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  1. Secrets of Successful Self-Employment

    Secrets of Successful Self-Employment


    by Paul and Sarah Edwards

    Moving from Paycheck Thinking to Profit Thinking!
    If you’re ready for a change, this program will challenge you to make powerful mental shifts that will change your thinking from someone who depends on a regular paycheck to someone who lives and thrives off profits. You’ll be prepared for the success of entrepreneurship as you learn concrete tips, practical examples, and sound advice for making it alone. Learn More
  2. Jim Rohn Classic Collection

    Jim Rohn Classic Collection


    by Jim Rohn

    Anniversary Edition
    Journey back in time through this incredible audio collection and listen to Jim Rohn in his prime, as he shares his extraordinary success secrets! The Classic Collection set was compiled from early 1980s videotapes and contains foundational success principles that Jim Rohn shared with millions during his lifetime. Jim's lessons and life-changing ideas continue to be taught by many of today's personal development gurus, and they still resonate with achievers, even after all these years! Learn More
  3. Multiple Streams of Income for a New Millennium

    Multiple Streams of Income for a New Millennium


    by Robert Allen

    Be Secure and Prosperous in Any Economy!
    Start enjoying multiple streams of effortless income in as little as 90 days from now! Through difficult economies and prosperous times, through bull and bear markets, countless financially secure people today enjoy a comfortable lifestyle because of what they learned from one man. He reveals his ultimate wealth secret: how to quickly and easily create "automatic" streams of effortless income that will support you for the rest of your life. Practical, innovative, and many-times-proven advice, combined with a realistic set of goals and a firm commitment to getting ahead, can help you easily achieve and maintain a level of wealth you never thought possible, even in challenging economic times. Learn More
  4. The E-Myth Revisited

    The E-Myth Revisited


    by Michael E. Gerber

    Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to do About it
    Dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and learn how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business. Walks through the steps in the life of a business from entrepreneurial infancy, through adolescent growing pains, to the mature entrepreneurial perspective, the guiding light of all businesses that succeed. Then learn how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business whether or not it is a franchise. Finally, draws the vital, often overlooked distinction between working on your business and working in your business. Grow your business in a predictable and productive way. Learn More
  5. The Highest Calling Digital Download

    The Highest Calling Digital Download

    1 Regular Price: $199.95

    Special Price $39.95

    by Larry Janesky

    An inspirational novel about business & life; struggle & success
    If you are working long hours but still aren’t achieving the results you want, if you aren’t earning the level of income you desire, if you feel bound to work, instead of set free by it, then Larry Janesky’s insightful story is for you. You’ll learn meaningful and applicable lessons for your business that will help you accomplish your business goals and give you the guidance you need to live the life you want.

    Digital Download Exclusive  

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  6. Crystal Clear Communication

    Crystal Clear Communication


    by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

    How to Explain Anything Clearly in Speech or Writing
    No one is a born communicator, perfectly organized, succinct, and clear. These capabilities must be learned. Now, you CAN learn how to become a power communicator no matter which medium you need to use. Showing you how to come across clearly when you speak and write with simple, easy-to use, proven ways to organize your ideas and to marshal your comments, on the spot, whenever you are called on to communicate, whether in email, meetings, speeches, sales presentations or even just expressing your ideas to a group. It’s about plain talk, using the most appropriate words, becoming a credible communicator, and achieving crystal clarity. Learn More
  7. The Unfiltered Truth

    The Unfiltered Truth


    by Larry Winget

    You Can Turn Your Life Around
    Is your life a mess? Is your business a mess? Are you unhappy with some area in your life, whether is be physcial, mental, your business or your financial situation? If any one of those areas is a mess, what can be done to fix them? You can turn your life around, you can turn your business around. It is very simple, but most people make it complicated, most people want success to be hard. But you can fix your situation, you can turn it around. This series covers many important business and personal topics and you will get the straight talk about each of them, off-the-cuff and completely unfiltered. Use it in discussions with your family, use it simply for your own education or training for your staff and others.Remember that you can darm sure do better than you are doing right now, everyone can.

    CD Version Coming Soon  

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  8. How To Get Paid Far More Than You Are Worth

    How To Get Paid Far More Than You Are Worth


    by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

    Catch up and to live better, now!
    While in the process of clamping down on expenses and raises, many companies are stockpiling cash just waiting for the best place to invest their surplus cash to show up. That’s where you step in. Learn More
  9. Achieving Credibility

    Achieving Credibility


    by James M. Kouzes

    The Key to Effective Leadership
    In an effort to discover the key to effective leadership, data was culled from over 15,000 surveys, 400 case studies and 40 in-depth interviews. Based on this research, one trait has being identified as the cornerstone of all leadership — above all else, people expect their leaders to possess credibility. Find a truly human approach to leadership, one that identifies and focuses on the traits we all admire in other people. Understand the intangibles that make some people simply stand head and shoulders above their peers and why building credibility is such a fundamental aspect of the leadership process. While leadership the main thrust, themes of trust, honesty, sensitivity to diversity, sustaining hope, and engendering community are skills for anyone who works with people. With employees, bosses, customers, business associates, even with family and friends... we need to be credible with all the people in our lives to accomplish almost any objective we set for ourselves. Learn More
  10. The Personal MBA Masterclass

    The Personal MBA Masterclass


    by Josh Kaufman

    A Home Study Course for Mastering the Art of Business
    Getting an MBA is an expensive choice. And it’s getting even more difficult to justify regardless of the state of the economy. Even the most elite business schools often offer outdated, assembly-line programs that teach you more about PowerPoint presentations and unnecessary financial models than what it takes to run a real business. You can get better results – and save hundreds of thousands of dollars – by skipping business school altogether and finding a better, more informative alternative. Others have done so with great success – now it’s your turn. Learn More

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