Howard Martin

As HeartMath's key instructor, Howard has been instrumental in developing and teaching HeartMath to thousands of program participants. He has conducted training programs in numerous government agencies, all four branches of the U.S. military, school systems and many ecumenical organizations.
Howard has appeared on ABC Good Morning America, A&E's Open Book, Discovery Channel Beyond 2000, KABC-TV New York, WGN-TV Chicago, KABC radio Los Angeles, and hundreds of others. Howard's articles have appeared in New York Newsday, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, US News and World Report, New Woman magazine, First for Women magazine, Muscle and Fitness magazine.
Doc Childre's HeartMath Method
You’ll take one of the most exciting, thrilling explorations you will ever take, a journey that will bring more fulfillment and wonder than you have ever imagined, and open doors that you never even knew existed— a journey into your own inner heart. As you venture into your heart and discover your other intelligence that resides there— your heart intelligence— you will connect with its potent energy and begin to trust its power to create the life you are truly meant to live. You will know that your most reliant guide, your most loyal ally, and your truest source of wisdom and power reside not in your mind alone, but deep within you— right in the very center of your being— in your heart. Learn More