Denis Waitley

His best-selling books and audio programs include: The Psychology of Winning, Seeds of Greatness, , The New Dynamics of Winning, The Seven Sacred Truths, The Winner's Edge and Empires of the Mind.Denis Waitley books, tapes, and teaching have been experienced by millions of people ' from the most successful major corporations, to small entrepreneurial businesses, to individual families.
Denis Waitley travels the country telling the Michael Dell story, gained from his personal experience with Dell Computers, one of the most successful business models in recent history. He's created leadership programs for the U.S. Navy,participated in conventions with Bell South and DuPont and delivered keynote speeches for multinational financial service companies, healthcare providers, and universities. He delivered his legendary mental training for Olympians during the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.In addition to his popularity in the United States, Denis Waitley is one of the most prominent high performance coaches in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Latin America, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and China.
Denis Waitley has had the #1 best-selling business books, in the Chinese language, for over a decade.Gain from the knowledge in Denis' books and audio programs and move toward achieving your full potential.
Empires Of The Mind
Opportunities for a self-managing, self-starter have never been better. Your most valuable assets today are your abilities to use your mind to access, communicate, and creatively evaluate information. In a society in which the main commodity is becoming information, it’s not your status that matters, but what you know and how quickly you can learn. This blueprint for the new millennium and action plan for inventiveness and integrity on the new, more level playing fields of the modern workplace. Learn More -
The Power of Resilience
When times are tough and you feel as if you’ve hit a wall financially, or in your career, maybe with a new business, or in a relationship, do you bounce right back, get up off the mat? Or do you take a nose dive? By implementing the principles of resiliency that you’ll learn in this program, you’ll gain more confidence and feel virtually invincible! Learn More -
The Seven Sacred Truths
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
To gain wisdom, we must gain an understanding of our own minds and hearts.This program will help you do exactly that. The Seven Sacred Truths will help give you a set of priorities that you can live by. You'll learn what is truly important in life. Learn More -
How to Build Your Child's Self-Esteem
1 Regular Price: $199.95
Special Price $29.95
In How to Build Your Child's Self-Esteem, Denis Waitley clearly describes the many telltale signs of low self-esteem so you'll more quickly know when children are depressed or overly critical of themselves. You'll not only recognize the warning signs, but also know exactly how to counteract the situation. Learn More -
The New Dynamics of Goal Setting
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
The New Dynamics of Goal Setting will not only put you on track toward achieving your success, but it will help you remain flexible and focused no matter how your career changes, no matter what obstacles or opportunities may confront you. Using the Flextactics System, this program is designed for high-performance individuals like you, who know your primary goals in life and want to learn new strategies that will help you reach them. Flextactics helps you see the future as a great adventure, welcoming change and thriving on challenge. Learn More -
How to Handle Conflict and Manage Anger
Life is too complex for anyone to expect to exist in a perennial state of harmony and bliss. The reality is that in the daily push and pull of our lives, there are many sources of conflict and anger. Despite the negative image, however, conflict and anger need not erupt in disaster. They can often be opportunities for developing new skills, furthering personal improvement, and growing toward full potential. But you must take advantage of them. Learn More -
Seeds of Greatness:
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
In Seeds of Greatness, Denis Waitley shows you how to nurture the greatness within you and gives you a system that allows you to do in months what many psychologists take years to accomplish. Denis outlines what he believes to be 10 attributes, or seeds, that can lead to a fulfilling life. Learn More -
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $39.95
The Subliminal Winner
Effortlessly program your mind for automatic success. Using state-of-the-art sound technology that incorporates empowering subliminal messages into harmonious music or relaxing ocean sounds, this highly-effective audio program, The Subliminal Winner, will automatically train your mind toward more positive, productive patterns of thought and behavior. — Become the subliminal winner you've always wanted to be and achieve a more positive productive life! Learn More -
The Psychology of Winning
Imagine there are five seconds left to play, your team is down by one point and the ball is in your hands. Thousands of people are cheering. It’s your chance to win. It’s a moment you’ve worked for all your life. Imagine the feeling. Is it too much pressure? Or is it tremendous excitement? Learn More