Dr. Deepak Chopra

Dr. Deepak ChopraIn 1985, Deepak Chopra left a successful and highly regarded position as chief of staff at The New England Memorial Hospital in Stoneham, Massachusetts, in order to dedicate his life to expanding the impact and effectiveness of conventional medicine. Today he is nationally recognized in the holistic health field for popularizing Ayurveda, India's ancient system of natural healing and one of the fastest forms of alternative treatment in America.

Through his extensive research and teachings-he has taught at Tufts and Boston University Medical Schools-Dr. Chopra has discovered practical and achievable skills that enable people to take control of their lives, remain more robust and youthful as they age, and access the body's unlimited natural pharmacy-the keys to perfect health and total well-being.

Dr. Deepak Chopra is the author of several audio books including Ageless Body-Timeless Mind, Magical Mind-Magical Body and The Higher Self.Deepak Chopra has written over 70 books which includes 21 New York Times bestsellers. His books have been translated into 35 languages and have sold more than 20 million copies. Receiving many awards, including the Oceans Award, the Cinequest Life of a Maverick Award, Humanitarian Starlite Award and the GOI Peace Award, Dr. Deepak Chopra has been recognized by countless organizations.Deepak Chopra was born in New Delhi, India.

His father, Krishan Chopra was a prominent Indian cardiologist and a lieutenant in the British army. His parental grandfather was a sergeant in the British army, who looked to Ayurveda for treatment. Deepak's younger brother, Sanjiv, is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. 

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra

Discover the Power of Meaningful Coincidence to Manifest Abundance in Your Life
From time to time, we’ve all experienced coincidences that seem to be endowed with a special meaning or significance, and that appear to defy the laws of probability. For the most part, these coincidences seem amusing or insignificant. These moments of meaningful coincidence are defined as “Synchronicity.” A Synchronicity is a coming together of seemingly unrelated events. Once you master the principles of SynchroDestiny, you’ll be able to use your new found power to manifest abundance in every area of your life. Much like a powerful magnet, you will begin to attract material wealth, emotional well-being, spiritual fulfillment, and a deep awareness of your life’s true meaning and purpose. This mind-opening program will change the way you perceive the world forever and show you how to harness this cosmic power. Use the Power of the Universe to guide Your destiny and change your destiny! Learn More
Magical Mind, Magical Body

Magical Mind, Magical Body

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra

Mastering the Mind/Body Connection for Perfect Health and Total Well-Being
Ayurveda, the 6,000-year-old system of healing from the East, was a system of health care that actually treated the whole person — a system whose guiding principle is that the mind exerts the deepest influence on the body. It has an interestingly simple approach. Ayurveda teaches that the only thing you need in order to enjoy good health and boundless bliss is balance in your life. That’s the key. Balance is the one thing that makes perfect health and total well-being possible. Here’s how it works... Illness comes from being out of balance, and wellness returns when you get back in balance. Stay balanced and you’ll experience ecstasy, joy, and connectedness. And your mind will acquire an awesome power. Discover the Life-Giving Powers You Now Possess! A Perfect Balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit Is Your Birthright. The key lies in your mind — which has much more power than you ever realized possible. Learn More
Training the Mind, Healing the Body

Training the Mind, Healing the Body

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Simon

A Complete Course for Holistic Health and Well Being
Mind body medicine has been revolutionizing the way we think about our health. Millions of people are discovering that their thoughts, their feelings, and their physical well being are intimately connected - and this is transforming the way we eat, exercise, work, and even relate to one another. Since the time of the ancient Greeks, Western medicine has looked at the body from a materialistic perspective, and approached every problem with a material-based solution such as drugs and surgery. It's become evident that if we want to change who we are, we need to simply move in new directions, open our experiences to new interpretations, and awaken our senses to the new perceptions that await us. Offering a uniquely comprehensive approach to all aspects of the mind body connection and a vision of what good health means and how to place it within the reach of every human being, this program is the full realization of that vision. Learn More
The Ultimate Deepak Chopra Collection

The Ultimate Deepak Chopra Collection

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra

The Healing Power of ONE
Each Session of this comprehensive library offers you the best of what Dr. Chopra has to offer on topics such as the five sensory healing techniques; the three body types and how each can gain greater health and vitality; the transforming power of following your spiritual purpose; the role of karma in healing; Ayurveda techniques on how to cure life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease; uncovering your soul’s true nature; and awakening your body’s own personal pharmacy through powerful meditations and practical exercises. Learn More
The Spirit of Success

The Spirit of Success

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by Marianne Williamson and Dr. Deepak Chopra

Consciousness & The Economy
Powerful and unique, recorded live in front of a sold-out audience, you’re presented solutions to some of the toughest challenges at this time in our generation. Taking you through an in-depth understanding of consciousness as a field of infinite possibilities, infinite creativity, infinite energy, and infinite abundance. Promises to be intellectually stimulating and spiritually uplifting, grounded in both metaphysics and science, while teaching you how to reinvest yourself and your business or career, respond appropriately to any challenge you face, and reactivate the spirit of success. Learn More
The Higher Self

The Higher Self

1 Regular Price: $269.95

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra

The Magic of Inner and Outer Fulfillment
On this amazing adventure through the realm of your own spirituality and the science of the 21st Century, you'll learn how modern science has rejected the notion of a reality we can see, hear, taste and touch...how physical matter isn’t really solid at all...that reality changes with the viewpoint of the observer...that, in fact, reality is more like a viewpoint than a thing. Most of us tend to assume that body and spirit are at opposite ends of the spectrum. But according to the discoveries of quantum physics, the body is actually a swirling mass of constantly changing energy. It has more in common with what we think of as “spirit” than what we think of as matter. It is the “you” behind all of the defenses and images you have created for yourself...the you that really knows why you are here, what it is you need, and how you can get it. Learn More
Journey to the Boundless

Journey to the Boundless

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by Dr. Deepak Chopra

Exploring the Intimate Connection Between Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Modern science tells us that we live in a universe with no edges in space, with no beginning or ending in time. Eastern wisdom says we have a universe within ourselves as profound, as infinite, as timeless as the world outside. Unbounded freedom permeates everything and yet we continue to live our lives as prisoners of fragmented values—prey to disease, unhappiness, and caught in the web of time. With this live seminar, break free of these conceptual boundaries and step into the boundless, which is pure potentiality, pure creativity, pure freedom, and pure joy. Using a unique style of spirituality, practicality, and humor, learn to understand that the connection between ourselves and our environment, we must first understand the intimate connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Learn More

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