Stuart Wilde

He has written 11 books, including the very successful Taos Quintet, which are considered classics in their genre. The Taos Quintet consists of: Miracles, Affirmations, The Force, The Quickening, and The Trick to Money Is Having Some.His brilliance, irreverence, charisma, and extraordinary ability to communicate even the most mysterious and challenging spiritual concepts in a completely understandable way have earned him a loyal global following, as well as the respect and recognition of such esteemed spiritual leaders as Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Deepak Chopra.More than 20 years ago, Stuart turned away from a life of wealth and luxury in order to follow the path of spirit.
Since then, he has been a fearless, tireless spiritual warrior, investigating ever-further reaches of the spiritual realm and returning to share his discoveries with like-minded souls who yearn for an authentic experience of God and themselves.Stuart Wilde books have been translated into 12 languages and he is the author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant programs Developing Your Sixth Sense and Infinite Self.
Infinite Self
If you genuinely have a desire to experience the realm of consciousness beyond your everyday, business-as-usual life—to “transcend”— then Stuart Wilde wants to help you learn. A spiritual guide with an irreverent style, he can show you the profound along with the profoundly absurd. He can help you tap into your eternal nature, to pass through the doorway of perception that leads beyond your physical senses. Through his meditations and exercises, you can learn to feel more wonder, less fear, definitely less seriousness, and greater positive energy in every moment of your life. Learn More -
The Journey Beyond Enlightenment
Access and enter the MirrorWorld — a hyperdimensional reality that exists beyond the constraints of time, space, and intellect. A reality that lies just past the limits of ordinary vision. A reality that, once you enter it,will reveal the astonishing power of true, authentic spirituality. Learn More