heal not only your own soul, but to become a healing influence on others as well. Learn More
The Biology of Empowerment

The Biology of Empowerment

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Lee Pulos, Ph.D.

How to Program Yourself to Success at a Cellular Level
Traditional transformation strategies address the conscious and subconscious repositories of belief, often quite successfully. But far beneath these intellectual planes, your cells maintain the memory of that original belief. To truly, permanently change your life for the better, you must learn how to communicate at the cellular level. Otherwise, you are doomed to remain stuck in negative patterns. Program your success at the cellular level! Learn More
The Abundance Paradigm

The Abundance Paradigm

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Joe Vitale

Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation
A paradigm is more than a feeling or a belief. It is an entire way of being— a fundamental universal conviction that reverberates out into the universe. Quickly make the profound shift from a paradigm of scarcity — in which you have “not enough” of the things you want and need — to a paradigm abundance — in which you have more than enough of everything, at all times that you can access it immediately. When you make this shift, you move beyond the Law of Attraction to the little-known Law of Creation... and step into a world where you stop waiting for the things you want to come to you, and start SEEING and RECEIVING them instead. Get Ready to Ignite the Most Potent Force of All! Learn More
Awaken the Healer Within

Awaken the Healer Within

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Mark Earlix

An Apprentice Program for Total Mind-Body Healing
Everyone has the ability to heal and be healed. This inherent power is not an ability that is buried deep inside, requiring years of meditation and exploration to tap. The ability to heal is a simple “recognition” away. Emerging author, healer, and spiritual leader Mark Earlix walks you through a step-by-step process that helps you put all distractions aside so you can recognize your inherent healing abilities. You will learn to recognize what needs to be healed within a body and then use your natural abilities to manipulate energy, with healing as a result. Learn More
Mind Travel

Mind Travel

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Dick Sutphen

Radical Ways to Use Your Mind for Healing, Improved Relationships, and Inner Calm
An amazing adventure of discovery into the unexplored realms of perception that exist all around you. Real-life stories of people who have successfully journeyed beyond the realm of the physical and made remarkable discoveries, including his own amazing adventures and experiences. You’ll be astounded when you discover the power that lies just beyond the senses. Learn More


1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Lee Pulos, Ph.D.

he New Technology for Immediate Healing and Vitality
Welcome to a new technology of emotional and physical healing called The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Welcome to a life of vibrancy and vitality. Let this program be your ultimate health and wellness system, with powerful guided visualizations to assist in living a fantastic, fear-free life, a life filled with health and vitality. Learn More
Prayer, Prophecy, and the Promise of a New World

Prayer, Prophecy, and the Promise of a New World

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1 Regular Price: $299.95

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by Gregg Braden

Awaken Your Spirit with the Timeless Wisdom of Gregg Braden
Sometimes in hindsight, we often find that the most elusive answers to life’s deepest mysteries were, in fact, right before our eyes. Many times, they lie within us, waiting to be brought to our consciousness. That’s when we need someone to help us see things through our spiritual eyes, to recognize the truth that lies within our own souls. These extraordinary insights presented in this library will give new meaning to every moment of every day of your life. You’ll awaken your power of prophecy, prayer, healing, success, and miracles. You’ll discover that the way we meet today’s challenges will set the course for everything from our personal and collective lives to the future of civilization itself. Learn More
The 9 Golden Keys

The 9 Golden Keys

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1 Regular Price: $199.95

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by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D.

A New Spirituality of Freedom, Abundance and Grace through "Sacred Tuning"
Listen, apply the exercises, and experience the guided meditations, called “frequency treatments,” you will feel peaceful, centered, and in tune with your surroundings. If your life is like a radio that is out of tune and filled with static and chaos, this program will act as a form of “sacred tuning”—bringing you back to your true and joyful self once again. In her fifth and final program, beloved mentor and author Luanne Oakes gives you an unprecedented “emergency toolkit” you can dip into any time you need to experience or offer healing, revitalize your spirit, or combat negative forces or feelings. Learn More
Focused Mind, Powerful Mind

Focused Mind, Powerful Mind

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Nightingale Learning Systems

Release Your Mind's Greater Powers with Advanced Meditation Techniques
Every answer you seek, every creative solution, every challenge that lies before you, can easily be solved by learning to meditate properly. It is the doorway to revolutionary thinking, knowing, finding calm inner strength, and living happily, productively, and abundantly in this world. If you are serious about living life to the fullest, while contributing to those around you and the world in general, then it all starts with mental focus. This is your path to getting you where you want to go, and far beyond. Learn More
The Subliminal Winner

The Subliminal Winner

1 Regular Price: $249.95

Special Price $39.95

by Denis Waitley and Thomas Budzynski

Enter the world of subliminal audio knowing you’re in the best hands!
Effortlessly program your mind for automatic success. Using state-of-the-art sound technology that incorporates empowering subliminal messages into harmonious music or relaxing ocean sounds, this highly-effective audio program, The Subliminal Winner, will automatically train your mind toward more positive, productive patterns of thought and behavior. — Become the subliminal winner you've always wanted to be and achieve a more positive productive life! Learn More
The FlexBrain Method

The FlexBrain Method

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Nightingale Learning Systems

Stimulate Your Mind and Energize Your Life
A thoroughly interactive, “brains-on” program designed to substantially improve your brain functioning right now and to keep your brain on an upward track of growth, expansion, and strength for the rest of your life. Don’t sit back and let time, age, and genetics decide what will happen to your mind. The real determining factor in how sharp your brain is now and how sharp it will remain -is YOU: Your lifestyle. Your attitudes. And, most especially, the choices you make, the habits you practice, and the small and large actions you take every single day. Strengthen your brain, increase your intelligence, and even prevent mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, with just five minutes of “brain flexing” a day! Based on the very latest research into brain function, memory retention, and neurological health, take control of your mental fitness now, improve your performance in every area of your life—for the rest of your life! Learn More
The Higher Self

The Higher Self

1 Regular Price: $269.95

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra

The Magic of Inner and Outer Fulfillment
On this amazing adventure through the realm of your own spirituality and the science of the 21st Century, you'll learn how modern science has rejected the notion of a reality we can see, hear, taste and touch...how physical matter isn’t really solid at all...that reality changes with the viewpoint of the observer...that, in fact, reality is more like a viewpoint than a thing. Most of us tend to assume that body and spirit are at opposite ends of the spectrum. But according to the discoveries of quantum physics, the body is actually a swirling mass of constantly changing energy. It has more in common with what we think of as “spirit” than what we think of as matter. It is the “you” behind all of the defenses and images you have created for yourself...the you that really knows why you are here, what it is you need, and how you can get it. Learn More
Journey to the Boundless

Journey to the Boundless

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra

Exploring the Intimate Connection Between Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Modern science tells us that we live in a universe with no edges in space, with no beginning or ending in time. Eastern wisdom says we have a universe within ourselves as profound, as infinite, as timeless as the world outside. Unbounded freedom permeates everything and yet we continue to live our lives as prisoners of fragmented values—prey to disease, unhappiness, and caught in the web of time. With this live seminar, break free of these conceptual boundaries and step into the boundless, which is pure potentiality, pure creativity, pure freedom, and pure joy. Using a unique style of spirituality, practicality, and humor, learn to understand that the connection between ourselves and our environment, we must first understand the intimate connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Learn More
Sale Ageless Body, Timeless Mind Digital Download

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind Digital Download

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Deepak Chopra

"You are only as old as you think you are."
You are about to discover how to escape the trap of time, tap into the source of endless well-being and rejuvenation, and defy the aging process all by using the power of your mind! The expression “You’re only as old as you think” is now truer than you ever imagined. Learn that simply by changing your perception of age, you can defeat the aging process, short-circuit the diseases that result from distressed mental states, and improve with each passing year. Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and understand its signals of comfort and discomfort. And, Learn how to focus your awareness on the factors in your life that make you young. The choices you make right now will affect the course of the next 30 or 40 years. Why not choose to have as long and healthy a life as you possibly can?

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30 Days to a More Powerful Brain

30 Days to a More Powerful Brain

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Bruce Lewolt and Tony Alessandra

The BrainX Learning Mastery System
Amplifying your mental power for maximum success in every area of your life. Practical real-world applications of breakthrough discoveries in science, psychology, and business. This material is structured so you can learn quickly and apply it to any area of your life, no matter what age you are— in only 30 days! The power that lies in this program is that it’s mind expanding on so many levels— and we’re confident that it will be life changing when you put its lessons to use. Get ready for a powerful 21st-century learning experience. Welcome to the Learning System for Total Mastery! Learn More
Choice Point

Choice Point

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Gregg Braden

The Promise of Our Future In The Cycles of The Past
Get ready to embark on a new way of thinking and being. Ancient science proves how your choices today have a profound effect on futures tomorrow. Not simply your future and your family’s future... but the future of mankind! Explores the most ancient and enduring mysteries of our past and doing so, you’ll discover how the patterns of history are repeating in our lives today, patterns that we are only beginning to understand. Learn how to recognize the choice points, the moments when our ability to change the destructive patterns of the past are more potent than ever. This is the secret that awaits us as we unlock the mystery, so you now hold the power to change anything to create a more promising future! Learn More
Freedom Through Higher Awareness

Freedom Through Higher Awareness

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Realize a limitless vision and create the life you've always wanted!
Freedom is the ability to exit the single room of awareness you were born into and enter the limitless space of heightened awareness. Developing this awareness is the only way to awaken the dormant spirit - the higher self - and experience true bliss and abundant happiness. Learn More
Your Secret Brain

Your Secret Brain

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Paula Oleska

Discover How a BRAIN UPGRADE Can Give You Peace of Mind, Joy, and More Fulfillment in Your Life
What is the key to fulfillment in life? Money? Power? Professional success? There is a powerful force within you that can give you all of the this plus much more. A force you deal with every day but don't recognize its life-giving potential. Unlock this powerful force within you and bring it into balance with the simple, easy-to-use introspective. Discover the secrets for ultimate confidence, ultimate control, and ultimate peace. Once you unlock this potential, you'll always be confident, always be in control, and always be at peace. Learn More
Your Sleeping Genius

Your Sleeping Genius

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by Dr. Gayle Delaney

How to Use the Primal Power of Your Dreams for Creativity, Wisdom, and Achievement
Imagine having a profoundly wise mentor, someone who answers your most important questions and finds answers to your most difficult problems and who leaves the solutions for you at your bedside each morning. Your dreaming brain is busy at work every night, bringing you practical solutions to your current problems and challenges. Learn More

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