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Sale The Highest Calling Digital Download

The Highest Calling Digital Download

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Larry Janesky

An inspirational novel about business & life; struggle & success
If you are working long hours but still aren’t achieving the results you want, if you aren’t earning the level of income you desire, if you feel bound to work, instead of set free by it, then Larry Janesky’s insightful story is for you. You’ll learn meaningful and applicable lessons for your business that will help you accomplish your business goals and give you the guidance you need to live the life you want.

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1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Zig Ziglar

How to Set Them, How to Reach Them
Without clearly defined goals, you simply can’t achieve the success you want! In Goals, world-renowned motivator Zig Ziglar guides you through a clear, beautifully organized 'success trip.' Along the way, you’ll learn how to recognize and set your goals. Learn More
The Power of Purpose

The Power of Purpose

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Les Brown

How to Create the Life You Always Wanted
Your destiny is just waiting to be fulfilled. This Program is guaranteed to help you find the courage and motivation to act on your purpose and earn the rewards that come from pursuing the kind of work you love to do. It will also lead you step-by-step toward making each and every one of your dreams come true. Learn More
Secret Advantage

Secret Advantage

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1 Regular Price: $999.95

Special Price $39.95

by Earl Nightingale

C.O.R.E. Fundamentals for Success in the 21st Century
Rare collector edition of Earl Nightingale’s most relevant messages to compete and win today. 64 topic driven twenty minute episodes plus video documentary about Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant. Core Fundamentals To Get Anything You Want.
Get it all faster. Listen. Learn. Live. Learn More
The Winning Spirit

The Winning Spirit

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1 Regular Price: $169.95

Special Price $29.95

by Joe Montana & Tom Mitchell PhD

16 Timeless Principles That Drive Performance Excellence
Ultimately, performance excellence is fueled by personal integrity. This is the key to winning the inner game, which is about accountability and attitude, as well as desire, enthusiasm, effort, and appreciation. With great stories and practical strategies, you will gain hard-won advice based on years of success. This timely and timeless message is nothing less than a contemporary motivational classic. Learn More
Breaking the Success Barrier

Breaking the Success Barrier

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

Using the Strategic Thinking Skills to Accelerate Your Goals
The world is changing faster than ever before. And with change comes great opportunities for financial and personal advancement. Unfortunately, many people fear new ideas and trends, believing they will have to work harder and learn more to keep up with the times. This program teaches you how to identify your own special abilities, tap your invaluable mental resources, and free yourself from the imaginary chains of fear, doubt, and negativity. Once you break through the success barrier once and for all, you’ll wonder what was stopping you. Learn More
Coaching from the Heart

Coaching from the Heart

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1 Regular Price: $169.95

Special Price $29.95

by Ken Blanchard and Don Shula

How to Inspire Greatness in Others
The skills of a great coach can be just as effective in the board room or living room as on the playing field. Instead of just telling people what to do, you can help inspire them to work together enthusiastically: following a powerful vision, tapping into their hidden talents, and soaring to greatness and success. Show them how to play a good game, and everybody will win. Learn More
Cultivating an Unshakable Character

Cultivating an Unshakable Character

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Jim Rohn

How to Walk Your Talk All the Way to the Top
Name the one quality that can take you to the top and keep you there! The answer is character — the collection of qualities synonymous with greatness. Character is a quality that embodies many important traits, such as integrity, courage, perseverance, confidence, and wisdom. The amazing thing about character is that, if you’re sincerely committed to making yourself into the person you want to be, you’ll not only create those qualities, you’ll strengthen them and recreate them in abundance, even as you’re drawing on them every day of your life. When you have character, you’re a person of substance... and you truly deserve the personal and professional success you’ll attain. Learn More
Diamond in the Rough

Diamond in the Rough

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Barry J. Farber

How to Discover Your Ultimate Potential and Achieve Your Dreams
Designed to encourage you to use your full potential to make the most of every precious moment. Every opportunity starts as a diamond in the rough. It takes art, skill, and concentrated effort to recognize the potential of a natural diamond, to cut and shape it into a precious gem. It takes the same talent and effort to recognize your own potential, which comes from deep within your soul, and cut and shape it into its most rewarding and fulfilling form. Learn More
Empires Of The Mind

Empires Of The Mind

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Denis Waitley

How to Lead and Succeed in a Knowledge-Based World
Opportunities for a self-managing, self-starter have never been better. Your most valuable assets today are your abilities to use your mind to access, communicate, and creatively evaluate information. In a society in which the main commodity is becoming information, it’s not your status that matters, but what you know and how quickly you can learn. This blueprint for the new millennium and action plan for inventiveness and integrity on the new, more level playing fields of the modern workplace. Learn More
Get Abundance

Get Abundance

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Peter Diamandis

Why Your Future is Brighter Than You Think
Since the dawn of humanity, a privileged few have lived in stark contrast to the hardscrabble majority. Conventional wisdom says this gap cannot be closed. But it is closing—and fast. Providing abundance is your grandest challenge; Rise to meet that challenge. Learn More
Master Strategies for Higher Achievement

Master Strategies for Higher Achievement

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

Practical and Proven Tactics for Achieving Your Goals Faster Than Ever Before
We are entering the golden age of mankind. The evidence for his conclusions are all around us and are very exciting to the independent thinker. For example, there are more inventors, creative geniuses, engineers,entrepreneurs and companies producing more and different goods and services today than ever before existed. To prepare yourself you need to make the switch from corporate strategic planning to personal strategic planning. Learn More
The Power of Resilience

The Power of Resilience

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Denis Waitley

Turning Today's Challenges into Tomorrow's Triumphs
When times are tough and you feel as if you’ve hit a wall financially, or in your career, maybe with a new business, or in a relationship, do you bounce right back, get up off the mat? Or do you take a nose dive? By implementing the principles of resiliency that you’ll learn in this program, you’ll gain more confidence and feel virtually invincible! Learn More
The Psychology of Success

The Psychology of Success

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

Ten Universal Principles for Personal Empowerment
True success requires an earnest commitment to becoming excellent at everything you do. Take a hard look at your work habits and change them for the better. Step by step, on how to climb to the top. How to realize your full potential and plot your course of high achievement. Boost your success ratio with the on-target idea put forth in this informative program. Learn More
Start Here

Start Here

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1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $29.95

by Earl Nightingale

Secrets to Jump from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
No motivational speaker delivers the goods like Earl Nightingale. His work shows his incredible research abilities, drawing ideas from some of the greatest minds in history. From the ancient Greek philosophers to present day commentators, he has read and digested the great works. And he has added to the library of human knowledge with his own original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living. He is everyone’s mentor and his words can be your inspiration for achieving success. Learn More
The Psychology of High Self-Esteem

The Psychology of High Self-Esteem

1 Regular Price: $279.95

Special Price $39.95

by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.

A Life-Changing Program for Personal Growth
How you feel about yourself crucially affects virtually every aspect of your life, especially how high in life you are likely to rise. Who and what you think you are shape all your responses. Self-esteem, therefore, becomes the key to success or failure. It is also the key to understanding yourself and others. Guiding you to the power that lies within you to the life of your dreams! Learn More
Unleashing Your Productivity

Unleashing Your Productivity

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Richard Ott

Secrets of Getting Things Done
For everyone who thinks he or she can do a little bit better — anyone who wants to achieve more in less time, with less effort. It is possible! When you increase your personal productivity, you’ll lighten your workload. You’ll accomplish more in less time, meet with less resistance, and experience less stress. You’ll join the ranks of the highly productive people who get things done! Learn More
Thinking Big

Thinking Big

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

The Keys to Personal Power and Maximum Performance
Every successful person knows that the keys to achievement are conscious effort, careful planning, and good, old-fashioned hard work. But on the road of success, there is one habit that will accelerate you beyond all others. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, you’ve got to start thinking big.Practicing the ideas taught in program, you can and will become unstoppable. Learn More
Sale Creating a Powerful Presence Digital Download

Creating a Powerful Presence Digital Download

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Bert Decker

How to Get Your Message Across with Clarity, Focus & Power
Spoken communication is the most effective way to move from ideas to action to results. It offers a potential that very few use to their full advantage. Seize that advantage for yourself so you, like all great communicators, can command a powerful presence.

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The Art of Exceptional Living

The Art of Exceptional Living

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Jim Rohn

There is an Art to Success
You don’t have to be a super-achiever or unusually creative. You don’t have to endure great obstacles. You don’t even have to do exceptional things. You just have to do ordinary things exceptionally well. Learn the importance of self-education, developing new skills, and how to start your own personal success library filled with information that will make you more knowledgeable as well as more employable. You'll siscover how to turn every day into a treasured experience through exceptional living. You’re the artist who brings experience and style to the blank canvas. But your future is still a work of art that can be started at any moment. Learn More
I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It?

I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It?

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Nick Hall, Ph.D.

The New Science of Self-Discipline
You might think laziness, lack of willpower, and/or low motivation are to blame for the fact that you aren’t achieving your goals. But fascinating research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed another, far more likely possibility. One with the potential to transform your life in a dramatic way. Learn More
The Zero Point

The Zero Point

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Joe Vitale

How to Enter the Realm of Limitless Possibilities
Imagine that in any moment — every moment — you could receive pure, direct, unfiltered information from God/Source/the Divine on the best action to take, the absolute right thing to do, the most beneficial choice to make. What is “The Zero Point”? It’s a place where you are free of all limitations, all programming, all expectations — even those that have been serving you in a positive way up until now. Once there, you’ll be able to tap into the ultimate source of all wisdom and knowledge, and be guided to a life of fulfillment and joy beyond all imagining. This groundbreaking system of master-level advanced clearing techniques that will empower you to shed all limitations and guide you into the realm of limitless possibilities that begins at...The Zero Point! Learn More
One Small Step Can Change Your Life

One Small Step Can Change Your Life

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Robert Maurer

The Kaizen Way to Success
Author, psychologist, and world-renowned kaizen expert Dr. Robert Maurer introduces you to this simple yet extremely powerful transformation technique and gives you a step-by-step system for using it to achieve big and small changes in your life, with a speed and ease that will astonish you. Rooted in ancient Asian philosophical systems and utilized today by major corporations, inventors, athletes, governments, social and business leaders, and highly successful people from all walks of life, kaizen is an amazing practice that yields extraordinary results with virtually no effort at all! Learn More
The Psychology of Achievement Classic

The Psychology of Achievement Classic

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

Develop the Top Achiever’s Mindset
What goes on inside the minds of the people you admire most—those who have reached breathtaking levels of achievement? Do they have special mental talents that average people could never hope to emulate? To be sure some do. Most, however, get by with ordinary talents. Most overachievers simply have a persistent ability to come out on top. You can start over and reach any goal you set for yourself. You can take control of your life. You can make things happen and reach the great aspirations you know you deserve. Learn More
Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Napoleon Hill

Enriching advice for your prosperous future
Learn the importance of self-direction and organized planning. Discover the secret of auto-suggestion and master-mind association, an amazingly revealing system of self-analysis. Overcome fear, lack of self-confidence and money worries. Learn More
The Science of Personal Achievement

The Science of Personal Achievement

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Napoleon Hill

The 17 Universal Principles of Success
Follow in the footsteps of the giants of success! Napoleon Hill devoted his life to studying this question, analyzing the success of more than 500 of the 20th Century’s greatest achievers. His exhaustive research proved that the essence of success lies within 17 simple principles that, when used together, serve as an infallible formula for achievement. Learn More
The Psychology of Winning

The Psychology of Winning

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Denis Waitley

The Ten Qualities of a Total Winner
Imagine there are five seconds left to play, your team is down by one point and the ball is in your hands. Thousands of people are cheering. It’s your chance to win. It’s a moment you’ve worked for all your life. Imagine the feeling. Is it too much pressure? Or is it tremendous excitement? Learn More
The Biology of Empowerment

The Biology of Empowerment

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Lee Pulos, Ph.D.

How to Program Yourself to Success at a Cellular Level
Traditional transformation strategies address the conscious and subconscious repositories of belief, often quite successfully. But far beneath these intellectual planes, your cells maintain the memory of that original belief. To truly, permanently change your life for the better, you must learn how to communicate at the cellular level. Otherwise, you are doomed to remain stuck in negative patterns. Program your success at the cellular level! Learn More
The Dale Carnegie Leadership Mastery Course

The Dale Carnegie Leadership Mastery Course

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dale Carnegie Training

How to Challenge Yourself and Others to Greatness
We urgently need leaders today. Our future as a nation depends on it. This is because, in a world quickly becom-ing more virtual, the skill of human relations is quickly being lost — and along with it, the skill of leadership. Plus, it’s in your own best interests to become a leadership master because when you develop your leadership ability, you will be rewarded beyond your expectations. Learn More
How to Be a No-Limit Person

How to Be a No-Limit Person

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Live Life At Full Throttle
Experience a different side of Dr. Wayne Dyer — and discover one of the best-loved, bestselling programs of all time – How to Be a No-Limit Person! Before Dr. Wayne Dyer shifted the focus of his work to spiritual matters, he’d already won worldwide acclaim as a brilliant speaker and gifted motivator. His early books and audio programs were renowned for their refreshing, accessible style and vitally important messages. One of the greatest… Learn More


1 Regular Price: $29.95

Special Price $14.95

by Larry Janesky

For those who want to do more and achieve more.
In this new "MUZE" audio style, you’ll receive a unique fusion of powerful personal development education and music in a way. I guarantee you have never heard before (because it never existed!) by the best author you’ve never heard of before because we just “discovered” him, after he worked for 33 years gaining a reputation as THE leader and co-builder of hundreds of businesses in his niche industry. Learn More
The Miracle of Self-Discipline

The Miracle of Self-Discipline

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

The “No-Excuses” Way to Getting Things Done
To be successful today, you don’t need to have been born under a lucky star, with incredible wealth, with terrific con-tacts and connections, or even with special skills. But what you do need to succeed in any of your life goals is self-discipline. Unfortunately, many people give in to the two worst enemies of success: They take the path of least resistance, or they sim-ply want immediate gratification. Neither approach will work. They don’t consider the long-term consequences of the actions they take today. Learn More
The Power Habits System

The Power Habits System

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1 Regular Price: $399.95

Special Price $39.95

by Noah St. John

The Science for Making Success Automatic
In five years, will you be leading your organi-zation, building a great business, enjoying ex-ponentially more income, experiencing better relationships, or simply wondering where the years went? In 10 years, will you be able to feel better physically, be comfortable finan-cially, and be looking forward to a great future? Or will you simply look and feel 10 years older? Here’s a secret: You already KNOW the answers! Learn More
The Power of Visualization

The Power of Visualization

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Lee Pulos, Ph.D.

Seeing is Achieving
Visualization has helped millions of people achieve goals. And it can be the most powerful tool for achievement you have ever used. It gives you the power to identify and obliterate roadblocks to progress. It makes your path to success so real that you can almost feel it, hear it, smell it, as well as see it in the mind’s eye. Learn More
The Science of Self-Confidence

The Science of Self-Confidence

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

Never Stall Out Again...Have the Confidence You Need When You Need It Most!
All the people you know personally have some self-confidence. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t know them. They wouldn’t be braving the daily world. They’d be hermits,or shut-ins, afraid to do anything. Control your confidence level by controlling your thoughts ... stop self-defeating behaviors and begin self-confident ones ... see yourself as others see you and easily change their perceptions. Learn More
Creating Miracles Every Day

Creating Miracles Every Day

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Richard Carlson

How to Turn Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Experiences
The frantic pace of our daily lives can take a serious toll on even the most calm and collected person. Who has time to worry about happiness, health, and peace of mind, when you have a million little urgencies to take care of each day? Now there is a way to get off life’s treadmill for good, without sacrificing your career, financial status, or activities. The answer lies not in lowering your productivity, but in changing your attitudes about how you live today. Learn More
Lessons from the Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Lessons from the Richest Man Who Ever Lived

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Steven K. Scott

Incomparable Insights and Breakthrough Strategies for Success, Happiness, and Wealth
Solomon not only gained a worldwide reputation as the wisest man in history, his wealth was legendary as well. His gold reserves alone would be worth nearly a trillion dollars in today’s dollars. In the biblical book of Proverbs, Solomon reveals his strategies for achieving success, wealth, and personal happiness. Apply the rare insights that are shared in this rich program to your life, and unearth the wisdom that has transformed the lives of thousands the world over. Learn More
Make Yourself Unforgettable

Make Yourself Unforgettable

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dale Carnegie Training

The Dale Carnegie Class-Act System
Dale Carnegie's system takes an in-depth look at what the 10 essential elements of class and being unforgettable are, and gives you a clear-cut step-by-step guide for developing and embodying them. Once you discover exactly what class is and exactly how you can put the qualities of class into action, you will naturally, effortlessly distinguish yourself as an unmistakable and unforgettable class act to everyone you meet. Learn More


1 Regular Price: $249.95

Special Price $39.95

by Donna Faiman Cercone

A Powerful New System for Processing and Applying New Information at Rapid Speed
If you could enhance your learning by increasing your learning speed by 50 percent —with ease and elegance—what would that do for you and those around you? If you could fulfill your deep inner dreams, your true potential with a unique combination of learning tools that create a synergy, an excitement, an ambience that accesses your genius, and develops that genius to an extraordinary level, wouldn’t you be interested? MEGALearning will introduce you to quick, easy-tounderstand, fun ways to learn, and unleash a power within you that you never knew existed! Learn More
The 28 Laws of Attraction

The 28 Laws of Attraction

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Thomas Leonard

Stop Chasing Success and Let It Chase You
Would you like to get involved with better opportunities, things that are geared towards your passions in life? Would you like to attract people in your life who will help you reach your goals, dreams and vision? Would you simply just like to have more time with your family? Learn More
The Strangest Secret for Succeeding in the World Today

The Strangest Secret for Succeeding in the World Today

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Earl Nightingale

Harness the Power of The Strangest Secret
Discover the single most powerful and life-changing success message you will ever hear. Earl Nightingale expands the themes of that remarkable original message into a comprehensive program that explores the critical question, What does it take to prosper in an ever-changing world? Learn More
When Having It All Isn't Enough

When Having It All Isn't Enough

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Jim Warner

Resolving the Top Ten Dilemmas of the High Achiever
Are you searching for lost passion and energy? Do you feel that your career has become your identity? Do you want to find and dedicate your life to goals that make a difference in the world? Do you long for greater intimacy and connection with your spouse, family, friends, and God? Are you ready for a change? If so then this program is just the ticket you've been waiting for. Learn More
Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Nick Hall, Ph.D.

How to Take Control, Break Old Habits, and Live the Live you Deserve
Recent scientific research has proven that your physical health and emotional wellbeing are inextricably linked to your beliefs. Your beliefs not only shape your perception of the truth, they also have an impact on every aspect of your life— from how your cells function, to how you function in relationships. The surest way to transform your body, your mind, and your life is by identifying and changing the beliefs that aren’t helping you live the healthy, happy, enriched life you want to live. Learn More
Dream Job

Dream Job

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dan Miller

48 Days to the Work You Love!
Are you is satisfied, unhappy, or downright miserable with what you currently do for a living? Have you thought about doing something different, but just don’t know how or where to start? Do you wish you could find work that fulfills you and still makes you good money? Learn More
How to Have Your Best Year Ever

How to Have Your Best Year Ever

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1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $29.95

by Jim Rohn

Get Ready to Have Your Best Year Ever
Imagine yourself as the person you’ve always wanted to be. How far are you from that vision? Regardless of whether you’re a short step or a long journey away from achieving that goal, this energizing and highly motivating seminar delivers dozens of proven ways to transform your life fast, giving you the tools and confidence you need to get to the level of your vision and then go miles beyond it! Experience a year unlike any you’ve known before! Learn More
Secrets of Superachievers

Secrets of Superachievers

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Million Dollar Round Table

Classic Lessons of Success from the Million Dollar Round Table
Let the Million Dollar Round Table Inspire You to Superachievement! Several years ago, an elite group of superachievers founded an organization dedicated to greatness. Its purpose: to tap into the knowledge and experience of the entire group so that all members could improve their performance and reach levels of achievement and balance they previously thought impossible. Learn More
A View from the TOP

A View from the TOP

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Zig Ziglar

Moving From Success to Significance
The next chapter in Zig Ziglar’s ongoing personal journey of self-discovery, in this exciting mix of studio and live recordings, Zig will share with you his most intimate discoveries about what he personally has discovered to be the most important elements of a truly significant life. Learn More
The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 Principle

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Richard Koch

The Secret to Success by Achieving More
You’ve heard about it in other audio programs, you’ve read about it in business and personal development books, and you’ve heard countless people refer to the pesky “Pareto Principle” and how it greatly affects our lives – but do you actually know how it works? By concentrating on the few things that do matter, we can unlock the enormous potential of the central 20 percent and multiply our happiness and fulfillment. Learn More
The 24 Laws of Influence

The 24 Laws of Influence

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Robert Pino

Unlock the Secrets of Truly Charismatic People
What makes a leader a true leader? A great leader?Why is it that some people have such charisma about them that you can feel it when they walk into a room? How is it possible that some people get their message across with power and crystal clarity with an almost magical consistency?Well, maybe they’ve listened to Robert Pino! Melding the 24 laws into a complete trategy for success, you’ll soon discover that your effect on your family, your co-workers, and your community is one of unquestioned integrity, dedicated passion, and a consistently positive influence! Learn More
The 5 Disciplines of Powerful People

The 5 Disciplines of Powerful People

1 Regular Price: $279.95

Special Price $39.95

by John Powers

How to Keep the Promises You Make to Yourself
We all make promises to ourselves. But only a handful of us are able to follow through on those promises. Why? Because we never learned how… making and achieving personal goals is not a skill taught in school or covered in on-the-job training. Providing a road map to keeping those private commitments. No matter what you’ve promised yourself, you can keep that promise. “You decide what you want. - John Powers Learn More
The Strangest Secret Enhanced

The Strangest Secret Enhanced

1 Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price $14.95

by Janice Bryant Howroyd

Enhanced for the 21st Century
This NEW version includes updated statistics and additional quotes from some of the greatest thought leaders, including Nelson Mandela and Buddha. It is read as gender-neutral, and for the first time it contains a women’s point of view. Many of these older books focus on saying things such as: “when a man” instead of “when a person.” Howroyd believes that words matter and can make a difference. Learn More
The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement

The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy Brings You a Lifetime of Learning
If you release a rock from your hand it will fall, if water gets cold enough it will freeze, or if paper gets hot enough it will burn. These are laws of nature. Knowing them you can explain and predict the workings of the physical world. And the better you understand these laws, the less mysterious the natural world becomes. If you learn to live in harmony with these laws, they will work in your favor. In fact, it is the winner’s guide for playing the game of life. Learn More
The Aladdin Factor

The Aladdin Factor

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Anything is possible — if you dare to ask
What is it that keeps us from asking for what we want? Sound advice together with inspirational stories of the “Masters of the Lamp” — people who have succeeded in getting what they want by applying the seemingly simple tactic of just asking for it. You’ll recognize yourself in their stories, and realize just how much is out there waiting for you. Learn More
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone

Two Legends Teach You the Way to Success!
You will understand and believe in, as never before, the extraordinary power of your own mind to shape, determine and change the outer circumstances of your life. What’s more, you will discover easy, extremely effective ways to control and maximize this power — and create exactly the life you wish to live. A life of success, wealth, prosperity, and true abundance in every area. Learn More
The 11th Element

The 11th Element

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Bob Scheinfeld

The Key to Unlocking Your Master Blueprint for Wealth and Success
Many of the richest people in the world have quietly used the 11th Element to unleash an avalanche of prosperity and potential in their lives. As they’ve discovered, this mysterious and potent force is the key to finding lucrative business and investment opportunities… sending the sales, profits, and value of any business soaring… eliminating debt and building long-term wealth… developing new products, services, and ideas … starting your own business dramatically increasing your productivity … and achieving everything else you have been dreaming of and working towards! Learn More


1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Lee Pulos, Ph.D.

he New Technology for Immediate Healing and Vitality
Welcome to a new technology of emotional and physical healing called The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Welcome to a life of vibrancy and vitality. Let this program be your ultimate health and wellness system, with powerful guided visualizations to assist in living a fantastic, fear-free life, a life filled with health and vitality. Learn More
Take It To The Next Level

Take It To The Next Level

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There
This world-renowned executive educator, coach, and consultant reveals his quarter of-a-million-dollar personal improvement process to YOU so that you can move up quickly and decisively from your current stage of achievement to an infinitely more exciting, profitable, and fulfilling level of working, earning, and living. If you are ready and willing to shed some ineffective behaviors so that you can move your professional, personal, and financial satisfaction from “here” to “there” a place where you’re making more money, having more fun, and enjoying your work, relationships, and life more than ever before, then this is the jolt of energy you’ve been waiting for. Learn More
The New Psycho-Cybernetics

The New Psycho-Cybernetics

1 Regular Price: $269.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy

A Mind Technology for Living Your Life Without Limits
Much of what we learn about success is based on the pain/gain idea — in essence, work harder, be more persistent, and develop greater will-power. Achieve all your goals, faster, easier, and with less strain than you ever thought possible. Discover dozens of valuable self-evaluation tools that will help you achieve such goals as finding an ideal job, eliminate addictions, overcome feelings of pessimism, incompetence, shyness, and achieve happier, healthier relationships with those around you. Learn More
As a Person Thinks

As a Person Thinks

1 Regular Price: $49.95

Special Price $14.95

by Janice Bryant Howroyd

Update of James Allen's "As a Man Thinketh"
This NEW version, now titled “As a Person Thinks”, platforms an opportunity to bring an age old wisdom forward that can professionally and personally. Our minds control both our character and the circumstances of our lives. The good news about the power of thought, you may have been careless in the past, with the decisions you made, but today, by mastering the power of your thought, going forward, you may act wisely and enjoy a happy future. The choice is yours: either master your thoughts and create the life you want; or remain mired in negativity, frustration, and failure Learn More
The Power of Clarity

The Power of Clarity

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Brian Tracy

Find Your Focal Point, Maximize Your Income, and Minimize Your Effort
Discover the keys to doubling your income and doubling your time off. If you'd like more money and more time to enjoy it, this course will show you how to have both! It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that matters is where you’re going. Never allow yourself to be slowed down or held back by events that have occurred in your past. Learn from them and let them go. Resolve to keep yourself focused on the future and where you are going. With this course there are no limits to what you can achieve in the months and years ahead. Get the Power of Focal Point In Your Life Today! Learn More
This I Believe

This I Believe

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1 Regular Price: $169.95

Special Price $29.95

by Vic Conant

Timeless Lessons from the World's Greatest Student of Successful Living
Insights culled from a lifetime in the company of the greatest success ideas - and the greatest practitioners of those ideas - that the world has ever known. Once you listen, you will understand why Vic Conant is so widely admired, respected, and loved - and why the greatest success thinkers in the world routinely seek out his advice on how to improve their businesses and enrich their lives. Learn More
Your Hidden Power

Your Hidden Power

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Joe Navarro

Using Nonverbal Intelligence to Propel Your Business or Career to Excellence
It is not about words. Instead, gestures, expressions, and what most of us consider to be insignificant behaviors reveal the true intentions that your boss, co-workers, and “friends” may be hiding from you. This FBI insider will Help you successfully navigate the business world by teaching you how to understand what everyone around you is really saying and thinking by master nonverbal intelligence, the ability to interpret and use nonverbal signals—in poker terms, “tells”—in business to assess and then influence others. You already have this power within you —you simply needto learn how to activate it. You are now given the best of the best when it comes to learning everything you’ll need to know to decode the truth in every situation you encounter. Learn More
The Essence of Success

The Essence of Success

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1 Regular Price: $369.95

Special Price $39.95

by Earl Nightingale

Discover the most powerful collection of success secrets ever published!
A master at using words, expressed in simple, easy-to-understand terms that have allowed tens of thousands of people to exceed even their most ambitions goals. This program is filled with powerful insights and life-changing instructions that are distilled into a body of work you can use in just 30 days… and immediately begin seeing progressive results. Simply by listening to it and applying its easy-to-follow ideas, you'll arm yourself with the necessary tools you need to live the life you desire. Following this message, become the reason that grows your company's business by 20% each year... or become one of the most highly respected leaders in your community. This is a message that can put you on the path to becoming a Fortune 500 CEO listed in the Who's Who of Entrepreneurs. Or make you wealthy enough to donate thousands of dollars to your favorite charities. Learn More
Get Out of Your Own Way!

Get Out of Your Own Way!

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1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $29.95

by Larry Winget

How to Overcome Any Obstacle In Your Life
We talk a lot about the things we want. I want more money. I want a better relationships. I want to raise good, responsible children. I want a promotion. I want a better job. I want to be healthier. I want to be smarter. I want to retire. I want my finances in order. I want! I want! I want! But do you know what you really want? You think you know what you want in life and you’ve tried to achieve those things. But if you still don’t have them, the culprit may be closer than you think. The true is what you want you’ve already got! —and you’re sabotaging your own success Learn More
Wealth Without a Job

Wealth Without a Job

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Andy Fuehl

Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle
Are you earning all the money you want doing work you love? Are you dissatisfied with the work you do? Or do you believe that you can't make the kind of money you want doing work you love? Unless you're blessed with a trust fund to pay your bills, it's essential to devise a way for the work you love to provide an abundant income. It is time to start reprogramming yourself for the wealth and fulfillment you deserve! Then you will earn the income you want doing the work you love and quickly find the happiness, freedom, income, and security that you’ve always been looking for but have never quite achieved. Learn More
Living an Extraordinary Life

Living an Extraordinary Life

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1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Robert White

8 Power Principles to Create a Life of Meaning and Abundance
If you desire real success in life; if you want better health and fulfilling relationships; if you want meaningful work and a deeper connection to your spiritual life; in short, if you want to live an extraordinary life, you need to learn more about and begin to apply the skills of awareness, responsibility, and communication. Even a small improvement in understanding and application will make a huge difference in your experience of living. This is the blueprint for taking your life to a level you once only dreamed of. Learn the eight power principles that you can apply in all areas of your life, these eight power principles are built upon, session by session, so you can live a life of true magnificence. Around the beginning of the 20th century, psychologist William James said: “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their attitude.” Learn More
What's Holding Me Back

What's Holding Me Back

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Mike Rodriguez

Get EMPOWERED to Take Action
Everyone has a deep-rooted dream...a personal goal or a desire to fulfill a higher calling for their life. Now it’s time to invest in you and let these proven principles that are going to allow you to make BIG Changes in your life, your career, your relationships and so much more. Learn More


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1 Regular Price: $359.95

Special Price $39.95

by Joe Nuckols

Get Motivated! Stay Motivated!
Do you have what it takes to face each new day with a kick butt attitude? The conflict between those that succeed and those that just get by will no longer stand in your way. The great divide disappears when you change knowledge into your personal action plan. Mention the word, motivation, and some people dismiss the fact that every one of us needs reinforcement every day. We all need a daily pump, so we have created a new way to listen to answers from the most proven personal development experts the world has ever known. Now answer challenges you may face from time to time and you can tap this unlimited library of proven experts every day in a short fast paced platform. So, are you ready to get pumped? Seize the day!


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Masters Of Motivation

Masters Of Motivation

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Og Mandino, Dave Yoho, Bill Gove, Cavett Robert, Dr. Charles Jarvis, Alan Cimberg

Masters Of Motivation
This audio is a compilation of six legendary speakers. Upon its release, it was one of the top-selling audios in the United States. The popularity of this product is a testimony to the skill, style, and uniqueness of these speakers, each of whom was a major contributor to the early success of the National Speakers Association. You will hear these six Masters of Motivation in their original unedited state, and you will have the opportunity to listen to a special bonus audio by Dave Yoho called “Creating A Motivational Environment”. Learn More
The Goals and Vision Mastery Course

The Goals and Vision Mastery Course

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1 Regular Price: $499.95

Special Price $39.95

by Joe Nuckols

Everyone ends up somewhere – the question is where.
Providing you with skills to get what you want – but much more. Discover your purpose by learning how to create a vision that will inspire you. What to do, why it needs to be done, when must it be done, and why you are the one to lead the way. Your goals are the steps necessary to move you to your vision. This collection of select messages is taken from 64 Best Selling Courses from 57 proven experts. Our Nightingale Conant compilation programs are designed to make it easy for you to hear selections in a topic driven format. As an example, this course is sectioned into five books based on the word, GOALS. There are 45 chapters packed with hundreds of ideas, stories, and examples for over 15 hours of content proven to change lives by millions of worldwide listeners.


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Jim Rohn Classic Collection

Jim Rohn Classic Collection

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $149.95

by Jim Rohn

Anniversary Edition
Journey back in time through this incredible audio collection and listen to Jim Rohn in his prime, as he shares his extraordinary success secrets! The Classic Collection set was compiled from early 1980s videotapes and contains foundational success principles that Jim Rohn shared with millions during his lifetime. Jim's lessons and life-changing ideas continue to be taught by many of today's personal development gurus, and they still resonate with achievers, even after all these years! Learn More
Take Charge of Your Life

Take Charge of Your Life

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Jim Rohn

The Winner's Seminar
There’s Nothing Like a View from the Top! “When talking about personal success, there are four questions. Why? Why not? Why not you? Why not now?” Why not acquire the means to travel first class through life, to see the Mona Lisa first hand, to swim the crystal waters of the Bahamas, to sample the food in Paris or Africa? Why not do it all? This very illustrative program, recorded before a live audience, will teach you how to make your life better, become more influential, choose your attitudes, affect people with word, and control your emotions. Learn More
The 10 Qualities of Charismatic People

The 10 Qualities of Charismatic People

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Tony Alessandra, Ph.D.

Secrets of Personal Magnetism
Release the emotional pressure that’s part of any negotiation by using this proven system of safe decision-based negotiation that enables you to meet all your objectives without needless, wasted compromises or giveaways. Learn that saying “no” is not about being hard-nosed or intransigent. Rather, it stops everyone in their tracks, clears the air, and allows you to get at what the real issues are. It is a proven and an amazingly effective system that avoids unwarranted assumptions, needless compromises, and wild guesses. Discover that you’ll get every-thing you want and build solid relationships with those you negotiate with. A complete how-to guide to accessing and developing the kind of powerful personal magnetism that will draw people to you, make them feel comfortable with you, and compel them to help you achieve your personal goals. Learn More
Secrets of Ten Great Geniuses

Secrets of Ten Great Geniuses

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Tony Alessandra, Ph.D.

How to Model the Habits of a Difference-Maker
Have you ever wondered just what it takes to have the creative genius of Leonardo da Vinci or the oratorical prowess of Sir Winston Churchill? What if you could tap into and actually model that special something that made them tick? You would certainly transform your life as you apply the principles inherent in their extraordinary talent and wisdom. What exactly defines “genius”? One might consider a genius to be an individual who looks far beyond the scope and scale of everyday life; someone who thinks far outside the box and is willing to explore beyond the dictates of their society or those that have gone before them. Listen to the true and inspiring accounts and you’ll see how people with immense talent combined that talent with indomitable energy and unflagging work to build a reputation worthy of mention in all of the world’s greatest history books. Once you incorporate these ten categories of genius that is discussed into your life, you can’t help but reveal the genius in yourself! Uncover the secrets of the greatest geniuses of all time! Learn More
Simplify Your Life

Simplify Your Life

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Elaine St. James

Ways to Free Yourself to Enjoy the Things That Really Matter to You
Do you ever wish your life could be a little bit ... simpler? These days, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed by our possessions, finances, commitments, obligations — the sheer amount of stuff in our lives. It takes up space, drains away time, and distracts us from the things that really matter: our relationships, health, happiness, spirituality, and inner growth. This is refreshing, much-needed antidote to the disorder and frenzy that so many of us face in our daily lives. In this funny, insightful, and eminently practical program, you’ll discover how to bring more happiness into your life by taking things you don’t want out of it — step by simple step. It contains dozens of suggestions and tips that will help you begin the process of creating a more balanced, peaceful life that is free of chaos and clutter. If you’ve got drawers in your house you’re afraid to open... spend more time in your office than at home... need a laundry basket to carry in your mail... have a social calendar filled with engagements you have no interest in attending... or find that 24 hours in a day just aren’t enough... you’ll find this source of blessed relief which is guaranteed to make your life easier, more relaxing, less hectic, and far more fun and livable than it is today! Learn More
Success Strategies for the Crazy Busy

Success Strategies for the Crazy Busy

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Edward (Ned) Hallowell, M.D.

Gain a Sense of Order, Peace, and Contentment in a Crazy Busy World!
Do You Have More To Do Than Time To Do It? Have you ever come to the end of a workday and ask, “What did I accomplish today?” You may be exhausted from going 110% throughout the day, but when you look back on it, your day consisted of responding to emails and voicemails, meetings and shuffling paperwork. In other words, you spent time on a number of priority tasks, but your most important tasks were left untouched. We are all guilty of it and it’s such an easy trap to fall into. If you find yourself pulled in a million different directions, here's your opportunity to take back control and get more done than ever before! Build a manageable game plan for turning a hectic life into a fun, productive, rewarding, and satisfying life. Learn how to focus on your absolute most important items and make them top priority. Learn More
Sale What the Declaration of Independence Really Means

What the Declaration of Independence Really Means

1 Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price $14.95

by Earl Nightingale

Years ago, Earl Nightingale presented this re-inactment of what The Declaration of Independence really means and the price men were willing to pay to establish freedom for us all. Informative, inspirational, and something everyone should hear - especially on the 4th of July!

Digital Download Exclusive

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How THEY Did It

How THEY Did It

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Robert Jordan

Real-World Advice from Today’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs
$18,000,000,000 Ten people responsible for all those zeros are going to REVOLUTIONIZE your life. Their remarkable insights can uncover the greatest income-accelerator you have ever experienced! If you want to LAUNCH a company... If you OWN a company... If you RUN a company... If you are a MANAGER in a company... Or even if you simply WORK at a company... You need this information NOW. Turn your idea into a sustainable startup... Your business into a model of profitability and prosperity... And your career into a chronicle of endless advancements that demand top-dollar reward. They Did It...So YOU can do it too! Learn More
The Principles of Authentic Power

The Principles of Authentic Power

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Joe Caruso

Finding Strength, Meaning and Happiness in an Out-of-Control World
It seems the more we try to control the elements in our lives, the more out of control life becomes. Embarked on a quest to discover timeless truths about our spiritual and emotional existence, Find power in every situation, even if you don’t have control over it. Learn the Five Steps to Wisdom and how to make them work for you. Learn the Four Rules of Engagement and how to make connections that count. Discover that the best way to obtain happiness is to stop pursuing it. The present moment is all we really have, and learn how to live each and every moment to the fullest. Learn More
Yes! You Can Write

Yes! You Can Write

1 Regular Price: $169.95

Special Price $39.95

by Dr. Elizabeth Neeld

30th Anniversary Edition - Original Classic Unedited
Designed to produce increased results and satisfaction in writing. Whether we are writing a memo or a novel or a business plan, when we commit our thoughts to words on paper, we put out in the world what had not existed before. We make something. We takes pieces and make a whole. We make order out of things previously unconnected. And this writing bears our stamp. It is our presence and our influence and our power in the world. There are two very simple messages: First is that YOU are a writer and Second is that there is a way to write that is natural to the way your mind works. There is a sequence of things to do and ways to think that produce order out of chaos if you follow the proper sequence. Discover how to get started EVERY time you sit down to write, how to have fresh ideas on any subject, how to gauge what result your writing is going to produce, how to revise quickly and effectively, how to complete a piece of writing, and even how to break writer's block. You do want to write, and you deserve to get to write, make that dream come true. Learn More
The Power of Present Moment Awareness

The Power of Present Moment Awareness

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1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Shannon Duncan

How to Turn Ordinary Moments into Peak Experiences
The value of living in the present moment is easy to understand. But it can be very hard to actually make that happen. This is especially true in the midst of the stress and chaos of our everyday life that dominates so much of our time and saps so much of our energy. Bridging the gap between having an understanding of present moment awareness and truly opening to the experience of it. An engaging, accessible, down-to-earth exploration of the meaning and value of present moment awareness with his vast collection of simple, practical, immediately usable techniques, strategies, and exercises. The result is a program that makes one of the oldest, most fundamental, yet most elusive principles of spirituality readily accessible at last. Discover how to utilize your everyday experiences as profound teachers that can bring your life into progressively sharper focus and Show you how to open yourself to the lasting sense of peace and deep sense of gratitude for life that the present moment offers. It does this by helping you to see for yourself the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that stand in your way. This empowering understanding is the key to your freedom. Learn More
4 Stages of Greatness

4 Stages of Greatness

1 Regular Price: $149.95

Special Price $36.95

by Les Brown

Self-Awareness, Self-Approval, Self-Commitment and Self-Fulfillment
There is a tremendous effect that positive self-esteem has on a person's achievement in life. This powerful 4 lesson series, will takes you through four very vital stages of personal development: Self-Awareness, Self-Approval, Self-Commitment and Self-Fulfillment. Presenting techniques you can use to improve ALL your relationships, reduce tension and stress, set and pursue meaningful goals, affirm your basic worth, and develop a framework for expanding your personal power. For all those who want to stretch, create and change, explore, search, become, learn and grow... this program is for you. YOU MAY NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! Learn More
Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

1 Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price $14.95

by Les Brown

A series designed to help you realize your unique gifts and capitalize on them. Creatively dissecting the word "W.R.A.P." and giving it new meaning. "W" for the winner's mindset. "R" represents reinvent yourself. "A" is for accountability partners. "P" is for passion and perseverance. Following each message is a sequence of greatness strategies designed to help you improve your selling skills and capialize in a competitive sales environment. Get ready to expand you mind and increase your sales. Learn More
Its Not Over, Until You Win - It's Possible

Its Not Over, Until You Win - It's Possible

1 Regular Price: $99.95

Special Price $24.95

by Les Brown

Tell Your Fears It's Possible
Put on your seatbelt as the world's leading motivational speaker jolts inspiration, solutions, and empowerment into your life. This program is practical, entertaining, and will help you expand beyond your comfort zone. If you are looking at a challenge, just knowing It's Possible makes all the difference in how you will achieve your goals. This powerful program asks tough, uncomfortable questions and exposes personal failures and steps for victory. Get your most difficult goals and give the look of defeat a wink as you tell your fears It's Possible and you'll see that it's not over until YOU WIN! Learn More
It's Not Over, Until I Win

It's Not Over, Until I Win

1 Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price $14.95

by Les Brown

It's Possible
It's your time. Are you ready to take your life to another level? Are you ready to give birth to the greatness that you have within you? Are you ready for major breakthrough? Are you ready to become a diamond? From the Georgia Dome, in front of over 80,000 guests, this speech has produced more major superstars, more than any other motivational program on the planet. Think about a major goal you want to achieve. There are goals we can have in life, that we say from the beginning that we cannot accomplish. Time to be honest with yourself and maintain a sense of integrity with yourself. You know you have got to deliver, you know you have got to produce. Whatever that goal is that you have - It's Possible. Learn More
Dig Deeper and Go Further

Dig Deeper and Go Further

1 Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price $14.95

by Les Brown

Making it Through the Storms of Life
Prepare yourself to be amazed and receive a special treat. Les Brown reminds us of who we truly are, giving us a template to dig deeper and go further, empowering and motivating you towards action. Making it through the Storms of life, this empowering presentation speaks on real life. Shares his own personal storms and those of others. This powerful process helps us build strength to weather the hard times of life and make it to the other side. Making it in hard times. This is a must-have to gain an advantage in the times we now face. Real Solutions and Techniques for Real-Life Problems Learn More
The Courage To Live Your Dreams

The Courage To Live Your Dreams

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Les Brown

Discover How You Can Develop The Skills You Need To Live Your Dreams
How can you determine what’s going to happen tomorrow? What will your life be like? How many times have you had a great idea and you talked You out of it? You've got to start saying, 'yes' to your life, 'yes' to your dreams and 'yes' to your unfolding future. What you do today will determine what your tomorrows will bring. You are molding your tomorrow based on what you do today. You can determine what your future holds based on how much time and energy you spend working on yourself now. Find out what it is you want, and go after it as if your life depends on it. Why? Because it does. These specific strategies and techniques will help make you “unstoppable” as you develop the courage to live your dreams. Learn More
Great Ideas

Great Ideas

1 Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price $14.95

by Earl Nightingale

The Golden Age of Ideas
The excitingly phenomenal era in which we live has been called The Golden Age. It’s an apt description. During our lives more changes have occurred, more progress has been made than during any previous millennium in the development of man. It would be almost impossible to select the most important discovery in recent years, what would you choose? The jet engine, atomic energy, the new metal, synthetic fibers, rocket, satellites, transistors, the laser, television, plastics, antibiotics, computers, men on the moon, self-image psychology, mass communications, well the list goes on and on endlessly. And if reflection on the recent past is amazing, what about the near future? No one can say for sure what changes will come during the next 5 or 10 years. But they will come, and they’ll be amazing, even fantastic. The head of one of the largest corporations serving a term as professor at Columbia University recently said that the two most important areas of development in the future will be the collection of data for business and marketing, and the study of the motivation of people. Learn More
Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking

1 Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price $14.95

by Earl Nightingale

1950 Personal Development Message
Have you ever given much thought to the value of ideas? From less than worthless, they run the gamut all the way into the hundreds of billions of dollars. From the wheel to the zipper, fire to the home permanent, the bow and arrow to the H-bomb, electricity to the ion engine- each has been drawn from that bottomless riches of all minds, the brain of man. Everything you an I will ever had will come to us as the result of the way we use our minds. The one thing we possess that makes us different from all other creatures, and the highest function of which our minds are capable is to to Think Creatively. This is the kind of thinking that puts a fresh new face on the world, and all of our progress has come, nows comes and will come, as a result of creative thinking... Learn More
The Boss

The Boss

1 Regular Price: $9.95

Special Price $1.95

by Earl Nightingale

Why Your Customer is In Charge
This program could make a wonderful difference in your life. If you may already know about everything about it, you're a remarkable person, and you belong to the top 5% of all the working people in the world. Congratulations! If you don't know about this program, you may have been holding yourself back, not only on the job but you're also missing a big percentage of the greatest joy in life. This is about your boss and your relationship with them. How you handle this relationship will determine your success or failure. It will determine how much money you make or do not make, and it will determine whether you're a happy person or an unhappy person. Who is your boss? You have only one and every working person, from the president of the largest corporation to the shoeshine boy, has the same boss — they are simply the customer. Learn More
Power Habits

Power Habits

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Noah St. John

The New Science for Making Success Automatic
You know the ‘how-to’s’ of success, yet still aren’t making progress toward your goals. You gone to lots of personal development seminars and read tons of ‘shelf-help’ books yet still feel STUCK. The essential problem is that simply knowing how to succeed isn’t enough. Because if it were, we’d all be rich, happy and thin! The truth is that human achievement is created by the unconscious habits that drive your actions. Reaching your goals is like driving a car: your conscious desire to succeed is your ‘foot on the gas,’ while your unconscious desire to stay where you are, is your ‘foot on the brake.’ The result of more than three decades of study and experience, overhauling traditional personal development programs that focused on trying to change human behavior targeting your unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and desires in order to get your foot off the brake and put you on autopilot toward success. This life-changing program teaches you how to retrain your unconscious mind, unlock your hidden potential, and achieve measurable results in the following areas of life: Your relationships, Your self-confidence, Your finances, Your happiness. Learn More
The Power of Desire

The Power of Desire

1 Regular Price: $239.95

Special Price $39.95

by Jack M. Zufelt

Unleashing the Conquering Force Within You
If you’re not achieving at the highest level attainable in all areas of your life — right now — it’s time that you do. Turn all your dreams into realities. Optimism... visualization... affirmations... goals... positive mental attitude... none of these are enough to sustain you in your quest for success and happiness. But the Conquering Force is, once you know how to unbridle it. You start by pinpointing your innermost desires. Use your internal barometer to evaluate your desires and assign a score. Your burning, core desires will attain scores of 100. Then, by knowing which objectives score the highest, you can tap into your Conquering Force and go over the top. Even seemingly insurmountable odds won’t stand in your way any longer. Achievement in all areas of your life can become a reality. A richer family life. More meaningful relationships. Unlimited financial growth. An appreciation for the wealth of knowledge available to us all. Further development of your physical and spiritual self. The Conquering Force is within all of us. Guiding you to discover the wonderful thing that, up to now, seemed just beyond your reach: personal achievement in everything you do.
Now Available as a Digital Download Learn More
Finding Your WHY

Finding Your WHY

1 Regular Price: $199.95

Special Price $39.95

by Mike Rodriguez

Discover Your God-Given Purpose
The jobs we work at each week, the money we struggle to make, and the people we live to please, don’t ever seem to be enough. Material things in Life only fulfill us temporarily and will never help us become fully satisfied. When it comes to difficulties, we quickly learn that we aren’t even close to being equipped to deal with the major losses brought on by sudden tragedies. Sometimes it feels like there is no solid answer and that life leaves one big unanswered question; but there is an answer...Your WHY. The truth is: You were designed for a something greater, something more, but most of us are looking in the wrong places, for the wrong things, so we simply follow the wrong plans. There is a single and powerful answer to find fulfillment in your life and peace in your future. In fact, you have the ability to transform everything you thought you knew or believed to change your life outcome. God has a plan for you, but you must learn the truth in order to even understand or follow it. So, don’t give up, and don’t lose hope. Open your heart and your mind and make the commitment to start finding your WHY. Now it’s time to invest in you and let Mike Rodriguez share the single truth that is going to allow you to make the ultimate change in your life. Are you ready? Learn More
The Ultimate Roger Dawson Library

The Ultimate Roger Dawson Library

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Roger Dawson

Topics for Success
In this series of inspirational and idea-packed classic segments, you’ll also discover his remarkable ability to take incredibly complex ideas in the arena of business, deal-making, real estate, and personal success - and to distill those ideas down to simple, easy-to-understand language, delivered in the friendly easy-going manner that made Roger famous. The sessions that follow range in time from 1985 all the way to 2003. Our goal was to bring you all the classic segments, in their original form, which have been inspiring customers for decades. Learn More
The Ultimate Les Brown Library

The Ultimate Les Brown Library

1 Regular Price: $299.95

Special Price $39.95

by Les Brown

The Les Brown Story
A dynamic personality and highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. Yet, as Les himself makes clear in most all of his speeches, this incredible, highly influential speaker and leader came from much more humble beginnings. Addressing audiences from Denmark to Dubai, Canada to the Caribbean, Les Brown is invited back again and again for his powerful message and the ability to connect deeply with people from all walks of life. It isn’t just his great smile and his way with words that motivates people to take action like never before; when people face roadblocks or adversity it is the depth of his knowledge on achievement that creates lasting results. Les Brown’s straight-from-the-heart, passion and high-energy, motivates audiences to step beyond their limitations and into their greatness in many ways.

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The Unfiltered Truth

The Unfiltered Truth

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by Larry Winget

You Can Turn Your Life Around
Is your life a mess? Is your business a mess? Are you unhappy with some area in your life, whether is be physcial, mental, your business or your financial situation? If any one of those areas is a mess, what can be done to fix them? You can turn your life around, you can turn your business around. It is very simple, but most people make it complicated, most people want success to be hard. But you can fix your situation, you can turn it around. This series covers many important business and personal topics and you will get the straight talk about each of them, off-the-cuff and completely unfiltered. Use it in discussions with your family, use it simply for your own education or training for your staff and others.Remember that you can darm sure do better than you are doing right now, everyone can.

CD Version Coming Soon  

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The Story of Earl Nightingale and His Strangest Secret

The Story of Earl Nightingale and His Strangest Secret

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by Pam Nightingale

As Told by his daughter Pamela Nightingale
Earl Nightingale is the author of The Strangest Secret. He inspired millions of people, just like you, to set goals and find success. Join us on an incredible adventure through his astounding personal life as a poor barefoot boy, to being invited by the Queen of England to meet with her at Buckingham Palace. Listen and find out how Earl discovered The Strangest Secret, lived a great life doing it, and how you can too. Learn More
Life's A Pitch

Life's A Pitch

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by Bob Circosta

Understanding the Secrets to Selling From Television's Billion Dollar Man
Learn the Proven Formula That has Sold Over $1 BILLION in Products. Selling is pretty much what Bob Circosta has been doing for the last three decades. Not only was he TV's ORIGINAL Home Shopping host, but he also helped create the multi-billion dollar TV home shopping industry--from scratch. Now it's your turn: Packed with decades of experience and knowledge that can and will help you maximize your sales potential and ability to communicate your message--whatever it may be--to anybody, anywhere. Learn More
Sale New When Business Is Love

When Business Is Love

1 Regular Price: $219.95

Special Price $49.95

by Jan Ryde

The Spirit of Hästens―At Work, At Play, and Everywhere in Your Life
Listeners are invited on a transformative journey, tracing the evolution of Hästens from its humble beginnings to a beloved global brand. With Jon Hamm's engaging narration, the audiobook presents a compelling case for how love can be a powerful driving force in business, pushing listeners to ponder the motivational question that fuels the Hästens team: "How good do you want to have it?" This audiobook is not just a business narrative; it's an inspiring story about the power of love and passion in shaping a successful enterprise. Learn More
The Luck Factor

The Luck Factor

1 Regular Price: $239.95

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by Brian Tracy

How to Take the Chance Out of Becoming a Success
To some people, success is based on luck, a random whim of fate, a chance roll of the dice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Success, to a great extent, can be influenced by luck, but this is not to say that luck is an accident. Success and happiness are not accidents. By mastering the factors that influence luck, you can increase the probability that you will be in the right place at the right time to accomplish the things that are most important to you. You’ll be more successful than ever before — and people will call you lucky. Learn More

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