Michael Wickett
Michael Wickett is equally adept at building successful internal relationships throughout companies, revealing how to establish the sort of winning teams that share in a new, powerful type of communication that enables everyone at every level to understand each others needs.Remarkably, Michael Wickett is also a leading authority on building effective sales skills, a recognized expert on handling objections, building new and valuable questioning and listening skills and mastering closing techniques that lead to successful sales. Mike Wickett is also the author of one of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant programs - It's All Within Your Reach.
The Power of Perseverance MP3 Version
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Have you ever written down a goal? As you were writing it, did you hear two voices in your head? One voice saying: "That's it. I'm going to change my life!" "You can have it if you work for it!" Then the other saying: "Don't be a fool; you'll lose everything." "Forget It. That's ridiculous." The first voice is the positive voice of your dream; the other is the voice of current reality. The second voice sees only the present and the past (which no longer exists)... but the first sees the future as it could be.Digital Download Exclusive
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It's All Within Your Reach MP3 Version
1 Regular Price: $169.95
Special Price $39.95
Yes, dare to dream big dreams! And more importantly, turn those dreams into reality. Michael Wickett will prove to you in this powerful Nightingale-Conant program It's All Within Your Reach: How to Live Your Dreams - that it is all within your reach. Michael has turned his own vision into reality… climbing from the depths of dissatisfaction and despair to the top of his profession, helping countless others along the way.Digital Download Exclusive
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The Power of Communication and Persuasion Digital Download
1 Regular Price: $139.95
Special Price $33.95
No matter who you are or what you do, when you can communicate with confidence and persuade with power, the rich rewards of life will be yours. The skills you're about to learn will allow you to advance in the workplace, earn more money, win more respect, and make lasting friends. Once you learn these skills there's no limit for how far you can go.Digital Download Exclusive
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The Silva Ultramind ESP System
You are entitled to every success, happiness and fulfillment you can dream of. We were sent here with a job to do and the resources to fulfill that task. So why, then, do so many people not receive the things in life that they are naturally entitled to and deserve? The answer is a simple one – they are not aware of the help that is available to them. Learn a series of specific self-management techniques to help you overcome any impediments to your happiness and be better equipped to carry out your life’s mission. Once you are headed in the right direction, the Silva techniques you learn will keep you on the path to success and fulfillment. And may the rest of your life be the best of your life! Learn More