Alternative Wellness
Alternative Wellness
Awaken the Healer Within
Everyone has the ability to heal and be healed. This inherent power is not an ability that is buried deep inside, requiring years of meditation and exploration to tap. The ability to heal is a simple “recognition” away. Emerging author, healer, and spiritual leader Mark Earlix walks you through a step-by-step process that helps you put all distractions aside so you can recognize your inherent healing abilities. You will learn to recognize what needs to be healed within a body and then use your natural abilities to manipulate energy, with healing as a result. Learn More -
Relax and Succeed
1 Regular Price: $79.95
Special Price $19.95
The Phoenix Process
The phoenix is a mythological bird who, the story goes, died in flames, and then rose again out of the ashes, born anew. In the same way, now YOU can emerge from the frustrations, false starts, disappointments, and fears of your past, a newly empowered person— the same, and yet totally transformed. The elegant one-minute practices you’ll discover will realign you with the natural life-giving flow of nature, putting you back where you are supposed to be in order for your whole self, body, mind, and spirit, to function optimally and work together toward the highest good. Learn More -
The Abundance Paradigm
A paradigm is more than a feeling or a belief. It is an entire way of being— a fundamental universal conviction that reverberates out into the universe. Quickly make the profound shift from a paradigm of scarcity — in which you have “not enough” of the things you want and need — to a paradigm abundance — in which you have more than enough of everything, at all times that you can access it immediately. When you make this shift, you move beyond the Law of Attraction to the little-known Law of Creation... and step into a world where you stop waiting for the things you want to come to you, and start SEEING and RECEIVING them instead. Get Ready to Ignite the Most Potent Force of All! Learn More -
Doc Childre's HeartMath Method
You’ll take one of the most exciting, thrilling explorations you will ever take, a journey that will bring more fulfillment and wonder than you have ever imagined, and open doors that you never even knew existed— a journey into your own inner heart. As you venture into your heart and discover your other intelligence that resides there— your heart intelligence— you will connect with its potent energy and begin to trust its power to create the life you are truly meant to live. You will know that your most reliant guide, your most loyal ally, and your truest source of wisdom and power reside not in your mind alone, but deep within you— right in the very center of your being— in your heart. Learn More -
The Biology of Empowerment
Traditional transformation strategies address the conscious and subconscious repositories of belief, often quite successfully. But far beneath these intellectual planes, your cells maintain the memory of that original belief. To truly, permanently change your life for the better, you must learn how to communicate at the cellular level. Otherwise, you are doomed to remain stuck in negative patterns. Program your success at the cellular level! Learn More -
The Awakened Life CD Version
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
In The Awakened Life, Dr. Wayne Dyer explains a new, harmonious way of life — an awakened life — encompassing a higher sense of awareness with higher principles. In this powerful program Wayne Dyer shows you how to live in an awakened life, as he’s shown thousands of other people over the years. Learn More -
The Urban Warrior's Way...
For more than 2000 years, the Tao has been recognized as one of the most powerful systems available for achieving a clear, balanced, focused and happy mind. The Tao will make you unstoppable in everything you do, because it gives you the power to access the source of existence itself. These teachings you will learn about why we are here. Learn More -
Life, Hope And Healing
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $29.95
In Life, Hope and Healing, Dr. Bernie Siegel shares his “prescription” for creating a full, rich, joyful, and genuinely “healthy” life. Where the capabilities of modern medicine end, your journey to health, well-being, and a truly joyful and fulfilled experience of living can begin. Let Dr. Bernie Siegel open your eyes, mind, and heart to your own amazing ability to recover from illness, restore your spirit, and reclaim control over your life story. Learn More -
Better Knees Better Life!
Achieve less knee pain, better knee function, better mobility, and overall a better life! Dr. Richard Banks, a 30-year practicing orthopedic surgeon presents a 4-step blueprint to start living pain free. Can having better knees actually give you a better life? It absolutely can! This inspiring and practical program will lay out in detail to you just how taking care of your knee pain and knee problems will lead to a life that is filled with youthful joy. Learn More