Laura Silva, Gerald Seavey and Marilou Seavey

She is the director of instructor training for Silva International and president of Silva 2000. She is the author of the book For Parents Only and appears on the Nightingale-Conant audio program The Silva Method: Tapping the Secrets of the Mind for Total Self-Mastery.
Gerald Seavey travels the world teaching the Silva Method post-graduate programs. He is the chairman of the board for Silva 2000 and the president of Jerico, Inc., conducting 'Quality of Life' wellness seminars for emergency room doctors and nurses. He is also the founder of Trilogy Seminars, a research, consulting, and educational development company.
Marilou Seavey is vice president of Silva 2000. A Silva Method lecturer for over 17 years, Marilou designs and presents seminars in schools, businesses, and the public based on the Silva Method and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). She is also the author of many meditation, hypnosis, and motivational tapes.
Universal Mind Power
Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so much more, to become so much more, while others remain creatures of habit, blown aimlessly by the winds of fate? Develop your psychological, emotional, and spiritual qualities for the purpose of living your ideal life. These are not just surface or material modifications, but a deep transformation at the core of your being, where deep and lasting change takes place. Begin developing your mind power today with the Silva Method, and soon you will be living your life to the fullest, discovering all you can become—and more! Learn More