Guy Finley

In spite of Guy's growing good fortune early in his career, he still felt something was missing in his life. And so, in 1979 he left for India and the Far East to investigate the true nature of success through a new and higher understanding of himself. Guy has appeared on more than 100 national and local programs and is currently West Coast director of Success Without Stress.
Relationship Magic
In the classic fairytale, Sleeping Beauty is awakened from her deep sleep by the magical “kiss” of Prince Charming. So, too, can our romantic relationships serve to stir us awake — so that we may experience a deeper, truer sense of ourselves, as well as touch and be touched by a higher, divine love that can be realized in no other way. Nothing in our lives makes us ask more important questions of ourselves than do our relationships with significant others, especially in those unsteady moments with someone we care for. Offering new knowledge and specific actions needed to build the type of relationship very few men and women ever experience; one that is never stagnant, but always fresh, spontaneous, affectionate, incorruptible — and above all, truly loving. You will discover how to use the challenging, bad and hurtful moments with your partner to strengthen, deepen and even reinvigorate the love between you. That’s the relationship magic: being able to transform the straw that broke the camel’s back into a nugget of Gold that enriches both of you at the same time. A profound set of reliable, heart-healing principles that once put into practice will heal the hurts and misunderstandings that lie at the root of most relationship problems. Finley shares personal examples, helpful teaching stories, and new insights along with key lessons, thought-provoking Q&As and practical exercises that can elevate any relationship from mundane to miraculous. Experience the alchemical magic of waking up together on a journey towards a new and higher kind of love that transcends any differences or issues. When it comes to love, all things are possible. Learn More -
The Secret of Letting Go
The Secret of Letting Go is A proven gateway to vast new horizons of limitless living. On this journey of a lifetime, you'll discover the greatness of who you really are, revealing the ageless, proven gateway to these vast new horizons of limitless living. If you take this journey of a lifetime, you’ll discover the greatness of who you really are. Nothing is required of you but your willingness to acknowledge that you want something more. The rest will be done for you! Learn More