Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D, Diane V. Cirincione, Ph.D

Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., is a child and adult psychiatrist, a graduate of Stan-ford Medical School, and a former faculty member of the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco. He is the pioneer Founder of Attitudinal Healing. In 2005, he was the recipient of the prestigious Excellence in Medicine – Pride in the Profession Award from the American Medical Association for his widespread, groundbreaking cross-cultural, work. In 1975, he established the original Center for Attitudinal Healing (CAH), where children, adolescents, and adults with life-threatening illnesses and grief and loss found peace of mind through the first Peer Support Group Model that transformed them and their families. Today, there are independent Centers for Attitudinal Healing innovating Atti-tudinal Healing in all aspects of life’s challenges in dozens of countries on five continents.

Diane V. Cirincione, Ph.D., is an internationally known lecturer and author as well as an entrepreneur with 40 years business experience. In addition to her B.S. degree in Organizational Behavior, she holds a masters in Counseling Psychology and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. She serves on numerous boards, including the World Business Academy. She is President of the Jampolsky Outreach Foundation and Co-Founder with Dr. Jampolsky of Attitudinal Healing International, an educational and support organization working with and mentoring independent Centers for Attitudinal Healing, as well as other organ-izations adapting this work globally. The couple are co-authors of numerous bestselling books and audio programs. They have been invited to lecture and consult together for more than 35 years in 60 countries, where they have received numerous international awards. Both are mem-bers of the adjunct faculty of the John A. Burns School of Medicine – University of Hawaii.

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    You can live each day in a state of calm and serenity, accepting love and allowing yourself to be in harmony with the energies of the universe. And it’s easy. Through the techniques you’ll learn with Dr. Gerald Jampolsky and Dr. Diane Circincione, you can quickly and easily achieve the peace of a Quiet Mind. Learn More
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