Eric Plasker, D.C.

He's sold more than half a million copies of his health and wellness guides, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs, and related materials, which have been translated and distributed in more than fourteen countries.In just five years, Dr. Plasker's wellness messages and products have reached millions OF people around the world. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Longevity Solution
People are living longer than ever before. In fact, centenarians —people who live to 100 or older — are one of the world’s fastest growing segments of the population. And, while your parents and grandparents may have been blindsided by their longevity — and suffered for it — that doesn’t have to happen to you. Aging can be a good thing — the opportunity to realize all of your dreams and establish a remarkable legacy — if you prepare for it. Learn More -
The Ultimate Self-Discipline Library
When the vast majority of people encounter obstacles to their goals, or difficulties on the journey of life, they tend to put their focus on things that they cannot control, things outside of themselves - rather than turning inward, taking responsibility and conquering the self. That process of conquering the self is another name for that priceless quality of personality we call self-discipline. And, in this priceless collection of great ideas you will be provided with all of the essential tools of self-discipline to conquer the self in every major arena of life. Learn from some of the best ideas on self-discipline published by Nightingale-Conant over the past 50 years. Learn: How to build self-disciplined habits; How to develop beliefs that support a self-disciplined life; How to be disciplined in several areas of your life; And you’ll learn how discipline can even help you savor the fruits of your labor. You’ll find that self-discipline can be an exciting adventure where you steer your life in the direction you want to go. Learn More