The FlexBrain Method

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The FlexBrain Method

Author: Nightingale Learning Systems


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by Nightingale Learning Systems

Stimulate Your Mind and Energize Your Life
A thoroughly interactive, “brains-on” program designed to substantially improve your brain functioning right now and to keep your brain on an upward track of growth, expansion, and strength for the rest of your life. Don’t sit back and let time, age, and genetics decide what will happen to your mind. The real determining factor in how sharp your brain is now and how sharp it will remain -is YOU: Your lifestyle. Your attitudes. And, most especially, the choices you make, the habits you practice, and the small and large actions you take every single day. Strengthen your brain, increase your intelligence, and even prevent mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, with just five minutes of “brain flexing” a day! Based on the very latest research into brain function, memory retention, and neurological health, take control of your mental fitness now, improve your performance in every area of your life—for the rest of your life!


Stimulate your mind, energize your body, and maintain a super-sharp intellect for the rest of your life!

Strengthen your brain, increase your intelligence, and prevent mental decline with just five minutes of “brain flexing” a day!

Based on the very latest research into brain function, memory retention, and neurological health, The FlexBrain Method is a thoroughly interactive, “brains-on” audio program designed to substantially improve your brain functioning right now and to keep your brain on an upward track of growth, expansion, and strength for the rest of your life.

Each session of The FlexBrain Method weaves together fascinating information on how your mind works, with built-in exercises to keep your brain stimulated and engaged at a deep level and with quick “neurobic workouts” designed to optimize specific brain functions in just a few minutes.

You’ll learn how to improve your memory, increase your mental agility and more, by making simple yet carefully targeted changes to the way you do ordinary, everyday things, such as brush your teeth, set your alarm clock, start your car, write your to-do list, and even sit in a restaurant.

And that’s not all! In the 12 sessions of The FlexBrain Method, you will discover:

  • If your diet is dooming you to brain deterioration later in life

  • The single best and worst things you can do for your brain

  • An easy way to reduce your risk of dying from heart disease by 40%

  • How to become WHO you think about

  • 5 supplements proven to increase neural connections in the brain

  • The secret to building muscle strength without ever moving a muscle

  • A do-anywhere exercise that acts as a natural tranquilizer

  • Why you don’t ever have to experience stress again

  • Foods that are proven to increase your ability to focus and concentrate

  • And so much more!

Take control of your mental fitness now and maintain it forever, with this groundbreaking system that will expand your memory, make you smarter and sharper, and improve your performance in every area of your life — for the rest of your life!

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NC Product ID 25770
UPC non-inv-25770
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