Richard Koch

Richard is currently an investor-director of Betfair, the world's largest betting exchange, which is by far the largest European Internet business and is growing at more than 10 percent each month. He also advises private equity groups in Europe and South Africa.
He is the author of 13 books, including The 80/20 Principle, which has sold over half a million copies and has been translated into 23 languages. His latest book is The 80/20 Individual: The Nine Essentials of 80/20 Success at Work.
The 80/20 Principle
You’ve heard about it in other audio programs, you’ve read about it in business and personal development books, and you’ve heard countless people refer to the pesky “Pareto Principle” and how it greatly affects our lives – but do you actually know how it works? By concentrating on the few things that do matter, we can unlock the enormous potential of the central 20 percent and multiply our happiness and fulfillment. Learn More -
The Ultimate Self-Discipline Library
When the vast majority of people encounter obstacles to their goals, or difficulties on the journey of life, they tend to put their focus on things that they cannot control, things outside of themselves - rather than turning inward, taking responsibility and conquering the self. That process of conquering the self is another name for that priceless quality of personality we call self-discipline. And, in this priceless collection of great ideas you will be provided with all of the essential tools of self-discipline to conquer the self in every major arena of life. Learn from some of the best ideas on self-discipline published by Nightingale-Conant over the past 50 years. Learn: How to build self-disciplined habits; How to develop beliefs that support a self-disciplined life; How to be disciplined in several areas of your life; And you’ll learn how discipline can even help you savor the fruits of your labor. You’ll find that self-discipline can be an exciting adventure where you steer your life in the direction you want to go. Learn More