Michael LeBoeuf, Ph.D. "Fortune 500" corporations, small businesses and professional practices'companies of all sizes turn to Michael LeBoeuf for advice. He is an internationally published business author, consultant, and professional speaker and seminar leader. In addition to these roles, Michael LeBoeuf is Professor Emeritus of management at the University of New Orleans where he taught for twenty years.
You may also be familiar with Dr. LeBoeuf as a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows throughout the U.S.A. His latest book is
Fast Forward: How to Win a Lot More Business in a Lot Less Time. Other books by Dr. LeBoeuf include
The Productivity Challenge and
Getting Results! The Secret to Motivating Yourself and Others (formerly titled
The Greatest Management Principle in the World)'a dual main selection for the Fortune Book Club, and serialized in
Success magazine. Nightingale-Conant audio programs by LeBoeuf include:
Working Smarter: How to Get More Done in Less Time and
Getting Results!