Awakening the Power of a Modern God CD Version

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Awakening the Power of a Modern God CD Version

Author: Gregg Braden


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7 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD

Unlock the Mystery and Healing of Your Spiritual DNA
Discover the ancient spiritual message that is encoded in your DNA … it’s the secret of your past, the promise of the future. Sometimes we find the solutions to life’s deepest mysteries in the most unlikely places. In hindsight, we often find that the most elusive answers were, in fact, right before our eyes. We simply didn’t recognize them.

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Discover the ancient spiritual message that is encoded in your DNA!

It's the secret of your past, the promise of the future

Sometimes we find the solutions to life's deepest mysteries in the most unlikely places. In hindsight, we often find that the most elusive answers were, in fact, right before our eyes. We simply didn't recognize them.

Awakening the Power of a Modern God: Unlock the Mystery and Healing of Your Spiritual DNA deciphers the great spiritual mystery of how we interact with the forces of creation. In this fascinating program, visionary and scholar Gregg Braden shares the life-changing discovery that led him from a successful career in aerospace and defense to an extensive 12-year study of the most sacred and honored traditions of humankind.

Crossing the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality, Gregg explores the hidden, but ongoing, dialogue we have with the world around us. His remarkable revelations will give new meaning to every experience and moment of your life.

First, Gregg cites study after study in which modern science is beginning to prove that there is a field of intelligence that permeates all creation. Second, he reveals recent scientific discoveries that prove that an aspect of this field of intelligence - the ancient name of God - is actually encoded in our DNA. In fact, our bodies were designed specifically to contain God's "spark." And third, he shows us that the ever-present field of intelligence, which is part of God, is continually communicating with us through "Five Mirrors."

These mirrors are reflections of the energy patterns you convey to the world - a feedback mechanism that allows you to recognize the messages you're sending to yourself. Through these mirrors you can discover the hidden relationships between the seemingly chance events that occur in your life each day and what those events are saying to you about your beliefs, fears, and judgments at a much deeper level.

In Awakening the Power of a Modern God, you will:

  • Discover what the message that is encoded in your DNA really means.

  • Awaken your godlike power to create the life you want for yourself and the world around you.

  • Discover tangible and unprecedented evidence that we are part of a greater existence.

  • Learn to "read" the silent language of God so you will understand what the moments of your life are saying to you.

  • Explore how the field of energy that forms our universe plays a direct role in your personal life every day.

  • Discover how to use the circumstances of your business, health, family, career, and romantic relationships as guides to become a better person and build a better world.

  • Realize that you don't have to live apart from the world to experience God - this energy is always with you and communicating with you.

This program presents a portrait of an ever-evolving God - and then it backs it up with a fascinating mix of modern science, case studies, spirituality, and personal stories. Unlike most "new age" products that simply dress up centuries-old concepts in new clothing, this program is truly a new understanding of God, and the spark of God that is literally within you!

Additional Information

NC Product ID 24041CD
UPC 081754240416
Contents 7 Audio CDs, Workbook on CD
Format CDs
