Harvey Mackay

Mackay holds a B.A. from the University of Minnesota, is a graduate of the Stanford Executive program in the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and holds an honorary Doctor of Law Degree from Iowa Wesleyan College. He is a chairman and chief executive officer of Mackay Envelope Corporation.
Harvey is an internationally sought-after public speaker who has addressed Fortune 500 companies and corporate leaders around the world. He has also delivered addresses at numerous educational institutions including Harvard, Stanford, and Cornell universities. Swim With The Sharks without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt are both audio cassette programs available from Nightingale-Conant.
Swim With the Sharks
OUTSELL by getting appointments with people who absolutely, positively do not want to see you, and then making them glad they said “yes”!; OUT-MANAGE by arming yourself with information on prospects, customers, and competitors, using a system called the Mackay 66; OUT-MOTIVATE by using his insights to help yourself or your kids join the ranks of America’s 1 million millionaires; OUT-NEGOTIATE by knowing when “to smile and say no” and when to “send in the clones” Learn the tool for gathering information about customers: personal information, business background, special interests, lifestyle, their business needs, and the nature of your relationship with them. In today’s impersonal word, the human touch has never been more decisive. Learn More -
How to Build a Network of Power Relationships
Success in business and in life is embodied in the interpersonal relationships we make. Time-tested tips and techniques for building power relationships that will last a lifetime. Success doesn’t happen by accident. The habits of success must be learned and practiced until they become permanent. Developing people skills, personality, and the ability to communicate will change your life for the better, forever. Learn More