Robert B. Stone, Laura Silva and Kain Samiya
Robert B. Stone, Ph.D. has published 16 books on health and over 60 how-to and inspirational books with more than three million copies in print worldwide. He is also the author of numerous magazine articles. As the Silva organization's Ambassador-at-Large, he introduced the Silva Method in Japan, New Zealand and Thailand and has travelled the world presenting seminars and workshops. A member of MENSA, he has been elected to the New York Academy of Science, and is one of the leading theosophical scientists in the world. Bob Stone has taught at the University of Hawaii on the Silva Method, self-hypnosis and right-brain activation. He is the author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program The Silva Method.Laura Silva is President of Silva International and the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the original Silva Mind Control Method. Born during the pinnacle of the Silva research on mind development, Laura was one of the primary research subjects which gave her extensive personal experience and insight into the creation and use of intuitive techniques.Laura has authored the book For Parents Only and guides people through the mental exercises in the highly successful Nightingale-Conant tape series on the Silva Method. She is the star of Nightingale-Conant's The Silva Method in Action video and one of the authors of the Universal Mind Power audiotape program also produced by Nightingale-Conant. More recently she has authored and produced the new best-selling Silva Life System distance learning course. She also presents Holistic Healing in Alternative and Complimentary Healing courses to nurses and doctors throughout the United States. For over 30 years, Laura has presented Silva programs to people of all ages, worldwide. A lively and dynamic presenter, Laura's personal dedication and warmth are conveyed to all who attend her seminars.Kain Samiya has received Silva's 'Special Achievement' awards during the 1997-2000 Silva Intl. Conventions, a 'Special Project' award and the 'Alpha Business' award. He became the first "Spiritual Healing" instructor, personally trained by Jose Silva, two weeks prior to his transitioning in 1999. Kain is a Silva Master and is also a master trainer. He is currently authorized to train people in the Silva Method Basic Lecture Series (BLS), Graduate (GLS), Spiritual Healing, and the Ultra courses. In addition to the above, Kain put together a brand new Advanced Silva course called the Silva Method Self-Healing Mind Program, which is being taught throughout the world.
The Silva Method Mastery Course
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