Don Richard Riso
Don Richard Riso is a pioneering teacher, researcher and author in Enneagram studies. President of the Enneagram Personality Types, Inc. in New York City, and Founding Director of the International Enneagram Association, he holds a M.A. from Stanford University.
He is the most published writer in the field, and his books are now the standard references, especially Personality Types and Understanding the Enneagram. He has appeared on scores of radio and television programs and has taught the Enneagram internationally.
He is the most published writer in the field, and his books are now the standard references, especially Personality Types and Understanding the Enneagram. He has appeared on scores of radio and television programs and has taught the Enneagram internationally.
The Power Of The Enneagram MP3 Version
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Your happiness and success depend directly on your "people skills" - how well you get along with others, and how well you really know yourself. Now you can use a remarkable tool for evaluating your own personality and the personalities of your friends, family members, clients and co-workers. It's called the Enneagram, an ancient geometric figure that delineates the nine basic personality types of human nature. Learn More