Sonia Choquette and Patrick Tully

She studied religion and metaphysics at the University of Denver and the Sorbonne, and is an ongoing student in Kabalistic literature. She is also a popular television and radio guest.Patrick Tully is an expert on the teaching and practice of meditation, stress-reduction, and self-hypnosis.
Having studied and trained for over 25 years, he has mastered the ability to assist people in moving through the troubled waters of the mind and into the sanctuary of one's true inner self.Sonia Choquette and Patrick Tully merge to create a wonderful Nightingale-Conant program called Your Psychic Pathway.
Your Psychic Pathway
All people are endowed with an amazing psychic ability. This natural gift can give us the power to expand our awareness, reconnect to our Higher Intelligence, and discover a personal pathway to our souls. Beyond logic, beyond the ordinary, exists a whole world of Higher Knowledge just waiting to be tapped. You will finally unravel the secret mysteries of your mind, and use your discoveries to create a life of immeasurable spiritual freedom and fulfillment. Learn More -
True Balance
Do you have days when things just seem to be off? Do you have physical ailments you’d like to heal? Do you doubt yourself at times, or feel a restlessness within? Are you searching to understand yourself more deeply? People often look to others for guidance to help them with these issues, such as their doctor, therapist, clergy, a psychic, parent, teacher, or friend. Yet when they do, they may find that they’ve been looking in the wrong place. Instead of looking outside yourself for the answers, it’s time to look within. Your body has seven spiritual centers, called chakras, which need to be balanced in order for your life to be in balance. Each chakra corresponds to certain physical, emotional, and psychological needs. And if a chakra is out of balance, all kinds of symptoms can occur — ranging from low self-esteem to fearfulness to a lack of faith. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to bring your chakras back into balance. Get to know the seven centers of your soul. Learn More